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Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Topic is a case study of the hacking of Sony Playstation that occurred in April 2011.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Topic is a case study of the hacking of Sony Playstation that occurred in April 2011. The personal details that the hackers took if traded on via online black-markets rendered a likely value of ?100 million. The hit upon the Sony PlayStation System was aided by the absence of a unsystematic digit in the set of rules employed by the system security therein. This eventually permitted the clandestine key employed for the fortification of digitized content on the network to be located. Sony made a critical mistake. The safety systems in position inside the Sony correspondingly left a lot to be anticipated. The establishment failed to safeguard the systems via firewalls. Use of web applications that were archaic made Sony sites appealing victims for hacking pursuit. Outmoded Apache versions for the Web server were operational besides no patches had been applied on the PlayStation system. Lack of a firewall operating on the PlayStation system servers could have prompted ease of hackers to break into Sony’s system. The other reason as to why the breach took place was that there existed problems at the board level inside Sony Corporation. There was structural intricacy and a deficiency of ample backing for safekeeping. It is unknown, precisely what safety precautions Sony had in position prior to the infringement. Nonetheless, structural complacency correspondingly played a role during the PlayStation System hits.

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