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I'm not sure how to use a destructor to delete dynamically allocated array.

I'm not sure how to use a destructor to delete dynamically allocated array. My professor said we have to delete each individual element of the array before deleting the whole array otherwise it would cause a memory leak. But I'm not sure how I would go about doing that with my program.

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class String



  char* data;

  static int numA;



  String(const string&);

  String(const String&);


  static int a_count()


    return numA;


  void countA();

  void lowerNumA();

  bool operator < (const String& obj);

  bool operator > (const String& obj);

  bool operator == (const String& obj);

  void operator = (const String& obj);

  void operator += (const String& obj);

  char* operator + (const String& obj);

  int operator ! ();

  char operator[] (int inIndex);

  char* operator * ()


    return data;


  friend ostream & operator << (ostream&, String&);




    data = new char[0];

    data[0] = '';



String::String(const string& thing)


    data = new char[0];

    strcpy(data, thing.c_str());



String::String(const String &s2)


    data = s2.data;





  delete [] data;


bool String::operator < (String const &obj)


    if(strcmp(data, obj.data) < 0)


      return true;




      return false;



void String::countA()


    for(int i = 0; data[i] != ''; i++)


      if(data[i] == 'a' || data[i] == 'A')






void String::lowerNumA()


    for(int i = 0; data[i] != ''; i++)


      if(data[i]=='a' || data[i]=='A')






bool String::operator > (String const &obj)


    if(strcmp(data, obj.data) > 0)


      return true;




      return false;



bool String::operator == (String const &obj)


    if(strcmp(data, obj.data) == 0)


      return true;




      return false;



void String::operator = (String const &obj)



    data = obj.data;



void String::operator += (String const &obj)



    int element = 0;

    while(data[element] != '')




    int element2 = 0;

    while(obj.data[element2] != '')


      data[element] = obj.data[element2];







char* String::operator + (String const &obj)


    char* newChar = new char[100];

    int newCount = 0;

    int index = 0;



      newChar[newCount]= data[index];




    index = 0;



      newChar[newCount]= obj.data[index];




    newChar[newCount] = '';

    cout << "";

    return newChar;


int String::operator ! ()


    int index = 0;

    int size = 0;

    while(data[index] != '')





    return size;


char String::operator[] (int inIndex)


    int index=0;

    while(data[index] != '')




    if(inIndex >= 0 && inIndex <= index)


      return data[inIndex];




      cout<<"out of boundn";

      return ' ';



int String::numA;

int main()


  // Constructors

  String A("apple");

  String B("banana");

  String C("cantaloupe");

  String D(B);

  String E;

  // static member function

  cout << "Number of a's = " << String::a_count() << endl << endl;

  // Overloaded insertion operator

  cout << "A = " << A << endl;

  cout << "B = " << B << endl;

  cout << "C = " << C << endl;

  cout << "D = " << D << endl;

  cout << "E = " << E << endl << endl;

  // Relational operators

  cout << boolalpha;

  cout << "A < B " << (A < B) << endl;

  cout << "B < A " << (B < A) << endl;

  cout << "A == B " << (A == B) << endl << endl;

  // Assignment operator

  A = B;

  cout << "A = " << A << endl;

  cout << "A == B " << (A == B) << endl << endl;

  // Size (bang) operator

  cout << "A size = " << !A << endl;

  cout << "E size = " << !E << endl << endl;

  // Unary * operator

  cout << "C text = " << *C << endl << endl;

  // Plus operator

  cout << "A + B = " << A + B << endl << endl;

  // Plus equal operator

  A += C;

  cout << "A = " << A << endl << endl;

  // Index operator

  cout << "A[3] = " << A[3] << endl << endl;

  // static member function

  cout << "Number of a's = " << String::a_count() << endl;


ostream & operator << (ostream& out, String& things)


  int index = 0;

  while(things.data[index] != '')


    out << things.data[index];



  return out;


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