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Address the following questions (even if you choose yourself as CEO to make the statements):      - Please begin your essay assignment with an introduction for the reader about the crisis and how

Address the following questions (even if you choose yourself as CEO to make the statements):      

  • - Please begin your essay assignment with an introduction for the reader about the crisis and how best to handle the situation. 
  •  - Formulate your crisis message using the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) model. 
  •  - What are the essential elements of an effective spokesperson in a crisis? 
  •  - What criteria are considered in selecting that particular person?        
  •  - Why do you think it would be important to have a well-trained spokesperson speak for the corporation during a crisis such as this one?          
  •  - Why might the media wish to speak with frontline employees during a crisis? 
  •  - How would you, as CEO, correct erroneous information given out by the spokesperson?  

Research sources to support your ideas. Your essay should be a minimum of two-pages in APA format. You must include a minimum of two sources, at least one source from the CSU Online Library.

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