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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Comparison & Contrast Between Two Online Holiday Companies. It needs to be at least 3000 words.Download file to see previous pages... This report s

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Comparison & Contrast Between Two Online Holiday Companies. It needs to be at least 3000 words.

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This report stresses that is essentially targeting the middle class families who look forward to travelling but have a very limited budget for the same., on the other hand, has a different approach and a different feel to the website. The moment we get into the website, it gives a rich appeal and talks about luxury destinations, which clearly implicates their target market. targets the upper class by offering luxury holidays packages with premium pricing which is not affordable by the average middle class families.

This paper makes a conclusion that they are still successful with their physical promotion and presence and attract many customers who are looking for relaxations by travelling to some exotic locations., on the other hand, is successful in their own way by doing significant online promotions and launching their exclusive application on facebook with the help of Betapond. They have successfully established themselves as low cost solution for travelers worldwide. Sticking to their current market and trying to capitalize on their target customers would help them to continuously be successful in their respective areas. The author of the report approves that since customer feedback is quite essential for the process, there is a rating prompt after every chat to enable the visitor comment on the level of service. This is very important for quality assurance purposes. It is also interesting to note that the company’ website is able to provide online booking and quote services. As a result, one does not have to visit Kuoni’s offices to be able to book for his or her preferred destination.

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