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Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis, and a supply chain analysis for your proposed new division and its business model. Create a SWOT table summarizing your findings. Your environm

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis, and a supply chain analysis for your proposed new division and its business model.

Create a SWOT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.

External forces and trends considerations:

  • Legal and regulatory
  • Global
  • Economic
  • Technological
  • Innovation
  • Social
  • Environmental
  • Competitive analysis

Internal forces and trends considerations:

  • Strategy
  • Structures
  • Processes and systems
  • Resources
  • Goals
  • Strategic capabilities
  • Culture
  • Technologies
  • Innovations
  • Intellectual property
  • Leadership

Write a synopsis of no more than 1,050 words in which you analyze relevant forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following:

  • Identify economic, legal, and regulatory forces and trends.
  • Critique how well the organization adapts to change.
  • Analyze and explain the supply chain of the new division of the existing business. Share your plans to develop and leverage core competencies and resources within the supply chain in an effort to make a positive impact on the business model and the various stakeholders.

Identify issues and/or opportunities:

  • Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis.
  • Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis.
  • Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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********* ******** *** ******** environmental ******** and * supply ***** analysis *** your ******** new division and *** ******** modelCreatea **** ***** summarizing **** findings Your ************* ******** should ******** ** * ******* *** ********* factors *** **** factor ******** *** one ******* ******** weakness *********** threat *** trend and ******* ** in your ************* ****** *** ****** ******************** *** ***************************************************************************** analysisInternal forces *** ****** considerations:StrategyStructuresProcesses *** systemsResourcesGoalsStrategic ****************************************************** ************************ synopsis ** ** **** **** 1050 ***** in ***** *** ******* ******** ****** and ****** **** *** **** ***** **** analysis **** ******* the ****************** ******** ***** and regulatory forces *** ************** *** **** *** ************ ****** ** ************* *** ******* *** supply ***** ** the *** ******** ** *** ******** ******** ***** **** ***** ** ******* and ******** core competencies and resources ****** *** ****** ***** ** an ****** to make a positive impact ** *** ******** model and *** various stakeholdersIdentify issues ****** ********************** *** ***** ****** and/or ************* that *** ******* ***** ***** ** **** **************** * ********** surrounding each ***** *** ******** questions to *** *** ********** **************** *** ************* surrounding **** ****** classify *** ************** ********* *** ********** ** **** *************** *** **** *** accuracy ** the importance *** **** ************************ paper consistent with *** ****************** Assignment Files *** to ****** **** ******************** *** **** ********* Part 2Bus/475December **** *********** Portillo Hasbro’s *** SWOT ********* **** ******* *** is *** of the ******* and leading toy ****** ** *** world ******* * doubt *** **** ******** **** is ******** ** making ********* decisions *** ************* ** *** or existing products *** **** analysis stands for the ********* weakness ************* *** ******* ** * ******* *** ******** evaluates *** *********** ******** *** external forces ** ******* **** key business ********* ********** ******** and ****************** ******** ************** SWOTOpportunitiesTHreatslegal ***** ************** for ********* ****** ********* *** ************ ***** ********* *** ***************** **************** ****** *** product ****** ****************** *** ********* ** standardsGlobalGrowing ************** *************** ** ***** costs **************** ***** name ***** ******************* ****** competitionTechnology becoming ******************** ** ************** ** ********************** **** *** currency fluctuationsHigh ************************************** ********************* ***************** ******* ************** technology ** *********** *** *********************** ** ************ *** ***** competitorsAdvancement ** prior productsCustomers ****** new ********** *** ******** ************ ** ************************* ********* ***************** ********************* media ********************* diversificationenvironmentalImplement Comprehensive ***** ************** environmental ********************* ** *** *************** costs ** materialscompeittive *********** **** ** ******* ** marketSafe *** easy ** use *********** ************ *** ******************* ***** ********* ******* ******** ** ******* ****** ******* and *********** **************** to ***** ****** **************** ****** *** ************* *** ******* **** *** company ****** cannot ******* These ****** *** ********** ***** ****** ******** technological ********** *** ****** ************* *** *********** ******** ***** they can ****** ***** *** *** long **** ********** at Hasbro’s ************ ** ** ********* for *** management team to ********* ***** ************* *** ******* *** ********* ******** ********* ***** and ********** ******* for any company *** be ******** with ******* ***** and ************* The **** ******* for ****** *** *** higher demand for ******* safety ********* *** ** ********** ********** changes ** ***** outsourcing ************* *** ******* *** ********* set requirements ******* ********** *** ******** ***** ******** *********** *** ******* ********* ******** ********* to Hasbro’s corporate responsibility ***** ****** ************* 140 *********** Safety and *********** ********* (SRS) ** *** ****** ******* ********* **** ********** ********** ******** Safely” **** **** 4-6) *** programs ******* ****** and ********* ************* ** ********* **** ********** meets *** **** quality ******* checks ** *** ************* Inc ** * ************* *** ******* ** ************* ** no new ******** Some key ************* *** *********** manufacturing ** **** ***** *** reaching ********* ******* ***** **** ******* *** ****** cultural differences *** institutional attributesEconomic external ******* *** impact *** ******** ********** product *********** **** ****** *** ****** The **** ** ****** *** ******** in unemployment ***** **** ********* to **** **** money ***** increases ******** ** ******** ****** ** Hasbro’s *** ******* ** *** **** ********* ******** rate *** ******** ************ **** *** ******* *********** ************* ** can cause ************ **** ******* ******* ***** ****** *** ********* but **** ****** *** ******** costs *** profitability **** ***** fluctuationsTechnology is ************* *** can provide ******* opportunities ** ******* ** any ******* **** product ********* to ************* **** ************* technology ****** are ******* ******* innovation *********** ********* ******** ******** *** development ***** **** ******* control ****** ******* ********** ******** ******* like ******** ******** ******** *** ********** ********* faster **** company designsTechnology **** ***** a role ** *** *********** ********** ******* ****** ******** ********** ******** *** development ** ********** *** ****** ***** ********** ****** opportunities *** *** ******* ****** ********** *** ************ ** ***** ******** ******* ********** *** ****** difficult *** ********** when resources *** ******* and customers ****** *** ********** *** ********** ************** ******* *** **** ******* *** ********* ** consumers like ******** wealth *** ******** ********** **** ** ** ***** ** these factors ******** ** ********** ********* decisions ************* social ******* *** *** hardest ** ******** and ******* Some ****** ************* for Hasbro’s are age ************ ********** ****** and media ************* **** ******* ******* ** ****** ******* *** ******** ***** publications *** ******** *************** **** can ******* misunderstood information ********** the ****** of *********** *** ********* and ***** ** raw ********* ******** *********** ********** ******* a **** to ********* * ************* ***** policy The ****** ** their ******* *********** with ******** *** *** ******* *********** enforcing *** *** of non-toxic *************** **** ******** usage decreasing the companies ecological damage (“Operations *** *** Environment” ***** *** ****** **** ******* *** * competitive advantage **** the *********** with ************* *********** **** past ****** *** ******* has **** **** to **** money *********** ***** ******* *** ****** ***** ** *** ***** ***** **** ****** set a **** ** ****** ************ ************* ***** ** ** ******* by 2012 ** ********* **** goal ******** *** ****** ** waste **** to ******** ** ** ******* compared with the 2008 baseline” ************** *** *** ************** **** **** 5)With *** evaluation ** competitive ******** *** ******* *** establish **** ***** *** *** ******** unique and ********** ** *** ****** ****** *********** *** ********** *** ******* ** not like any other ** *** ****** *** *** ******* ** also **** **** to *** and has ******** capabilities for ******** Some ******* are ************** ******* to ********* similar product ** ******* ****** quality and ****** ********* ** *** *** The ******* threat is the possibility ** *** reaching *** target market ********************* Internal ************* forcesStrengthsweaknessesstrategyPromote ***** cut ******** ******************* managementManagement not ********* strategy planstructuresDeveloped *** experience ********** ************ ** ********** controlManagement not ********* roles and responsibilitiesprocesses ***** systemsAdvanced ********** ** ****** *********** *** **** productsCost ** ********** ************************* ***** *************** ***** of consistency ** ******* performanceStrong *********** ***** ********* of ************* facilitiesgoalsEnvironmental ********************** ********** ****** ***** product ************* ********* and **************** to **** *** ********* ******* **** goalsstrategic capaibilitesPublic ************* ********** ***************** to ******************* **** ethicHigh ******* ********** ***** employee ********* ethical ************************** ***************** ******* *************** ****************************** ********** to ****** ****************** ** openness ** new ***************** propertyImplementing IP ManagementExploitation ** ******************** leadership ***************** leadership The ******** ****** ** * ******* *** ****** *** ********** processes control *** *************** ****** *** ** ***** for their extended periods ** ******** ********** ******** ******** *** the ******* is ********* ***** *** ******** ********** ******* ****** ********* ********** *** ********* * weakness *** their strategy ** **** ********** refuses to *** ***** ********* *** *** ****** ******* ********* ******** ********* structure ** **** as ********* ** *** strategy when ******* **** the administration teams ********** experienced *** ********* ********** **** is * ******** **** ******* to determine ********* ************ *** **** *** management doesn’t follow their ***** *** **************** ** creates ********* ******** ****** the ************* *** ** **** ******* ***** ********* ***** *********** with ********** ********** ****** *** ******* ** ******* ***** ******** process ************* ********* ******* *********** ******** processes and ******* ********** is ***** ** a ***** ******** *** *** ** a ******** **** *** ******* the ******** **** ********** is ***** ******** making ** *********** *** ********* ** stay ahead ** *** competitionTechnology *** **** ******** ****** **** ********* ***** resources **** ***** **** and the high ***** ** ********** *********** ******* ****** ********** ***** names and **** ** manufacturing facilities *** ****** ********** ****** *** companyHasbro’s ***** ** strengthen the ******* are ** ****** *** ************* ************** ** ********** *** environmental footprint ** ********** ****** ***** ******** and ********* ********* ********* ** *************** **** ******** *** ** costly ******* weaknesses *** **** **** *** ***** ** * ***************** Capabilities ********* * ******* *********** ******** *** ********** their ********* capabilities ** *** new ******* division ** the ***** *** ****** ** *** *** ******* Market ****** *** ****** ******* ****** **** the ********* ************ of *** company *** need *** product *********** Strategic ************ can cause ********** over **** **** *** **** ******** *** ********* ** alterThe *********** ******** ********* *** strong **** ****** and **** ******* beliefs But *** ***** ******** will ****** *** company’s ******** ******* *** could ***** ********** with *** **** ** **** ************* of ***** ******************* *** *** new ******* ******** is innovation ****** The company *** ******* *** innovation process *** ********** ** create unique ******** **** ******* *** ***** of consumers *** the lack of ********** *** put * **** ** company’s product growthImplementing an ******** ************ property ********** ** ***** as IP ********** ******* ** many cases provides companies **** a competitive advantage *** ** ********** ***** the company ******* patents brand *********** *** internal ********** Without this ******** *** company *** **** ********** **** ********* ********* ***** ************ *** ******** ********** **************** *********** ** ********** ***** help the company ********** *** ******* *** ****** ***** *** ******** *** product *********** ******* maintaining *** ********** *** ****** ********** **** ********** *** ******** *************** ChainHasbro *** ***** one ** *** ******* *** ************* in *** world ******** *** same ****** ***** *** existing *** new ******** Because ** ******** ************* ** **** Asia ****** outsources their ************* ********* ** Asia contractors After ***** ************ *** ******** *** shipped ** ***** *** ** boat to *** of *** ********* **** ********** Massachusetts ** ********* ******* ***** *** ********* are **** manufacturing ********** *** warehouses ***** the products *** ********* *** ******* check ****** *********** *** ****** **** they *** distributed by ***** *** ***** ** *** ** *** ********* ** ****** ********* around *** world ******* *** *** *********** ******** or product ******* *** Hasbro’s products *** ** shipped back ** ******* ********* ******** for ******* ** *********** ************* *** ** determined with *********** environmental ************** *** plan ** ******** **** ************ and **** a ******** ****** ** *** company through *** ****** ***** They **** already ***** *** process of ********** greenhouses *** *** ******** with combining ******* ***** ******** ** *** ******* or trip Instead of ******** into **** ******** **** **** ** ***** ******** ********** the ****** of trips make ** suggestion ** to ******* energy **** ******** ** *********** ********** Hasbro ********** ***** ************* ******** ** ***** *** **** of ********** ******* ***** ********* **** ********** inspections ** manage ***** efficiency *** *************** **** ********* **** the ********** of *********** ********** ** *** allow Hasbro ** honestly *** they are contributing ********** **** can to reduce their ********* ********* **** ** *** ***** ** ********* *** **** **** ******** ***** ************** **** **** or ******** *** not ************************ Inc has ***** **** *** the ******* *** ******* **** 90 **** ***** in operation They ******* their ***** **** **** ******** ** help ******** *** companies ******** and ******** forces The ******* adapts ** changes ********** ******* ******** **** ** **** on top ** ****** ********** ********** *** ******* their supply chain              ReferencesMaking *********** ****************** ********* ****** Responsibility ******************************************************************** Product’s *********** ********** *** *** Environment)Hasbro Corporate Social ************** *** 1) **************************************************************************

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