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CASE STUDY: DISORGANIZATION AT SEMCO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Please read the Integrative Case 1.0 on pages 623-632 of the Daft text and respond to all four questions on page 632. INSTRUCTIONS

CASE STUDY: DISORGANIZATION AT SEMCO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWPlease read the Integrative Case 1.0 on pages 623-632 of the Daft text and respond to all fourquestions on page 632.INSTRUCTIONSPlease make sure to address the following:• Identify the key roles and organizational issues through an introduction (this is not theabstract page).• Evaluate and analyze the issues and problems facing the organization and integratespecific and relevant organizational and leadership theories.• Provide your personal perspective on the case, applying theories and perspectives.• Examine the Bible and discuss what the Scriptures say about the depicted organizationalissue(s).• Your paper must include:o Minimum 1200 words – body of the paper (not including the title page, abstract,and references)o The Bibleo 7 scholarly, peer-reviewed sourceso Course textbook (Daft)o Merida booko Title pageo Abstracto Reference listo Adherence to the APA-7 professional version format including but not limited totitle page, headings, margins, page numbers, citations, references, font, linespacing, etc.When you reference the Bible for biblical integration, it is the holy Word of our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ and it is not considered an academic, peer-reviewed source.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. 

Upload link:  www.mediafire.com/file/rdl7gnii9wy3gw6/10498719_1_integrative-case-1.0.-disorganization-at-semco--human-resource-practices-as-a-strategic-advantage.pdf/file

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