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Continuous Improvement Model I teach 1st grade This assignment must be uploaded in Canvas. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete grade for the course. It will be important to begin this assi

Continuous Improvement Model

I teach 1st grade

This assignment must be uploaded in Canvas. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete grade for the course.

It will be important to begin this assignment the first week of the course. This assignment is designed for you to work with your colleagues (preferably in your grade level or content area) in a PLC group. Meet with your group at least once a week. Use the Continuous Improvement Model to plan and implement your Action Plan. Your Action Plan needs to be something that the group would already be doing in their classrooms.

The Continuous Improvement Model has four components:

1. SMART GOALS: With your PLC group, take the standards in a content area that you are currently teaching, and develop at least three student learning goals. These goals need to be written as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused, and Time-Bound (or SMART goals). For example: A team SMART goal for students might be: "We will increase the percentage of students that meet or exceed standards on the state assessments from 62% to 75% by spring 2020." For the purposes of this course, you will need to establish a SMART goal that you can measure during the five week term.

 2. ACTION PLAN: Create an Action Plan in order for students to achieve the goals. Your PLC should first create a common assessment, or use one that you already have that will assess your SMART goals. Administer the pretest to see what your students already know. You can use one assessment for your pre- and post-test. Then create your instructional activities, etc. to get your students ready for the assessment. Implement the action plan. All members of the PLC should follow the same plans, etc. and administer the common assessment.

 3. COLLECT AND ANALYZE ASSESSMENT DATA: Work in your PLC group to compile and analyze the assessment data. Create charts that display the average (mean) pre- and post-assessment score for all three learning goals, for all teachers in your PLC. In addition, create an additional chart that displays the break-down of the pre- and post-assessment data for all three learning goals, by all teachers in your PLC. In addition to providing this information in chart format, a written narrative should be included that discusses the findings. Include in the narrative information related to how teachers plan to use the data to learn from one another.

 4. CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK: Meet with your PLC group to determine progress and provide feedback to each other for either positive or negative consequences in an effective, nonjudgmental, and celebratory manner. Focus on Dufour's Four guiding questions:

  1. What did we expect students to learn?
  2. How do we know if they learned it?
  3. How will we respond when they do not learn it?
  4. How will we respond when they have already learned?

Record a written reflection that includes your feedback collected from your collaborative PLC meeting that answers these questions.


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