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The Replies

You will be required to write substantive replies to a minimum of 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be a minimum of 200 words and include at least 2 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc.

Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the forum, enhance learning, and contain references to any new concepts or ideas presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

· Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.

· Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.

· Share additional knowledge regarding the key topic that relates to the thread.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Review your posts and the Student Expectations prior to submission in order to ensure that your sources are properly cited.  

The Replies

You will be required to write substantive replies to a minimum of 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be a minimum of 200 words and include at least 2 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc.

Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the forum, enhance learning, and contain references to any new concepts or ideas presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

· Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.

· Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.

· Share additional knowledge regarding the key topic that relates to the thread.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Review your posts and the Student Expectations prior to submission in order to ensure that your sources are properly cited.

1ST REPLY......  Renee McCormick 

Discussion Board:  Radio Frequency Identification Tags

             Technology now provides the ability for businesses to track their  inventory in real-time.  Using technology originating from World War 2  in identifying enemy aircraft, radio-frequency identification (RFID)  tags have evolved into an important tool within inventory control  management systems (Kumari, Narsaiah, Grewal, & Anurag, 2015).   Organizations use the embedded integrated circuit chip on their items to  monitor through production processes and their exact storage locations.   RFID tags have the advantage of barcode tracking as the tags do not  require visual confirmation, can be hidden in items, and provide more  information.  RFID readers allow a quick response of data at greater  distances without a physical paper trail. 

The  topic of RFID tags is an academic curiosity as well as professional  interest.  Understanding the potential use of RFID technology would  assist during the anticipation of a new inventory management system and  potentially provide value to the project.  


Regardless  of the application, RFID tags monitor items and provide the user  information programed within the chip.  Use of this technology continues  to expand from automatic toll collections, library book management,  theft prevention, and tracking animals.  Through the research of RFID  tags, the potential of this technology continues to advance.  Overall,  research agrees RFID provides a higher level of visibility while  reducing operational costs wherever it is applied (Wang, Hu, & Zhou,  2017).  

Meredith  and Shafer (2016) describe two different classifications of tags being  passive and active.  The passive tag does not include a power source and  depends on the RFID reader to access the information.  The active tag  contains a battery to transmit the information.  A third classification,  semi-passive tag, is also available (Kumari, Narsaiah, Grewal, &  Anurag, 2015)  This third option includes battery power for the chip  circuits and remains inactive until the reader activates the RFID tag.   All three classifications provide real-time monitoring of the item.  

             It is within the construction industry where RFID tags are currently  being underutilized within the supply chain models.  Wang, Hu, and Zhou  (2017) note that the construction industry is highly dependent on  traditional methods and slow to new technology.  Other industries like  the medical, food, and science embrace the opportunities of RFID  technology and enjoy the benefits.  

Article Summary

             The initial use of RFID tags is within a warehouse in managing  inventory items through the production process.  Zhou, Piramuthu, Chu,  and Chu (2019) suggest taking the technology a step further by creating a  smart warehouse environment tracking not only the inventory but also  other components of the facility.  Taking a piece part from a shelf will  update the inventory level, yet tracking can be lost if the entire  storage bin is moved elsewhere within the warehouse.  Additionally, a  picker would receive notification of inventory relocated off the shelf,  such as in quality assurance, and reduce the time spent looking for  products.  Managing these items that are commonly misplaced would reduce  errors and costs. 

             The smart warehouse study relaxed the current rules of storage/item  location and allowed more flexibility of storage.  The goal was to  remove the stigma of items being placed on the wrong shelf which typical  causes inventory discrepancies and shrinkage.  The RFID tags within the  products and storage bins allow the picker to put the bin back where it  fits, possibly making space for other larger or smaller items.  The  results of Zhou, Piramuthu, Chu, and Chu (2019) study found success  through performance improvement with minimizing read errors, inventory  shrinkage, and theft.  

Biblical Integration

             God’s perfect design of our world is through much organization.  RFID  tags provide businesses a tool helping the ability to be organized  within their processes.  1 Corinthians 14:40 states “But  all things should be done decently and in order” (English Standard  Version).  Using tools like RFID tags allow organizations to succeed in  their business (Proverbs 10:4, ESV).  Disorganization can lead to  wastefulness and inefficiencies, ultimately affecting the company’s  bottom line and success.  

             On the contrary, the Bible does caution of marking ourselves.  During  the end times written in the book of Revelation, the scripture cautions  Christians against the mark of the beast (Revelations 13:11-18, ESV).   One could argue the RFID tags are a step towards the technology of this  human identification system.  At this present time, RFID technology does  offer a range of practical applications managing the inventory of  items, whether inanimate objects or animals.  


            RFID technology offers a wide variety of applications.  Ornithologists  successfully use RFID tags in tracking bird migration and nesting  patterns (Iserbyt, Griffioen, Borremans, Eens, & Muller, 2018).  The  study argues their study is applicable for other creatures as long as  the RFID tag can be attached and be near the receiving antenna.  Floyd  (2015) expands the RFID potential noting this technology is currently  being used to track ownership of animals and pets.  Cattle tags,  attached to their ear, are a visible RFID whereas the tags the size of  rice grain are inserted into pets under the skin.  Construction  companies have primarily used barcodes for tracking raw material yet  technology is pushing the industry to RFID tags would provide reduced  operational costs (Wang, Hu, & Zhou, 2017). 

             Applications of monitoring inventory have gone beyond the original  use.  RFID tags are the proposed solution for locating library books  belonging to the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering that  had wandered off (Toivanen, et al., 2016).  The marked books are located  by a UHF reader was custom built to scan the campus to locate the  missing property.  With market globalization, RFID tags on food items  provide higher levels of traceability of crop location details and  harvest date (Kumari, Narsaiah, Grewal, & Anurag, 2015).   Information on our food can prevent spoilage in transit as well as  identifying products made with infected crops, such as e-coli bacteria.   Overall, there is a huge potential in applying RFID technology.

Annotated Bibliography

Floyd, R. (2015, September-October). RFID in animal-tracking applications. IEEE Potentials, 34(5), 32-33. doi:10.1109/MPOT.2015.2410308 

Floyd  (2015) reviews the different RFID tags used on animals.  The United  States and Australia require livestock have RFID tags, whereas Israel  and Northern Ireland require residents to tag their dogs.  The most  common RFID tag is placed just under the skin of pets and is the size of  a rice grain.  Farms use RFID tags to monitor the livestock weight to  adjust the proper feeding amount for the animal.  The US Fish and  Wildlife use RFID tags for monitoring bison herds, bears, elk herds, and  armadillos.  These tags can be read at 30 feet, however, companies are  researching ways to extend this range to nearly 300 feet.  

Iserbyt,  A., Griffioen, M., Borremans, B., Eens, M., & Muller, W. (2018).  How to quantify animal activity from radio-frequency identification  (RFID) recordings. Ecology and Evolution, 8(20), 10166-10174.

RFID  tags provide tracking of the German blue tit bird species allowing  scientists to monitor at a distance their migration patterns and nesting  habits (Iserbyt, et. al, 2018).  Tags were placed on the birds using  leg bands and the antennas were inconspicuously placed at feeding  stations and expected breeding areas.   The RFID tags provided more  accurate scientific data as there was no human interference.  Video  surveillance confirmed the behavior data, yet errors were observed due  to the technology not understanding bird behavior.  The birds would sit  on the antenna causes continuous tracking activity making it appear the  bird was passing the radar at a constant quick pace.  

Kumari, L., Narsaiah, K., Grewal, M. K., & Anurag, R. K. (2015, June). Application of RFID in agri-food sector. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 43(2), 144-161. doi:

The  article explains the RFID benefits to the agriculture and food industry  (Kumari, et, al, 2015).  RFID tags provide real-time monitoring of the  products, quality control, food safety, and traceability from crops or  farm to table.  With the globalization of our food sources, RFID tag  traceability assists with managing bacteria transmittal by pin-pointing  the exact crop.  An example provided in the article is the Dole Food  Company use of the RFID tags of contaminated lettuce to recall tainted  food packages.  The article authors push for further advancement of RFID  technology to include aromatic notifications detecting freshness and  spoilage of products. 

Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2016). Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs (6th ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

The  course textbook reviews several aspects of business operations and  supply chain management (Meredith & Shafer, 2016).  Instruction in  the book includes competitive strategy, project management, supply chain  processes, and process improvement.  Specific to this discussion board  forum, RFID tags are discussed within the supply chain management trends  as well as a useful tool for lean organizations.  

Toivanen, L., Heino, M., Oksman, A., Vienamo, A., Holopainen, J., & Viikari, V. (2016, June). RFID-based book finder. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 58(3), 72-80. doi:10.1109/MAP.2016.2541602 

Aalto  University School of Electrical Engineering is using RFID tags to  locate school property that wandered away from its correct storage  location (Toivanen, et. al, 2016).  The study focused specifically on  research material and textbooks.  Commercially available RFID tags were  selected for the application as it is readily available at a low cost.   An RFID reader was modified to work at a longer distance and be the book  finder.  The RFID tags proved successful having the reader detect the  tag from nearly 23 feet away.  When scanning for RFID tags, the closer  one is to the item the faster the result will appear on the reader.  

Wang, Z., Hu, H., & Zhou, W. (2017). RFID enabled knowledge-based precast construction supply chain. Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, 32(6), 499-514.

The  construction industry current model of supply chain tracking is using  manual lists and barcodes (Wang, Hu, & Zhou, 2017).  The article  reviews the disadvantages of current tracking models and proposes RFID  tags for tracking the raw material to the finished product of  construction projects.  Data suggest RFID systems would give 62%  operational cost savings with reducing lead times and removing errors.   RFID tags would begin tracking from the raw material through production  processes, compiled into one final product and tracked in transit to the  final destination.  Real-time data through this process maintains costs  and provides accurate information of supply chain to management.  

Zhou, W., Piramuthu, S., Chu, F., & Chu, C. (2019, June). RFID-enabled flexible warehousing. Decision Support Systems, 99, 99-112.

Warehouses  are typically structured with an extreme organization to maintain the  product inventory (Zhou, et. al, 2019).  The article reviews the success  of implementing RFID tags on inventory items as well as their  designated storage bins.  Relaxing the well-managed organization  requirements help avoid placement confusion and improved productivity.   The RFID system has real-time exact locations of inventory, regardless  if the item had been moved hours earlier by another employee.  This  setup, considered a smart logistics system, provided improved  performance and reduced operational costs.  Employees were no longer  wasting time looking for items missing from correct locations but  directed to their exact position within the facility. 

2ND REPLY....... Taylor N. Herndon 

Key Concept Rationale

             Cellular Production is defined as a production that utilizes multiple  types of shops to maximize production, while providing a reduction of  costs in a constrained time frame. According to Meredith and Shafer  (2016), “Cellular production combines the advantages of the job shop and  flow shop to obtain the high variety possible with the job form and the  reduced costs and short response times available with the flow form”  (p. 79). According to Aalaei and Davoudpour (2017), “A special  characteristic of a cellular manufacturing system derived from GT (group  technology) concepts, is to divide the existing machines into some  cells with strong independence” (p. 667). Aalaei and Davoudpour (2017)  state that the benefits of cellular manufacture systems include  “reducing the setup times, cycle time, work-in-process, worker, rework  and scrap material, delivery time, production costs, increasing  flexibility, enhancing product quality, and production control” (p.  667). The ultimate goal of cellular production is to maximize the  production while reducing costs and time, while ensuring the quality of  the product. 

Article Summary 

“A  Robust Optimization Model for Cellular Manufacturing System into Supply  Chain Management” by Amin Aalaei and Hamid Davoudpour was selected for  review to evaluate a new method to address cellular manufacturing system  into a design for supply chain with a labor assignment. The article  explores the impact of “multiple plant locations, multi-market  allocations with production planning and various part mix” (p. 667). The  ultimate goal of the proposed research includes the reduction of costs  for handling of materials, transportation of products, salaries of  machine and labor. In the literature of the research, it is noted that  the cellular manufacturing system into supply chain management is  comprised of different functions. These functions include “purchasing  and outsourcing, production, inventory management, network planning and  distribution” (p. 668). Each of these functions are utilized for the  product to flow through to fulfill the customer’s need. The model  proposed evaluates three approaches: optimistic, pessimistic and normal.  It, also, address a robust optimization approach, which is utilized to  solve the problem with the best solution. The robust optimization  approach “presented two types of robustness: 1) solution robustness (the  solution is close to optimal totally scenarios) and 2) model robustness  (the solution is close to feasible in totally scenarios)” (p. 669). The  design of this model included “various components of SC (supply chain)  such as manufacturer, warehouses, markets and transportation of products  from plants to the market” (p. 671). According to Aalaei and Davoudpour  (2017), “The aim of the proposed model is to minimize the total cost of  holding, inter-cell material handling, external transportation, fixed  cost for producing each part in each plant, machine and salary labor”  (p. 671).  Ultimately, a new mathematical model for cellular  manufacturing into supply chain management with labor assignment was  established within an uncertain environment. This model addressed many  manufacturing features. The major constraints that were addressed  included “satisfaction of market demand, machine and labor availability,  machine and labor time-capacity, design of the CMS within each active  plant and the amounts allocated to each market” (p. 676). The study  revealed that the study concluded that the proposed model was more  practical in dealing with uncertain economic scenarios. 


The  main similarity that is noted between this week’s text and the main  article of review is that both are attempting to achieve the maximum  output from cellular production. Both texts examine the different  components which comprise cellular production. In the textbook, the main  focus was to explain as to what cellular production entails and the  terms which are included in the makeup. For example, it discusses that  cellular production is based upon group technology. This is what is  utilized to determine similarities among parts of production. Once the  parts that are similar are grouped, they are placed into a family. This  family is then placed into a cell which is comprised of the machinery  with similar functions and the human skills that a utilized to achieve  the task. The task that utilizes families, often utilize teams. The  required job of teams is to complete the tasks which are required in a  cell. The textbook then addresses the advantages and disadvantages of  cellular production. The main article reviewed that was written by  Aalaei and Davoudpour (2017) discuss what characteristics of cellular  production can be manipulated to ultimately improve the production for  the company while maintaining or reducing production costs. Through  utilization of job shop within cellular production, it can be very  costly to production if a machine breaks down, so through research  conducted, methods to reduce costs by combining job responsibilities to  maximize production. 

Biblical Integration 

In  cellular production, the many parts are often not known until they are  looked at entirely. There is no single part of production that is any  less important than the other parts of production. In 1 Corinthian 12:  12-25, it states that different portions of the body and how none of the  parts are any less important to the overall function of the body. 1  Corinthians 12: 12-25 states, 

12 For  as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that  one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 13 For  by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or  Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink  into one Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?1 6 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?1 8 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. 19 And if they were all one member, where were the body? 20 But now are they many members, yet but one body.21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: 23 And  those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon  these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more  abundant comeliness. 24 For  our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together,  having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked. 25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.

Production  has to include every aspect, or it won’t be successful. The body has to  utilize all parts to achieve its ultimate goal, so when examining  production, it is imperative to view all aspects as imperative to the  overall function.

Application (100 words)

In  an article by Stier and Laigen (2010), it was presented how the design  of cellular production has been utilized to teach college student  engineering concepts. The simulation is divided among four phases to  provide the pros and cons of the different shop setups. The first  simulation has the students keep their inventory in specific location  and they are not allowed to communicate with other students which  creating them final airplane products. The second simulation is  comprised of the six (6) groups. In these groups, the students can  communicate; however, the airplane has to go to each group prior to the  product being finalized. The simulations were utilized to provide  students the opportunity to see the differences and pros and cons of the  different shop setups. Cellular production was utilized to provide the  students the ability to pinpoint production problems. 

Annotated Bibliography 

Aalaei, A., & Davoudpour, H. (2017). A robust optimization model for cellular manufacturing 

system into supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 

183, 667-679. doi:10.1016/j.ipe.2016.01.014

This  article examines the complexity of cellular production and how small  mishaps can be costly to the company, so a model should be developed to  reduce the costs incurred. A robust optimization model was created to  determine how to reduce the costs. It revealed that the model was most  successful for scenarios where the economy was uncertain. This is  evident that the cellular manufacturing system often takes into  consideration factors which can influence the potential cost of  production.  

Liu, C., Wang, J., & Leung, J. Y. (2018). Integrated bacteria foraging algorithm for cellular 

manufacturing in supply chain considering facility transfer and production planning. 

Applied Soft Computing Journal, 62, 602-618. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2017.10.034

This  paper provides an integrated model for production planning and facility  transfer in dynamic cellular manufacturing based supply chain. This  examines the ability to transfer orders to a larger facility which can  fulfill orders while reaching the smaller, local customer base. The  transfer would be done to a facility in which can generate numerous  products. Transferring to this form of facility will create a load of  problems which would not be beneficial to the company. Moving to a  larger company will create the issue of locating lower material costs.  This will create a backorder or material holding issue. An integrated  bacteria foraging algorithm (IBFA) was proposed. This is comprised of  five (5) phases. This model concluded that the IBFA often operates  better with the five (5) phases.

Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S.M. (2016). Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

This  textbook provides a cohesive analysis of the subject of operations and  supply chain management. The work of this textbook is targeted to  graduate level students. It covers an array of topics including the  strategies and implementation of processes, managing and improving  processes, and process and supply chain design. The process and supply  chain design examination addresses the many factors which comprise  production and the aspects of those factors which can be beneficial and  harmful to the company.  

Raoofpanah, H., Ghazavati. V., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2019). Solving a new robust 

green cellular manufacturing problem with environmental issues under uncertainty using 

benders decomposition. Engineering Optimization, 51(7), 1229-1250. 


This  article addresses the impact of environmental issues and how they have  an influence on production. This article, also, fills the gap and  proposes a new method which would consider environmental issues. The  issues addressed include pollution caused by production and  transportation modes and waste from production. A robust optimization  approach is utilized to examine this as the processing times of the  products are uncertain. Benders decompositions algorithm is presented to  solve the issue. The results indicate that the demand has the greatest  effect on cell formation.

Stie, K., & Laingen, M. (2010). Using Simulation to Introduce Engineering Concepts.

Technology & Engineering Teacher, 70(3), 20-26

This  article provides an example where students are able to participate in  cellular production and experience the problems that can arise. There  are four phases in which the students participate. The first phase is  comprised of the students making as many airplanes as they can while not  speaking to each other. This simulation, also, included the inventory  having to be located in one specific location. In the second simulation,  there were six workstations in which the product had to go to each  station prior to it being finalized. In this simulation, students were  able to communicate among their peers. Changes were made in each phase  until the four phases were completed with the students learning the pros  and cons of cellular production, while also learning what possible  problems could arise. 

Soolaki, M., & Arkat, J. (2018). Incorporating Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing into Strategic

Supply Chain Design. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing 

Technology, 95(5), 2429-2447. doi:10.1007/s00170-017-1346-2

This  article strives to increase the efficiency of supply chain. This takes  into consideration the relationship between the stages of procurement of  raw material, manufacturing of products, and distribution. The  manufacturers were geographically placed in a cell design. A model was  presented with the integration of sectors of procurement, production,  and distribution of products. A new algorithm called hybrid genetic ant  lion optimization (HGALO) was established to find the best or near best  solutions. A comparison was presented between HGALO and the genetic  algorithm to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The HGALO  algorithm identified the ability to locate high quality solutions. 

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