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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Laryngectomy. It needs to be at least 2000 words.Download file to see previous pages... There is “no single reason of laryngeal cancer. however,
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Laryngectomy. It needs to be at least 2000 words.
Download file to see previous pages...There is “no single reason of laryngeal cancer. however, a number of factors raise the risk of having it. The majority of individuals identified with laryngeal cancer are more than 50 years of age” (Mary et al, 2010). Males are more prone to be diagnosed with this cancer as compared to females. Other causes that seem to raise the risk of laryngeal cancer include (1) smoking, (2) heavy drinking, (3) staying at a place having sulphuric acid mist for long hours, and (4) asbestos exposure. Not making an adequate amount of vegetables as well as fruits a part of regular diet and having a family account of cancer are being identifies as other likely risk factors that may raise an individual’s likelihood of having laryngeal cancer. On the other hand, a number of individuals suffer from laryngeal cancer without any of the aforementioned risk factors. Radiation therapy via external beam is the frequently used cure for laryngeal cancer. An apparatus is utilized to cautiously target a beam of radiation on the tumor. The radiation harms the cells that are present within the range of the beam - both normal cells along with cancer cells. Tumors, that are small, may be treated by using radiation only. For larger tumors, external radiation is regularly applied accompanied by chemotherapy. A person can have a custom-made mask before radiation treatment. This custom-made mask is worn during the treatment procedure as well as during every radiation session. The mask ensures that the person is in the precisely similar position for all sessions and assists in keeping the head as well as neck from moving throughout treatment. For large tumors as well as for tumors that are spread to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is most frequently applied with radiation treatment. Chemotherapy treatments obstruct the capability of cancer cells to develop and multiply. however, they as well harm healthy cells. Even though healthy cells can recuperate after a while, a person may face some side effects from the treatment such as vomiting, nausea, loss of hunger, exhaustion, hair loss as well as an increased threat of infection. Decision of surgery relies on the size of the tumor as well as its location. During the surgery, all or part of the tumor along with a few healthy tissues in the region of the tumor are eradicated. Surgery is carried out with general anesthetic and after that person may have some hurting or lethargy. However, these side effects are momentary, and can be taken care of (Mary et al, 2010). A surgery to eradicate all or part of the larynx is known as laryngectomy. Sometimes it is also become necessary to remove the lymph nodes in the neck and / or thyroid gland. For partial laryngectomy, the doctor eradicates the portion of the larynx having the tumor. Normally, one or both of the vocal cords are left untouched in so the person can talk. however, the voice may be different as compared to what it was before the surgery. For a complete laryngectomy, the entire larynx is removed. A tracheostomy is carried out simultaneously to make a cavity within the lower portion of the neck for the patient to respire through (Evans et al, 2009). Another option, laser surgery applies a strong and thin ray of light to eradicate cancerous tissue with slight or no harm to adjacent healthy tissue. It is mostly carried out with general anesthetic and may be applied for somewhat small laryngeal tumors.