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Creating a FAQ for a WebsiteOverview Review the Strayer University website to find an opportunity to write a FAQ that does not exist but would be useful to an intended audience. Your assignment must b

Creating a FAQ for a WebsiteOverview

Review the Strayer University website to find an opportunity to write a FAQ that does not exist but would be useful to an intended audience. Your assignment must be focused on providing a new resource that is focused toward a Strayer University audience such as current, future, or past students. Some examples of an area of interest appropriate for one or more of these audiences could be:

  • Campus-specific information.
  • Graduation requirements.
  • Online student services.
  • Veteran student services.


  • Be sure to select just a single area to focus your FAQ on. In the information you are providing, clarity and focus is a vital consideration to creating an effective FAQ.
  • You will format the document as if it would be going on the website, but you will write the document in Microsoft Word or equivalent word processing software.
  • Write a 1–2 page FAQ sheet in which you pose and answer five questions for the intended audience and purpose.
  • On a separate page within the same document, write a paragraph that identifies the intended audience and purpose of the FAQ sheet you have created. (Submit one document in total with both components included.) Your assignment cannot be graded without this analysis.

In your document, you should:

  • Match the intended audience and purpose for situation and tone.
  • Format FAQ web pages accurately and according to the details in the textbook.
    • This includes providing working and ADA accessible links as needed (again, see your textbook).
  • Ensure that content is measured, concise, and applicable.
    • Remember you need to answer the FAQ questions that you create for your topic.
  • Craft a document that is easy to read.

Remember, your FAQ must be targeted toward a relevant Strayer University audience and topic.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link

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