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ACC Case 4 Financial Accounting Module 4 Financial Statement Analysis Choose a U.S. public company that you are familiar with or one in which you may have an interest. You will now have the opportuni
ACC Case 4 Financial Accounting
Module 4 Financial Statement Analysis
Choose a U.S. public company that you are familiar with or one in which you may have an interest. You will now have the opportunity to apply some of the concepts reviewed in the prior modules to the financial statements of a company of your choice. The background materials in Modules 2 and 3 cover the concepts for review and interpretation.
The assignment requires the location of an actual financial statement of your choice. Use a publicly traded US company. Search the Internet for the home page of the company of interest. Financial statements are typically found under the investor relations category. The SEC also has a database, EDGAR, which includes all 10-K’s and many other required filings. It is free and easily accessible.
Case Assignment
Start by indicating the complete name of the company. In addition:
- Show a screenshot of the company’s home page.
- Show the link to the annual report or 10-K.
- Download and save a copy of the financial statement. Submit the file as separate file as part of the assignment
- Briefly explain your interest in the company and its business.
Next, respond to the questions below.
- What are total revenues? Show the actual amount.
- Does the corporation have an operating income or loss? Include the actual amount.
- What are the amount of total assets and liabilities on the balance sheet? Include actual amounts.
- What type of the information is found in the statement of shareholders equity? Be specific and list accounts and amounts.
- What type of the information is found in Statement of cash flows? Give 5 examples.
- How is the statement of cash flow different than the income statement?
- The report includes a lot of information in addition to the financial statements. Provide examples of two other kinds of content and makes a brief comment about each example.
Assignment Expectations
Respond to all questions in order.
- Use actual financial information from the company’s financial statements.
- Explanations should be in your own words and not copied from the report.
- Do not use an essay format.
Show sources when appropriate. APA format is suggested but not required.
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**** **************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ***** ***** ** ******** the ***** for the ********* ******************************** *** ***************** NameInstitution ********** NameDate Module 4 Financial ********* ************ 1https://investorsnikecom/investors/news-events-and-reports/investor-news/investor-news-details/2017/NIKE-Inc-Reports-Fiscal-2017-Fourth-Quarter-and-Full-Year-Results/defaultaspx#:~:text=Income%20Statement%20Review-Revenues%20for%20NIKE%2C%20Incon%20a%20currency%2Dneutral%20basisInterests in *** ********* an **** ****** *** * am naturally ********** ** *** **** ******** *** ******** **** key ****** **** intrigue me ***** Nike are:The ***** ** ***** ***** and ********* **** *** ******* ** image ** performance ********** *** ******* ******* iconic ** ********* *** endorsements of *** ******** They **** **** their brand ******* with key ****** like basketball soccer *** ************ ***** ** on ********** **** invests ******* ** ******** and *********** ** create ********************* ******** ********* new ********* **** and technologies ***** ******** ******* *** ******** ** ********** **** given **** ** **** **** ************** growth ** ********* Nike ***** ** * wholesaler but *** ************ ************ **** * ****** ***** **** ******** ****** and a powerful ****** presence ***** ****************** ***** *** account *** **** *** of ******* *** *** growing ******* ****** by ******* ******** * **** ****** *********** ******** **************** international ********* **** ********* **** 60% of ******* ******* ***** America **** *** growth markets ** ***** ****** and emerging ********* * **** ** *** *** they localize ***** ***** ******** *** ******** ** ******* in ******* ********* conclusion ****** brand ******** focus ** ********** ********* transformation *** ****** ****** **** its business ********** and ******* compelling Understanding *** the ******* ******** *** what ****** its *********** helps ** gain insights * can ***** ** ***** ************** 2Total ******** for ****** 2017 **** $344 ********** company **** *** ****** an operating ****** ** **** ******* **** ****** earnings ****** ******** and taxes ****** *** fiscal 2017 ****** EBIT *** ***** ********* ** *** ** **** total ****** ** the ******* ***** **** **** ******* *** ***** *********** **** *** billionThe ********* ** ************* ****** includes ******** **** ****** ***** retained ******** ******** ***** *** shareholders' equity ** ***** ******* in ***** ******** **** timeThe ********* ** cash flows ************* **** ********* ************** **** investing ************** **** ********* activitiesThe net ****** ** cash *** **** ************** ********* ** **** ***** shows the ********* cash ******* *** ******** ***** the income statement ***** ******** *** ******** They ******* ********* ******* ** *** ******** *** ****** ******** ******** **** ******* **** ********* *** key ******* *** highlights ** includes ************ ******* details by ******** ***** ******* category and ***** ******* *** report includes earnings ****** interest *** ***** (EBIT) ** operating ******* ** ******** ******* into ************* by geographic ****** *** ***** Two examples ** ***** ******* ** the ****** ************ ********* ******* ****** ******** ******** ********* *********** *** ******** It ***** provide context *** the ********* ************** Factors: ********* ***** **** ***** ********** affect ****** ******** ********* competition ******* ******** **** security corporate ************** *** ***** ***** It ********** *** ***** *** ********* ** *********************** * ***** ******** * **** INCInvestors (2017) **** Reports Retrieved *********************************************************************************************************