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Complete 49 page APA formatted essay: An Investigation into the Factors that Impact on the Retention of Generation Y Workers in Nestle South Africa.89). Other terms have been used synonymously to pert

Complete 49 page APA formatted essay: An Investigation into the Factors that Impact on the Retention of Generation Y Workers in Nestle South Africa.

89). Other terms have been used synonymously to pertain to the same group, such as “Millenials”, “Echo-Boomers”, or the “iGeneration”. These young individuals possess a set of common characteristics and expectations distinct from older generations who have preceded them. This generation can create considerable impact both as employees and consumers, meriting an investigation of the factors that influence their cognition, affect, and behaviours at work. The Nestle brand has continuously created an extensive range of products with superior quality, targeted towards consumers at a global scale. The multinational organisation, has been acknowledged internationally, owing to their research and development capabilities, geographic presence, and the premium that they place on their employees and their culture. Over 3,300 employees work for Nestle, 82% of whom are Black and 32% being females. Because of the organisation’s concern towards enhancing employee performance and well-being, Nestle has devised employee assistance programs that promote emotional and psychological support and financial stability, among others, towards maintaining employee wellness and effectively reducing employee turnover. Owing to the substantial influence of Generation Y employees on achieving the organisational bottomlines, the current research aims to ascertain the factors that influence their retention.

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