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Essay Topic Choices (Choose One) Essay must be submitted by the due date (see Calendar) into the Essay Submission drop box. Do not email essays. Late assignments are not accepted. 200 points ·
Essay Topic Choices (Choose One)
Essay must be submitted by the due date (see Calendar) into the Essay Submission drop box. Do not email essays. Late assignments are not accepted.
200 points
· Essay topic answered completely and all aspects of the topic addressed thoroughly.
· 8 - 10 pages, excluding title page and references page.
· Essay is written in your own words (no more than 20% matching quotes) for this course. UTPB scholastic dishonesty
· In-text citations for 6 or more current (2006-2016) references.
150 points
Scholarly references less than 10 years old:
· 4 sociological journal references (from approved journals listed)
· 2 sources of your choice (still must be scholarly) such as book or website.
10 points
Title page has all required elements and formatting:
· Your Name
· My Name
· Course Name & Number (Political Sociology: SOCI4324.793)
· Term (Fall 2016)
· Institution: UTPB
· Essay topic: example - Module 2: Institutional Power
40 points
Follows ASA format in all aspects, including:
· 1” margins, 12’ Times New Roman font. double spaced (and “0” before/after spacing), proper in-text citations and reference formatting.
Choose one topic from the list below. Review the essay topic carefully and answer the topic as presented.
Review the Essay Grade Rubric and Instructions in your syllabus.
Please be aware the "Essay Submission" contains a plagiarism tool that will scan your document.
The essay submission is due on the date posted in your Course Calendar. You are highly encouraged to submit your essay 1-2 days prior to the due date to allow for any unforeseen or technical complications.
Only submit ONE essay document. Make sure you upload your final and complete essay. Do not submit a draft or only a cover page.
Late essays are not accepted. Emailed essays will only be considered if they are submitted to the INBOX before the deadline AND include a Help desk message that is also date stamped before the due date.
Essay Topics (Choose one)
Essay Topic Lesson 1 - Politics, Business and Society
Choose one of the following topics and discuss the intersectionality of politics, business and society.
- Prisoners
- Poverty and human rights
- Refugee and Migrant rights
- Corporate Accountability
Essay Topic Lesson 2 - Institutional Power
Power is concentrated in the institutions of the state, corporate economy, and the military. Choose one institution and research changing power structures (i.e. women in the military).
Essay Topic Lesson 3 - Social Media
Social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs) have changed the tight control of media by elites. Research one social or political issue and write an essay on what influences social media has had on the situation, event, place, issue or elite person or organization.
Essay Topic Lesson 4 - Political participation
Identify two public figures and compare and contrast their involvement in political participation and voting on either a local, state or national level.
Essay Topic Lesson 5 - Social Inequality and Social Change
Social inequality and conflict can be caused by the inability of the majority to band together for political action. In The Immoral Minority, a blogger claims the citizens of Wasilla AK are unable to counter the political influence of famous Wasillian, Sarah Palin.
Outline an example of a social inequality that was suffered through the inability of a group to affect political action; or an example of a group that was able to band together and affect social change. Your example can from an international, national, regional, state or local group.
Essay Topic Lesson 6 - Context of a Social Movement
Create your own social movement. Describe the following elements in your organization: ideology, strategy, tactics, social base, geographic scope, exclusiveness, structure, process and leadership.
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********************** *********** LIVES MATTER Name:Institution:Course Number:Course ******************** ******** Date: IntroductionFor ***** *** ***** ** racism has **** a major ***** ** ******* However *** **************** community *** **** ******** ** the ******* *** several years ***** ***** ****** is ** international ****** ******** which ***** in United ****** ** *** year **** The **** ‘Black-lives-Matter’ **** ** ******* **** ******** ** *** other ***** *** ***** ********* ***** more brutal treatment **** *** ********* title demands **** ****** ****** ** treated ** * ****** ****** ******* ***** or white ****** media ********* **** ****** ** ********* **** ** ******** all ****** ******** **** ******* parts ** *** ***** ** ***** ** ******** *** *** ****** ** ***** ****** ** ********** *** issue ** **** ** ** ********* ** **** ** *** history ** *** problemHistory ** Black Lives ********* ******** ***** as ** ****** ****** movement ** the year **** ***** *** spread ******* ****** ********* **** ** ******* *** ******** *** ******** ***** ***** * black ******** *** was known ** ********* *** ******** after *** shooting ** Martin Trayvon *** ***** man was ******** ******* *** ****** ******* **** a ********** that ** ****** ********** The movement **** on ********* after ****** ******** ****** several unarmed black peopleThe ******** ****** full ******** ** *** **** **** ***** * ****** ******* knelt ** ********* **** which *** ** *** ***** ****** from all ***** ** the ***** watched ********* **** ******* as he ****** for **** ** *** ********* ***** ***** **** ******* demonstrations in ******* cities in *** *** **** ***** ***** ** *** ***** ******** *********** ***** ********* ****** * *** **** ** *** type ** ******** ***** ****** displayed *** ** *** ****** *** *** ******** The **** important ****** ** **** *** **** ***** ****** ** *** ****** *** little ******* over *** ****** ** **** ** ****** **** ********* ** ****** ****** ***** platforms **** ******* various ****** to ***** ***** *********** ******** **** sharing *** events ** demonstrations ****** citiesIt ** important to note **** *** problem ** racism *** **** ******* *** ***** *** *** **** ** ***** ****** media platforms ********* *** **** ********** *** type ** emotions ***** *** public ********* ********* case was *** ** *** **** incidents **** ****** ******** *** held accountable *** ***** ******* ******* people from ***** communitySocial ***** ********* on *** ****** *********** ******* world ** ********** has connected ****** **** ******* ******* without *** ********* ** ************ factors **** as ******** This allows people ** **** and receive ******** ** ***** own *********** as long ** **** *** connected *** ******** ** ***** *** *** **** *** ***** a *** ******* after *** police ******* ****** him ***** ***** related ********* which **** *** ********** until ********* death ***** ******** ********* **** people ** ******* parts of *** ******** main stream media ***** not **** ******* *** ******** but *** to ********** ********** **** *** *** have to ** ******** received *** **** Social media platforms ***** major roles **** ** comes ** *********** ****** ** *** ********* ***** **** ****** take when it ***** ** drawing conclusions ** * ******* ***** et ** ***** **** of *** **** advantages ** ****** ***** ** **** it ****** people to ***** *** ** ****** and also ** ******* *********** ****** * ***** ****** ** **** For this **** people *** were *** access to *** internet *** * ****** ** view the incidentSocial ***** also enables ******** and nurturing ** an ***** ** **** case *** media ******** *** ******** of *** ****** society ***** *** ***** people **** ***** ******* which **** ******** ******** ** *** ********* **** led ** * full ***** ****** ** an **** **** black people **** being ********* ** ******* ********* ** *** ****** *** ****** be ********* **** ******** *** pioneers ** *** ******** were **** received ******** **** the ****** audience ***** allowed them ** ******* *** entire ********* This ******** being **** to ******** ****** ** the ****** ** the United States ******* ****** depended ** ******* media ************* ** **** ******* **** they ******* credible news The main ***** stations ********* *** **** ** perception ***** is created by ****** ********* various issues ****** *** death ** ***** several ***** stations **** not ****** ********* ** *** ***** This *** * ****** ***** ***** ********* presidencyBecause the citizens *** not receive sufficient **** **** *** citizens paid ********* on *** issue which also limited researchers **** ******* **** the ******* **** also ***** **** the ********* **** *** taken ********* ** they **** ********** to ** ********** ***** However the ******** ***** ** ***** which *** ***** ******* various ****** ***** ******* ******* *** ******** ** *** *** reality ** *** *********** ** social ***** facets ** ***** ***** ****** *********** *** ****** media ********* ** ensure that *** news *** ***** *** intended weight ***** *** ********* ****** ***** *** **** ********** ***** ********* *** ********* ** sharing **** ******** used and the style **** ** share the **** ** frequency facet *** ****** ** ***** that the ***** stations *** **** ********** *** *********** perceptions Before *** ***** of Floyd few ****** media platforms frequently aired news ** the issue ******* when all ******** viewed *** events in * ******** ****** ******* ******* reacting to **** ** *** **** time ******* activists *** researchers ******* *********** on the ***** ***** **** ** spread to ***** ******* around the ******** ******** **** *** been * key ****** when ** ***** to ******** **** the *********** ********* ** ******** **** ******** social media platforms such ** Facebook ******* *** YouTube ******* ******** *** *** most *** ******** ********* **** ********* triggered emotions which made ******* ******** ** ******** on the issue The impact ** *** ****** ****** ***** platforms ****** the ******** *** ************* ******** **** airing *** ****** ***** **** ******* to ****** advocated by Black Lives ****** **************** ******** ******** ** ******* states within the ******* which *** ** ********** ** *** enforcement into *** ****** *** ***** platforms also ****** an ********* *** ** protecting peaceful ********** ** **** kept ** ******** **** ***** were ******* to *** **** of harm ***** ********** were ********* to **** ****** **** protests ******* ********* ***** from *** police officers ***** led ** ********** ****** *************** ** Black Lives ****** effortsSeveral researchers and ******** *** ********* ******** ********** in order ** ********** the ****** ** *** ******** on ********** *** ***** ********** ****** According ** their ******** online ******** on *** ***** did not **** ** ****** on ******** *** ****** ***** of *** ******* *** **** ****** ****** **** is **** ******* ***** reporters who have a ***** ********* on *** issue *** not *** ********* ** what *** ****** ** ****** media platforms **** ** ******** ** **** ******** *** *********** ***************** ****** why the elite ********* ***** ** pay ********* ** the **** ****** through **** platforms is **** **** ** *** **** *** ********** ** ******** as **** ******* ******** or *** ** ******* **** fail ** consider **** **** ** *** **** are ******** *** give *** ****** ********* ** the ****** Some of *** activists ***** presents *** actual *********** ***** ****** might ******* ****** ****** ***** ***** to present *** problems ***** are ***** ***** ** ***** ****** in *** ******* **** ** the *** ****** which ****** the ****** of ******* ****** ***** platforms ********* ********* *** **** ****** ******* *** **** ****** media ****************** of ****** media ** ****** *********** *** been ***** ******* that due ** **** of *********** ** *** social ***** ********* ***** ********* to ***** ******* *** ******** ******* they ***** play ** ********* role **** it ***** ** shaping the ***** ***** ** social ******** **** as black ***** matter Their narratives *** ****** ** strategies such ** ********* *** at *** same **** ********** ******* events ** *** *** **** ** *********** **** ** targeted **** ******** **** ******** ******* ********* the ******** ****** ******** ***** ************** ***** However several citizens use the **** stream ***** ** ******* some ** *** **** shared ******* **** ********* *** journalists for years **** ****** a **** ** ******* the police and *** government *********** ** **** ********* **** citizens will focus ***** attention into For **** **** news **** ***** ****** ******* ****** ***** ********* ***** **** later ****** by ********* **** *** *** ******* **** the ********* of *** ******** ***** ***** **** *** ***** **** main ****** ***** took over the issue This *** ** ***** ** the deaths ** ***** African-Americans who **** killed ****** ********* deathNegative ***** reporting ** ***** lives ****** *************** the *********** ***** stations **** ** ***** issues addressed ** ******* ********* ******* the ******** ********* ******* **** ********* social ******** ****** **** *********** *** **** violence An ******* is *** **** ***** **** where several ***** stations concluded that *** ******** did *** **** ******** ******* therefore **** neglected *** ********* ******** reports ********* *** ******** *** **** ******* *** ******** ***** ******* *** ******* ** **** its ********** ***** were ** ******* *** ****** ** ***** ******** ** ******* ** *** **** ********* several ***** ******** *** **** ****** ****** ***** ********* shared **** ******** ********** which they ********** **** *** ******** such ** ********* ******* *** property damage **** turned ******* ******** against supporting the ******** ** **** ****** ** ** ******* According ** ***** news ******** and videos ** ******* **** ***** ******** 2018)However ***** *** ****** **** criminals **** the *********** ** *** ******** ** ***** ** ***** *** ***** ********** An ******* ** * picture of * white ***** **** *** ******* into * ***** ********* *** lady *** *** ***** ***** ******* *** ******* ** *** ***** * ****** ** *** protests **** ** **** ** ********** ******* several people **** *** races **** *** to ******* for *** ****** of ***** *************** to ******* ***** ******** **** ***** negative ******** when it comes ** *** ******* of ****** ****** ******* ***** **** ******** ********* which ****** to ******** *** ***** ****** ** * ******** ****** ***** *** ****** media coverage ******* ****** ********* which **** violence receive **** ****** ***** ******** ***** **** ******* negative images from *** ****** ***** leads ** ******* to **** *** *** ************** ** ***** *********** *** ******** *** likely ** **** *********** ****** ******** ** **** *** *** given * *** ** ******** ** *** **** **** the main ****** media **** not ********* ********** **** violent events ***** *** ********* ** social movements ******* **** **** negative *********** ********* **** ****** This ***** ** *************** ** *** ****** ***** ***** **** ****** ***** against ***** ******* **** ******* **** of *** ********** ******** ** the ***** ***** Matter movement **** ******** ***** were ******* ******** **** ***** **** also ********* to *** ****** ******** **** **** ** ******** of a ******** ***** **** **** citizens *** ******** ***** support from *** ******** In ***** **** *** law *********** ******* ***** ** *********** ****** ******** ***** ** * high *********** **** ******** **** support *** social ******** hence ******** ** ** ******* its ******** ***** ******** ** ** ***************** *********** ** ****** in the ** ** the ****** *********** ****** ******** ****** ****** during *** ******** ******* ** *** **** ** ****** ******** ****** **** *** in **** 40% ** *** ******** in *** ****** ****** **** *** ** **** *** protesters Over * ********** of 15 million ******** **** **** ** *** ******** ******* also voted *** *** **** ** ****** *** ******** ********* *** ********* of black ****** ******* ***** ******* ****** ***** ********* ****** to ***** *** **** the ****** of *** ******** *** declined ** * ***** ****** ********** ** *** ***** ************** *** ****** of ****** Floyd’s ***** ** ** ***** ** ***** *** **** ** order ** ****** **** changes *** ******** ** ****** ********* *** most *********** strategy ** *** *** ***** ******** to ***** news which **** ***** *** ideas ** ******** across *** ****** Once ***** interests have **** ******** *** **** **** is to **** ** with ******* ********* ** ***** ** ****** that *** social movement’s ****** of ******* **** been addressed The ********* ** the ******** ******** * ****** ****** **** ** *********** ** achieve *** desired ****** ***** ****** ** ******** ****** the ******** **** ******** ** ** **** *** **** ************* ** ****** ***** ********* ** ***** ** ********* ***** ********** currently *** ********* ** *** news ****** ** ********** ***** ******** This ***** **** *********** **** ****** to *** **** * ******** in ***** to ***** out to ** **** ******* ** possible ******* ** **** they **** ****** a *** of ******* ***** ** ***** to *** news ****** ** *** ***** Citizens ***** check *** ******** **** and confirm **** from ***** ***** stationsTo ******* such ******** various ***** ***** stations ****** **** ****** through *** social ***** ********* ** that to conduct ******* ******** ** the news *********** They are ****** to report on **** news ******* *** news *** ******** to ** ********* by ******** ***** means **** ******* ******** is ******** **** *** *** **** for ***** ***** ****** ******** ******* little ********* *** **** ** *** ******** due ** **** ** ********** evidence ***** *** ****** shared where ********* ** ** **** *** ***** ***** *********** ***** ********** more ******** into *** ********************** media platforms **** ** Facebook **** ****** *** ***** media **** ** ***** ** *** type of news ******** *** how **** *** reported The *** also ****** *** ********** ********** ** *** ****** ********* ** the Black ***** Matter ******** ***** *** ***** being ******** ********* *** only in *** *** **** in Europe *** ***** ********* ** ******* ** * ********* ***** ******* in ****** **** a **** before playing ***** ** a sign ** ********** *** ****************************** * * (2018) ***** lives ****** *** *** civil ****** ********* A comparative ******** of two social ********* ** the ****** ************* ** Black ************ ******* ************************************************************** * * Friedson * * ********* * ***** * * ***** ******* * *********** lives ****** protests social ********** *** ************ ****** Cambridge MA: ******** Bureau ** Economic ******** ********************************************************************************************************** * * ***** ************** * (2021) ***** Lives Matter ** Historical ***************** ****** ** Law and ****** ********* 441-458 ******************************************************************************** B L ****** ***** ***** ***** *************** ****** 2020 https://blacklivesmatteruk/docs/Includability%20Official%20PartnerspdfPeng * *** * ***** ******* * ****** *** **** ** **** ** *********** ****** ***** *********** a social ******** ***************** Chain *********** An ************* Journal *****************************************************************************