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1.According to Nixon, what sorts of freedoms did Americans enjoy and value? Why had the American system proven superior to the Soviet one?

1.According to Nixon, what sorts of freedoms did Americans enjoy and value? Why had the American system proven superior to the Soviet one?

Betty Friedan wrote of "the problem that has no name." What was this problem, and how, in her view, was it the product of a society that stifled the freedom of women?

2.In theory, a Supreme Court decision prohibiting segregation in interstate transportation should have desegregated facilities in the South.  But the federal government had not enforced the ruling. What explains the indifference of the federal government, and what was the freedom riders' strategy for prodding the government to enforce the Constitution?

One of the things that drew national attention the Freedom Riders was their diverse make-up: mean and women, black and white, integrated the bus stations with their presence.  In the first wave of riders there were a handful of experienced activists, but a large number of the freedom riders were college students?  Why do you think so many college students took part in the rides?

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