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1. DropBox For Discussion Question #1 for Chapter 2 Chapter two provides an overview of decision-making behavior. Choose ONE of the following questions, and respond. a. What social forces influen

1. DropBox For Discussion Question #1 for Chapter 

Chapter two provides an overview of decision-making behavior. Choose ONE of the following questions, and respond.

a.      What social forces influence decisions in schools?

b.      How do district and school climate, and especially the element of culture, influence decisions?

c.      How does understanding decision behavior affect your acceptance of data-based decision-making?

For this discussion, make sure you:

  • Begin your response with the specific question (from above) you are addressing.
  • Your response should include information from the textbook and your thoughts/reflections (based on your experiences) related to the question you selected.

      2. Discussion Question #2

Educators' attitudes about Data-Driven Decision Making can vary. In your initial post, you need to discuss:

a.      What are the overall attitudes you have observed on making data-driven decisions?

  1. Based on what you have learned thus far about the real meaning of data-based decision-making, what is the greatest misconception when educators hear "data?"

3. Discussion Week 10

Students, you have worked hard in this class. I hope you have learned a great deal about the Data-Driven Decision-Making side of being an administrator. There is no need to respond to other classmates.  Simply answer the questions listed below.

a.      Tell me something that you learned for the first time in this class, or something that you had         a moment of revelation or insight was gained.

b.      How will the information within this class help you as a practicing administrator?

c.      Share suggestions on how the course could be improved for future students.


LINK TO VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WLcm0pe_bg 


View the two attached video clips. First, watch the video of Rebecca Dufour as she details the four questions that should guide the work of professional learning communities.

Next, view the video of a small group of teachers who are actually working in a professional learning community. Pay attention to which of Dufour's guiding questions are addressed in the PLC video. For the discussion, explain how these teachers are discussing/addressing one of the guiding questions. Also, discuss how the teachers' conversation relates to the guiding question/s. Finally, what is effective about this PLC, and what practices could possibly be improved to increase the value of these teachers' time? 

Use your textbook and other scholarly sources to support your entry. Remember, use APA 7th edition format, and use it correctly. If necessary, refer to the APA MANUAL.

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