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Hi, I need help with essay on Impact of Language Barriers on Refugees Education. Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages The paper stresses t

Hi, I need help with essay on Impact of Language Barriers on Refugees Education. Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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The paper stresses the issue of language barriers among refugee students is inadequately addressed by current academic programs in the United States. When refugee students enroll in schools, they are separately taken through intensive language acquisition programs before being merged with the mainstream student population. At the end of the intensive programs, which last for approximately six months, instructors presume that the refugee students are sufficiently proficient in the instruction language. However, these students do not acquire substantial skills within the 6-months programs that will enable them to compete objectively with other proficient students. In this case, I agree with the purpose of intensive programs in facilitating language literacy among refugee students.

In conclusion, it remains evident that language barriers, specifically the issues of second language instruction and limited confidence in social language, are undermining the education of refugee students in US schools. Language barriers, which could be pre-immigration or post-immigration in nature, compromise on the eventual outcomes of refugee students’ academic journeys. Despite the presence of adaptive instructional programs to enhance the proficiency of language among refugees in US schools, more still needs to be done to neutralize obstacles presented by pre-immigration and post-immigration language barriers. Undeniably, research of such topics is important in improving the education lives of refugees living in non-native cultures across the world.

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