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APA format, please least references and cite within the text.Total word count at least 1900 words Thank you. Article (select the link): Barlow & Barlow, 2002Topic Summary Read the article: "Racial Pr
APA format, please least references and cite within the text.
Total word count at least 1900 words
Thank you.
Article (select the link): Barlow & Barlow, 2002
Topic Summary
Read the article: "Racial Profiling: A Survey of African American Police Officers"(Barlow & Barlow, 2002). Using concepts from chapters 1-6 as the basis for your analysis, in a narrative format of 750 or more words, summarize:
(a) the research problem,
(b) the literature review,
(c) data-gathering strategy,
(d) any hypotheses,
(e) the dependent and independent variable in one of the cause-effect relationships tested by the researchers,
(f) how the dependent and independent variable were operationalized,
(g) other variables that should have been measured and/or controlled, and
(h) the key findings and/or policy issues.
2. Topic Analysis
This research utilized a mixed-methods approach (i.e., quantitative and qualitative). Identify the quantitative aspect, the qualitative aspect, and explain the value of using this approach. Were there any discrepancies or unexpected findings between the two methods (i.e., did the qualitative data contradict or refute the quantitative data)?
Briefly sketch out the advantages and disadvantages of using mail surveys, internet surveys, and phone surveys for research. Overall, which survey method do you think is the best? Explain your rationale.
Go to the Research Triangle Institute site at THIS LINK. Click on "Survey Research and Services" and then on "Capabilities". Under "Data Collection" read about the institute's methods for computer-assisted interviewing and mixed-mode data collection. Scroll down, under "Methodologies" read the section on "Questionnaire Design and Evaluation," to learn about innovative techniques including cognitive pretesting. What does this add to your treatment and understanding of survey research?
Executive Decision
Appendix A of this article contains the questionnaire on racial profiling that was used for this research. What issues of validity concern you about this questionnaire? What issues of validity concern you about the research article? What questions should have been asked that were omitted? If you were to conduct this research, what would be different? Be detailed in your answer.
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****** *** Barlow 2002: ******** ******* ** ******** Justice and *********** 9th editionQuestion ** ***** ********* *** research ********* ** ****** *** ****** ** racial profiling ***** are * couple ** research ******** **** are *********** ****** **** that even ******* *** denounce ****** ********* find ** **** ** ******** ** or even **** *** confidence to **** **** *** **** **** ** ** very ***** ** ****** that ** ** a *********** ******* that people of color *** **** ********* to criminal ********** **** ***** ****** since statistics show that 70 ******* of drug ***** *** ***** *** ****** ** ***** ******* ** to ** ******* ** **** ******* ******* (Kauzlarich ****** ***** ****** 2009)The ******** ***** ***** *** ** ********** ****** where researchers like **** ********* Mauer Miller *** a *** others *** ********* ** the link ** ****** *********** ******** ** **** phase ** criminal justice processing Also it ******** that **** ****** noted **** some ****** ******** explicitly target **** races ***** others **** ********* reliance on ****** *************** ** arrest or apprehend * ******* ***** ********** race ** * factor ** ********* means **** *** ****** ***** **** ** ********** the very **** ********* ****** to rely on ** ******** ***** **** ***** ** *** ******* ****** **** ******* ********* *** more ******* ** ******** ********** ***** **** ******* ********* are ******* searched ******* *** even arrested **** **** ***** ***** counterparts For ********* ****** ********* **** **** ****** ******* *** 70 ******* ** *** drug ***** ***** ******* ********* ******** ** ******* of **** ***** However ******* Americans ******* for ** percent ** ************ ******* ******* ******* *** **** **** of ****** ********* the **** is * ********* factor when ** ***** ** ********** *** minor criminal ********** ** *** ******* ********** police ***** ****** ** ******** cars *** ****** if a *** has ** African-American ****** *** ***** ** **** **** ***** ***** *********** factors *** considered **** ** ********* ******* ***** *** ******* the law *** **** ** ***** **** ************* ** ******* the ******** **** *** ** **** ****** as **** an *********** *** ********* ******** at the **** time (James ********* ***** *** variables ** ************** their ********** police *** ***** ******* ******* ******** ******* **** ** *********** ****** to **** manipulation or ************ ** ******** the ******* ** ****** ***** ******** Most ******* **** **** ******** **** ** ticket or ********** ******* **** crime **** methods should ** ******* to *** ******** independent ** their ******** ********** or ***** of ***** skin There *** numerous **** ** detect ***** ** ********* ***** than ***** race ** ethnic *********** ***** ways ** obtaining evidence **** * suspected ****** should be applied ** ***** ******* ** ***** ******* ** the table ****** ******** *** ************** ******** should ** ******* ***** ****** ***** numbers *** ******* for ******* ****** ************ ******** **** ********** finding ** **** ******** ** **** **** ****** ******** ******* *** belief **** ****** of color are **** ****** ** *** ******** in crime *** ******* ****** ********* ** a means of ************ ********* ********* ***** **** **** ***** *** from the ***** it *** lead to **** ************ ** *** ******* ******** grow ********** against the ****** ***** due ** regular searches ***** *** ***** *** ****** to ****** **** ****** **** ** times ** * span ** 6 ****** Also **** ****** ***** *** ****** ********* ***** ** ******** *** *************** statistics **** ******* ******* the very ********** **** which they **** ** to ***** ***** ***** ******** ** General ********** Office released * ****** **** identified five quantitative methods ** ********* **** **** ******* ***** However it is ***** **** the ****** suggests **** ******** ********* comprising ****** ** ******* ********* *** more ****** to ** stopped *** ******** *********** ******* ******* *** **** Direct observation ***** * ********** **** not *** to ****** * *********** ** the context *** two ******* ** data ********** **** **** ********** **** ***** *** **** ***** about biased data ******* ***** ******* *** ****** ************** ****** it **** **** ****** ** ***** *** **** ***** ** ********** crime while in **** since **** ** them are ******** ***** ** ***** **** ** *** **** ****** ********* apprehended ** *** first ***** (Baskerville ************* ** ***** ************** *** ******** ******* ***** *** a ****** ** ********** ******** *** *** most ********** ***** ************ *** Qualitative ******* ** **** ********* ***** is an ******** ***** ********* ********* a ********** research ***** ******** * researcher ************ *** ******** or ******* ** daily ********** ** ****** **** **** *** ******* ** ***** of observation *** data gathering ******** ** ******** may have resulted ** ********* ******** ***** ***** ********* **** up more **** ** ******* ** ******* stops conducted ***** ********** 95 corridor ironically Black ********* **** up ** percent ** *** ******* ** **** time **** **** ** **** ********* ******** is ***** ** *********** *********** ***** **** under Qualitative **** ********* ********** ****** ************* ** ******* ****** out *** ********** *** ************* ** using mail surveys ******** ******* *** phone ******* *** ******** ******* ***** ****** ****** ** *** think ** *** best? ******* **** rationaleThe **** *********** ****** ** the concept ***** ********* the ******* ** any approach ********** or ********* **** ** ******* ********* ** *** ***** hand ******* *** *** ****** for ******** values attitudes ********** ******* ********* *** ************ ** ******** under * ******** investigation ******** surveys are the new *** **** ******** of collecting **** ****** *********** ******** ****** as *** most ********* **** **** ** *********** within *** ****** life *** *********** (Maxfield ***** ******* ** ******** *** gathering of data **** a ***** ** *********** ******* ***** ********* to ***** questioned (Schutt) *** ******** the ******** ** carried *** through **** ******** telephone *** individual (Maxfield & ****** 1995)Normally ******* **** * combination ** **** ***** ********* *** ********** *** ****** ***** questions ******* **** the open-ended question a ****** ** respondent ** ***** to **** an ****** to a ******** ******** *** example * person *** ** ****** “what is *** *** say ** *** **** ******** ******* ****** *** ********* ** your home now?” ********** ** ***** *** ***** *** ********** may ***** *** or her ****** ******* closed ***** questions an ********** ** ****** ** ****** ** *** ******** **** * list **** ** ******** ** we **** **** above in **** ******** answers *** ** *** **** *** crime *** ********** (d) education *** ***** (Hagan ******** questions ***** over *** ******** *** ******* ** *** **** some ********* surveys ******** ****** is simply ****** ** ******** *** stronger ** reliability ** ******* them the ************* ** *** ****** ****** **** ** *** ** ******** For ******* **** ** *** *********** ******* **** **** ** ***** is *** well ******* *** ** *** standard ******* ****** **** ***** you **** ** ** *** **** *** ** **** neighborhood alone ** night?” ****** ********* to such ********* *** *** **** great ********** of **** *** has ** **** when ****** ************* **** ** ***** Reliability is another ****** ** ********* *** the subjects with * single incitement ****** ******** goes * long way ******* removing *** ************* ** interpretations made ** the ********** ******* 999)Reliability ******** ********* in **** **** ** ** ********* ***** time **** * ****** ******** as *** ****** ** data ** we **** ** ***** way ** ******* against the ************ of the ******** ** *** can tell *** **** ** what reported ******** real ********** *** *** **** ** ****** ** *** observer’s ************* *********** On the ***** **** *********** *** * problem **** more **** ****** ******** carries *** ************ ****** researchers *** ***** of the ********* ****** interviewers *** **** *** *********** ** ** ****** ** ***** *** manners *** ******** (Hagan 2000)Survey offer * ****** ** ********* *************** **** ******* * ****** method of doing ******** They are ********* generalizable ********* and *********** ******* ** the **** **** this *** ** ******* ** a ****** ** ******** ******** measurement *** *** ***** ****** ****** ** *********** **** to develop internet ******* **** must **** **** ** ensuring **** *** ***** ** *** ****** are simple and ** the pointIt looks at *** *********** ****** ** *** physiology *** ********* ** specific ***** of *** **** **** * person **** ****** **** Yoga ** ******** ******* they *** ** essence ******** ******* from both *** ***** *** the **** ** *** body which ** similar ** what *********** *** only that *********** ************ directly with *** **** ** need ** therapy making ** **** ******************* *** ********** to *** *** **** ******* ** *** ******* ************ ******* they are ** liberty ** ******** alternative ******* such ** **** ** offering ***** ********** ** *** ****** **** *** influence ***** ******** ** seek ** ** a ****** to **** **** ***** ****** better than ***** *** *********** ***** (Ellis ** al 2015)This ******* is **** *********** when *** ********** ***** ** ***** ********** the *********** hypotheses *** *** ************ of *********** *********** ****** used ** **** **** can ** ******** **** of ****** ******** ** ****** criminological ******** *** **** ** *********** in theory *********** for example ******* *********** ***** **************** **** ******** ** concepts *** ******* unidimensional ************** of **************** ********** *********** ***** ** ******** *** *************** of *********** ************ 4: ** ** the ******** Triangle Institute **** ** THIS **** ***** ** ******* ******** *** ********* *** then ** ************** Under ***** *********** read ***** *** institute's ******* *** computer-assisted ************ *** ********** **** ********** ****** **** under *************** **** *** ******* ** "Questionnaire ****** *** *********** ** learn ***** ********** techniques including cognitive ********** **** does this add to **** ********* *** understanding ** survey ************* ** *** ******** ******** has ******* understanding ** the timing ** collective *********** patterns * ******* examination ** *** ***** **** ***** **** **** if ***** is serious ******* ***** as **** ***** for ********* in *** ******* *** *** ** *** given ****** ******** ** **** peak ** *** **** time *** impacts ** **** ******** ** ******** **** ***** *** ************** ****** **** *** research has *********** for the estimation and prevention of ***** The ******* of *********** ****** * ******** ******** ****** ******** ******* ***** ** Jacob ******** **** ******* ****** ** indicating **** *** ******** **** ****** ** gathering youths together *** ********* ** ** ******** ** crimes ******* *********** **** effect ** ******* ****** school *** **** ***** can potentially ***** **** ***** ***** with **** **** have ******** **** ** is **** ** ****** ***** ** ***** ******** **** **** been ********* ** ******** ************* ****** ************ ***** Soulé 2005)Question 5: ********* *********** famous ************ ******* has **** ******* **** ******** ** the area ** **** *********** ************* ****** ******** **** *** **** of ******* ** ************* ******* *** ***** ********** of *** key hypotheses and ************ **** *** important ** *** category will **** ***** ****** concerning the ********* ** ***** thoughts ** ********** with having ** operationalize extremely abstract *********** ********** ************* *** **** ******** observable indirect means *** *** ******** ** ******** ***** means *** *** ******* *** ***** essence ** *** main idea ** **** investigators *** real ********** **** ** *** ************ **** ** *** ************ rate ** ***** *** **** *********** process ** fundamentally induced ****** (Walls 2015)When *** ************ ****** significant ******* the ********** ** the study at ***** ****** more ********* and ************ ********* This ****** so **** ********* ***** *** *** the ***** impact will **** * ***** **** of ***** cases ** ***** *** ********** try ** ****** for **** realistic ***** ************ *** **** **** ******* lead ** less ******* over *** study ******* ******** affect *** ******** ******** ************* ****** ******* **** ******** **** ******** *** ******** ******** *** **** ** ***** **** ** achieve ** *********** ******* * particular ***** ** **** *** * ****** ** internal ******** ******** *** Cook ********* **** assessing *** ******** validity ** * **** is * rational ******* in ***** *** researcher *** ** ************** think ******* *** **** ** the ******** ******** ******* *** be dealt ******************** Hagan * * (2000)Research ******* ** ******** ******* and *********** Boston: ***** *** *********** ******** ************* *** ****** ********* ******* and ******** of ********** ** ******** **** ****** Pine Forge **************** * * ***** ****** * * ****** *** timing ** ******** ***** ******* crime *** substance *** ***** juvenilesJournal ** Research in ***** *** **************** *************** * * & ****** E ****** ****************** ******** ******* *** ****************** Calif: WadsworthJames ******* ****** Racial Profiling ******** Civil ********* Union Joan W 2009 Racial Profiling ** ****** Departments ********** PostBaskerville * (2008) **** welfare ***** to ****** state Independent Review-Oakland 12(3)401Kauzlarich * ****** * D ***** ****** H * ****** ************ to ****************** ****** ***** *********** *************** * V ****** * ***** Chapin J ****** ******** ********** ******** ******* ** a **** ********* ************ *** ******** supervisionJournal ** ********** *************** 608Turvey * * **** ************** ********** ** ************ ** ********** ******** ******** ******** ********** * * ***************** ** * ****** American cultural ********** *** Chickasaw ******** at ******* ********** ** ************