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Module 2 Assignment: Creating meaningful curriculum LINK TO MODULE 1 ASSIGNMENT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z6ow9jezq12ecnn/PPT-1.pdf/file LINK TO TEMPLATE FOR MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT: https://www.m

Module 2 Assignment: Creating meaningful curriculum

LINK TO MODULE 1 ASSIGNMENT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z6ow9jezq12ecnn/PPT-1.pdf/file

LINK TO TEMPLATE FOR MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mniir94o5r940sl/WAL_MSEC_6106_M1_M2_MeaningfulCurrPPTTemplate_%25282%2529.pptx/file


The scenario continues:

You’ve made great progress developing your integrated, multidisciplinary unit. You’ve identified an essential question that children are excited about. You’ve reviewed early learning standards and pinpointed at least 2 that children will most likely be learning as they explore and investigate. And you’ve shared a supportive practice families can participate in at home that will help foster children’s learning. You also shared a rationale to help families understand how each of the standards and supporting strategies relates to your essential question so that they can better understand the thinking that underpins meaningful curriculum.

The next step is both challenging and exciting: It’s time to flesh out learning experiences related to your essential question that your group will find engaging. You know you need to also indentify standards the experiences align to, key resources, materials and tools, and make sure each of the experiences exemplify the characteristics of meaningful curriculum.

For this Assignment, complete the Meaningful Curriculum PowerPoint Template Download Meaningful Curriculum PowerPoint Templatethat you began in Module 1. Continue creating a narrated PowerPoint presentation (approximately 10 minutes long) with bulleted slides and your script in the “Notes” section of each slide. Include the following.

Part 1: Developing Meaningful Learning Experiences

Building on the unit you began in Module 1, develop 3 engaging learning experiences that link to your essential question. Make sure each learning experience incorporates at least 2 Key Learning Areas and aligns to at least 2 of the early learning standards you identified in Module 1.

Note: Be sure your 3 learning experiences cover a variety of the Key Learning Areas.

For each learning experience, create the following slides:

  • The title of the learning experience and a description of what children will be doing during the learning experience (1–2 slides)
  • Actions you, as the teacher, will engage in as you facilitate the learning experience (1–2 slides)
  • At least 2 Key Learning Areas that are incorporated as part of the learning experience and at least 2 early learning standards the experience aligns to (1 slide)
  • At least 5 key resources, materials, and tools that will support children’s engagement and learning with a rationale for why you chose each (2–3 slides)
  • Your rationale for creating each learning experience, including how the experience demonstrates some of the following characteristics of meaningful curriculum (2–3 slides):
    • Emphasizes active/experiential learning
    • Provides opportunities for children to make choices and/or solve problems
    • Builds on children’s individual interests and strengths
    • Takes into consideration children’s individual challenges and needs
    • Sparks curiosity, discovery, exploration, and wonder

Part 2: Reaching Out to Every Child

Each child is a unique individual, and when creating meaningful curriculum, early childhood teachers must consider how to be responsive to children’s unique strengths, needs, interests, and abilities. This complex effort requires a strong philosophical and pedagogical understanding of what it means to reach out and promote learning for all children.

As you work on this portion of your Assignment and write the script for these slides, carefully consider how you want to communicate your thoughts to the families with whom you will be sharing your thinking.

For Part 2:

  • Review the resources for this part of your Assignment.
  • Carefully craft your philosophy of individualized teaching with the goal of ensuring meaningful learning experiences for all children.
  • Add at least 2–3 slides to your PowerPoint presentation, bulleting your philosophy as well as providing your script in the “Notes” section of the slides.
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