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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Unit 2 disucssion board. It needs to be at least 500 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Unit 2 disucssion board. It needs to be at least 500 words. Unit 2 Discussion Board Given that rights have dominated several healthcare debates, how would you define rights as a healthcare provider and why?A user of the healthcare services provided by a healthcare service has a set of rights that include recipient rights, negative rights, natural rights, option rights, and human rights. These rights are meant to ensure that the healthcare service seeker is provided with a justifiable claim to good service, the right to choose the type of healthcare intervention without the interference of anyone. These rights that the healthcare seeker has originates from being a human being, and these rights are inherent to the existence of the individual. In the perspective of a healthcare provider, the rights of a healthcare seeker are those rights, which enable the individual to ensure receipt of service of the individual’s choice without the interference of others in keeping with the dignity of the individual, as a human being. The reason for this is that only then can the healthcare provider ensure fulfilling all the obligations that are part of the provision of healthcare services to the satisfaction of the patient.
An example here brings clarity to the definition. There is growing popularity for complementary or alternative medicine (CAM), as cultural intermingling takes place, owing to the increase in migration in modern times. At the time of seeking healthcare service, the service provider needs to provide all necessary information on CAM as part of the correlative obligation of disclosure, when seeking informed consent, which is part of the autonomy right of the individual. (Kerridge, H.I. & McPhee, R.J., 2004).
2. What are the consequences of your definition?
The consequences of this definition imply changes in the existing understanding of providing healthcare services. The healthcare provider needs to take into consideration the rights of the healthcare seeker. No longer does the old patronizing view of ‘I know what’s best in your interest’ holds good. The healthcare seeker has a right to understand the various options available, and choose the option that the individual believes is the right mode of medical intervention.
3. What type of patient-provider model would best accommodate your definition of rights?
The patient-provider shared decision making model best accommodates the definition of right. The patient-provider shared decision-making model involves the use of discussions between the patient and the physician in coming to a decision on the suitable medical intervention. In this way the rights of the patient are covered, and the knowledge and skills of the physician are also brought into play. (Nguyent, T. T. & McPhee, J.S., 2003).
4. If rights also produce obligations - how can both patients and providers claim professional or personal rights over the same issue?
The shared decision making model demonstrates how rights and obligations co-exist in the issue of the treatment provided. The physician takes into consideration the rights of the patient by extending the means of a discussion to arrive at the mode of treatment, and in this discussion completes his obligation to the rights of the patient by providing the input of all the knowledge and information available, to the patient as to the disease or condition, and the treatment regimes available.
Once the discussion has brought about a decision on the treatment mode, the obligations of the patient begin. These obligations include following therapeutic regime that is part of the treatment mode decided, and any other regimens like diet, or exercise that are a part of the accepted treatment mode. In this manner both professional and personal rights and obligations of both the practitioner and patient coexist. (Stubblefield, et al., 2002).
Literary References
Kerridge, H.I. & McPhee, R.J. (2004). Ethical and legal issues at the interface of complementary and conventional medicine. Medical Journal of Australia, 181(3), 164-166.
Nguyent, T. T. & McPhee, J.S. (2003). Patient-provider Communication in Cancer Screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 18(5), 402-403.
Stubblefield, et al. (2002). Provider-patient roles in chronic disease management. Journal of Allied Health, 31, 87-92.