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Compose a 250 words essay on 08.05 Trait Theory: Enduring. Needs to be plagiarism free!The approach does reject the idea of free will and believes behaviour is determined by environment.School of psyc

Compose a 250 words essay on 08.05 Trait Theory: Enduring. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The approach does reject the idea of free will and believes behaviour is determined by environment.

School of psychodynamic perspective will determine Robert’s enduring behaviour as having been determined by Robert’s own unconscious mind as well as child hood behaviour (Saul). This is because the psychodynamic approach assumes that childhood vents can significantly impact an adult’s behaviour. T

he approach also believes that individuals do have some little free will for making choices in life.

Humanism psychology will view Roberto’s as connected to Roberto’s inner feelings as well as self image. It centres on a view that every human being is individual and unique, also possessing the free will to change whenever in their lives. Humanism will suggest that Roberto is responsible for own well being and happiness in life. Roberto has the innate capacity for self-actualization that is Roberto’s unique desire for achieving a highest potential as a person.

Cognitive psychology will study Roberto’s behaviour y use of laboratory experiments. The approach will be concerned with Roberto’s mental functions for instance perception, attention, and memory among others. The approach will use many applications including cognitive therapy as well as eyewitness testimony.

The biological psychology school will vies Roberto’s enduring behaviour as having been inherited and that it has an evolutionary function (Saul). The approach preaches that biological factors like hormones, brain, and chromosomes all influence human behaviour significantly, for instance gender. Biological psychologists will explain behaviour in neurological terms meaning the structure and psychology of brain as well as how it influences behaviour.

The trait theory will study Roberto’s personality. Its interest will be to measure traits that can be called habitual patterns of emotion, behaviour

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