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1.    In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.  

1.    In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

2.      Explain how 1983 suits can have a significant impact on the day-to-day operation of state and local prisons and jails.

3.      Why has the women's movement pursued rights through the courts and not through legislation, ballot referenda, or some other channel?

4.      Your state's legislature has introduced legislation allowing pregnant females to have their newborn infants remain with them until the infant reaches 6 months old. As the warden, do you support or oppose this legislation? Explain your answer in depth.

5.      Thinking Critically about Corrections - Aging Prison Population and Costs)

6.    What challenges do elderly inmates pose for correctional institutions?

7.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of releasing elderly inmates from prison?

8.You are a correctional officer who has been assigned to work in a geriatric prison in your state. After working in the geriatric prison for one year, you are asked to give a presentation on the purpose and advantages of geriatric prisons and hospice programs to fellow correctional officers who do not support hospice and age segregation for prisoners. What do you tell them in your presentation?

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* In * ********* ****** discuss *** *** ***** and ******** ****** ************ question *** * **** ** **** towards *** ******** in **** *** ******** implies **** ******* ** **** ***** ********* ** ******** ** possible it ******* in ********* proper ********** ************ prisoners *** *** ****** *** ****** ******* **** on *** people **** *** *** over **** to watch **** *** ********** *** **** ******** ********* do **** rights *** ********* under ***** ****** ***** *** four ***** foundations: *** United ****** Constitution federal statutes ****** ************* and *** ***** ******** *********************** * *** 2015) ******* ***** are some **** ****** restrictions ** prisoners **** ***** ********* **** a person ************** ****** ** ****** ********* ***** *** ********* ** maintain ************* ***** institutional security *** ****** of prison ***** *** ***** ******* *** *** *** purpose of rehabilitation ** inmates(Schmalleger&Smykla 2015) ********* * **** line ******* ******* all of ***** orders *** *** excessively crossing the ******************************* * *********** * * ****** Corrections ** the **** ******* New **** *** *********** Education2 ******* *** **** ***** *** **** a significant ****** ** *** ********** ********* of ***** *** local ******* *** *********** ***** **** skyrocketed since *** *** 60’s after ****** v Pate 378 ** 546 ****** ***** the ***** ***** **** prisoners **** *** ***** to challenge *** *********** **** ****** them *** ******************* ** ***** *********** The *********** change that this *** *** in *** system ** ************* ****** **** **** *** **** ** ********* for ********* ** formally ********* ***** ***** the **** ** **** ** nature **** *** ***** **** **** of ****** ** ********** I ******* **** ** ****** *** **** ************** on *** staff *** *** ************ **** *** ** ****** of ******* **** rule **** ****** fairness to ******* **** **** ** ******** ***** ******** *** ** beliefs prison are ****** ** **** this ****** *** their ********* **** under 1983 ***** ********* **** the right ** ******** *** ***** **** a **** ** Habeas Corpus *********************** *********************** * **** *** ** *** ***************** F &Smykla * O (2015) Corrections ** *** 21st ******* *** **** NY: *********** ********** *** *** *** women's ******** ******* rights ******* *** ****** *** not ******* *********** ****** referenda or **** other *********** ***** ******** has ******* ****** ******* the ****** ** simply *** ****** **** male ******* ******* *** Male ******* **** ******** to ***** for ****** while ********** to ****** on ***** rights ********* ***** are ****** fighting *** * ***** ******* field *********************** ***** ** *** case ** ********* v Leach in 1974 it ****** * ***** difference between *** ********** and *** ***** ******* **** ***** *** far ******** *********** *** ******** than **** ******* ********************** ***** There’s **** ***** and allegations where women are ********* **** cancer while ** ****** *** they are ******* and or **** ** ***** ***** ********* ******* the ***** **** *** **** to shell out *** ***** *** *** ********* Women ***** **** ***** and the prison ****** **** ignores *** **** ******* ****** ***** ***** undergo Reference:Schmalleger F *********** * * ****** *********** ** *** **** ******* *** **** *** *********** ************ * ****** Medical treatment in ******* ******* ***** **** ****** ** ************ ********* June ** **** **** ********************************************************** Your ******* legislature has introduced *********** ******** ******** ******* ** **** ***** ******* ******* ****** **** **** ***** *** infant reaches 6 ****** *** ** *** warden ** you support ** ****** **** legislation? ******* **** ****** ** ********* * warden * would ******* *** legislation *** * ***** ********** ***** push *** *** ******** ** remain ** the ******* ******* for as **** as **** *** ***** *** *** ** ***** ***** *** (Brown ************* ***** I ******* that *** ********* ***** ****** ** ****** ** ***** ***** of *** *** ********** *** ********* **** ********* ** a ********* *********** *********** ostracizing ***** *** ***** ******** *** **** ******* *** ******* ** **** ** *** corrections ******** **** ***** ******* *** father’s *** ** ********* as **** **** ** ** ******* ****** that ******** ********** ** *** *** ** our corrections programs ** ** separate *** ****** and *** ***** neither *** ****** *** ** *** ***** **** **** **** **** needed **** *** ******* **** giving the mother no ****** ** not **** ** be ****** again *** *** *** **** ***** ***** become **** ** the ****** ** **** Consequently ****** *** state spend **** ***** because ** ***** children being ** the state ******* **** **** ***** be **** their ************************ * ************* * ***** ******** 07) Babies **** Raised ****** **** *** **** ******* **** ********* ** ****** ********* **** 10 **** from ************************************************************************************************ ******** ********** about *********** * Aging ****** ********** *** ********** in *** ***** demographic ** **** **** ***** ** realize *** ******** ********* **** *** ***** ********* ***** population have * higher ******* **** ** **** the ***** ***** women cost ******* **** more **** ***** ages ***** *** older demographic **** ****** *********** ***** ** ****** ** ** mandatory *** ******* ** provide medical **** to *** ******* thus ****** *** older *********** more ****** ** ***** **** those ******* ******* ******* ** provide **** ** *** ****** *** lead ** * lawsuit and ** **** **** ** *** *********** to *** ****** ** found guilty ** a civil ***** *** ** *** many ******* that ********** ** the problem like the *********** ******* ** ******* * Gamble the ********* *********** ** *** get ****** **** time ****** *** ****** increases ** ************* to the population **** **************************** ***** **** longer ********* *** ****** ***** ********** these monetary *********** *** *** too real ** a ******* ** ****** ****** *** ******************** * ***** March 30) **** ** *** ***** ****** population ******* corrections ******* ********* **** ** 2017 **** ***************************************************************************************************** * *********** J * ***************** ** *** **** century *** **** *** *********** ********** **** ********** ** elderly ******* pose *** ************ ***************** *********** **** **** their own specific *** ** ********** *** *** ******* *** ** ********* ******* ****** ******* ******** *** the need for **** ** the ******* **** **** them ****** *** ****** system ** becoming **** ***** *** ******** ************ **** ******* populations *** ******** *** ***** associated **** being elder in ****** **** ** ** ** were *** other ** far as medical care ** ******* is by far *** **** ********* *** problematic ***** states **** **** the ******* ******* *** **** *** more systems is necessary **** ****** hospice care *** ******** living wings ** ******* *** now ** ********* ** *********** *** Furthermore ** brings **** **** **** questions Some ***** ******* **** ****** from ******** *** ** the point they ** *** **** ******** *** **** are ** ****** *** ******** ** ****** ** ******** these ********* *** ** should we ******* **** to ***** families *** ** ******* *** **** them ****** on ****** ******** though **** ** them **** *** *** *** ***** **** the ****** ******** ********************** M (nd) ******* Inmates ****** ***** ******* Retrieved **** ** 2017 **** http://wwwpewtrustsorg/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2016/03/17/elderly-inmates-burden-state-prisons7 **** are *** advantages *** disadvantages of ********* ******* ******* **** ************** low **** ******* ********* is **** of * ****** ******* as ** ** * ***** one ******** ***** ****** ******** should *** for the ****** they **** ********* *** **** ******* that **** aged ** a ***** of *************** ******** ** *** tax ***** ****** ** is estimated to cost $60000 *** ***** ****** a year ********* the ******* ****** ****** ********* ****** ** ****** *** ******* do *** *** up *** ******* **** our ******** Time *** change is **** where **** ************* *** not kept anyone one ***** **** ************************* I C ***** **** *** ******* ******** ******* Prisoners ****** **** ** a ****** ****** Retrieved June ** **** from ********************************************************************************************************************************************* *** * ************ ******* *** has **** ******** ** work in a ********* ****** ** **** ***** ***** working in *** geriatric prison *** one **** *** are ***** ** give a ************ ** *** ******* and advantages ** geriatric prisons *** ******* programs ** fellow correctional ******** *** ** not support hospice *** age *********** *** ********* **** ** *** **** **** ** your ********************* officers *** **** for **** ********** **** **** *** ** our nation ** ************* *** **** of care **** ***** ******* ******* ** **** **** ** **** **** ***** ******* anywhere **** While ** is ******** ** ******* some ** ***** ******* back to *** communities ******* at **** point **** *** considered ** *** be * **** ** ***** quite ************* of ** ******* *** ************** **** ** *** ***** hand *** **** your *** belief ****** but compassion *** ******* ** *** **** ** **** ** **** ** *** ********* **** **** ********* ******* ****** But we don’t do **** ******* they ******* it *** ****** ******* ** *** * ********* ****** and ** ** ****** because they *** ****** This ** *** ***** ***** to ** **

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