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References: A minimum of 3 references are required, 1 of which should be Scholarly/Academic in nature and found in the CSU Library. You should these sources to support your analysis and to supplement

References: A minimum of 3 references are required, 1 of which should be Scholarly/Academic in nature and found in the CSU Library. You should these sources to support your analysis and to supplement any information that is not contained in the journal article. APA formatting should be used for citations and references.

Details: Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion during a social situation are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years.

Find a peer-reviewed journal article concerning research that specifically examines motivation and emotion during a social situation. You will be critiquing the article and framing the research and conclusions presented in the article in the context of how they can be applied to behavior and social psychology.

Once you have chosen your article about motivation and emotion, you will write an article critique. Frame the research and conclusions presented in the article in the context of how they can be applied to behavior and social psychology as you address each of the following:

Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.

  • Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others.
  • Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation. (If your article does not address this detail, you may need to conduct more research using the CSU Library or other professional resources.)
  • Examine the article's generalizability to various areas of psychology.
  • Based on the material presented in this article or what you have learned in previous units, do you think social influences impact methods people use to solve problems and make decisions? Explain your rationale.
  • Relate how one theory of cognitive development (e.g., Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s) applies to the social influence on motivation or emotion and give a real-world example to illustrate your rationale.
  • Which of the nine types of intelligences in Gardner’s Theory is supported by the article or employed in social situations?

In addition, your article critique should clearly identify the article's premise and present an insightful and thorough analysis.

A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Ultimate database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the CSU Online Library homepage.

For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this tutorial How to Search in PsycARTICLES useful.

Submission: Save the submission as a Word document and upload the document to Blackboard.

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