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Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Loss Prevention Personnel.Download file to see previous pages The coursework "Loss Prevention Personnel" discusses a type of security guard, loss prev

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Loss Prevention Personnel.

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The coursework "Loss Prevention Personnel" discusses a type of security guard, loss prevention personnel, that is hired directly through different companies to ensure the safety of the employees, company property, and to help reduce theft in places where goods and services are sold. This kind of employee may have several responsibilities within a company depending on their experience and educational background. The benefits to these jobs give individuals the ability to illustrate their understanding of central know-hows as they are decided to depend on the guard’s environmental background, and within a short time at all, it can boost their capacities or open doors to new opportunities through additional training and on the job. LPP have advantages among competition and are more likely to be promoted from within over new hires. This opportunity increases job opportunities and getting certification credits or in a degree program that will motivate you into wanting more pay and show off your credentials. People eligible to work in criminal justice field are drug tested asked personal questions in the hiring process and feel that revealing this material is a violation of their rights and privacy because some positions in law require personal information about you. Within polygraph testing, the questions are very personal and are also made to ask you are who you say you are and want to know about your personal being, thoughts, past, opinions, secrets, and nationality to determine if you are eligible for hire.

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