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Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Somethings Cooking in the Kitchen And its Not Dinner.

Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Somethings Cooking in the Kitchen And its Not Dinner. The reason they are becoming so popular? Unlike other property, such as a place of residence, it cannot be seized by the police. Since 2004, police and other authorities have found evidence of at least 1,789 motel rooms being used as meth labs. A further sobering point is that this is just the rooms that have been discovered and that no one really knows how many have not.

Health risks and illegalities of the manufacturing of drugs aside, the legal issues are enormous for the hotel, motel, and restaurant owners that have their facilities used by drug-making hobbyists. As meth is an illegal drug, it also has the distinction, according to The Rooms Chronicle, of being a ‘do-it-yourself’ drug, which people can ‘cook’ fairly anywhere out of sight. The most common legal issues that a hotel/motel manager or restaurant owner would face in having their establishment turned into a point of manufacturing or sale for drugs would be liability to guests for safety and health issues, liability for any criminal acts of the employees, as well as the ramifications of the cleanup and the cleanup costs of such activities. Hotels and motels also face liability for the security of their establishment when this issue comes into play, as guests wish to be safe and secure, but not to the point of feeling as though they are being held hostage instead of enjoying a restful stay.

Because of the significant impact, a food-service business can have on the health and safety of their patrons, these establishments are subject to a wide range of regulatory requirements, which often vary by city and state. In other words, restaurants have a legal duty to guarantee that their guests are eating safe food, and are the target of many inspectors and legal statues. All restaurant owners are responsible for knowing the laws for the area in which they are operating when it comes to serving safe food.

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