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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Consulting in a Transcultural and Transnational World. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Consulting in a Transcultural and Transnational World. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The three aspects of consultancy that a consultant should be able to differentiate are intercultural, transnational or transnational and multicultural environments of consultancy.

Intercultural consulting is where interactions occur across borders of two or more cultures, for example when an individual from a particular country goes to work in another country. It is important to identify the cultural patterns that distinguish national cultures or particular regions. These patterns may be found in proverbs and storylines that appear repeatedly in the literature, art and films of certain cultural societies. The idea is to learn as much as one can about that society. This will promote an understanding between the consultant and the individuals of the society they will be working in. it will also facilitate proper communication since the consultant will be knowledgeable about the things they should and should not do or say.

The second type of environment is the transnational or transcultural consulting. This is whereby an individual or organization can identify with more than one nation or culture. This is good for the business as they can refer to a variety of cultures, languages and experiences as they carry out their work. Such individuals can also work as a bridge connecting particular cultures and languages which work in favor of the business. There is really not much difference between the transcultural and the multicultural as multicultural consulting refers to many different ethnicities, cultures and nationalities existing within the same organization. All of these will enable the business to acquire more reliable information from experts who have had different experiences.

Another factor that will favor the business is if the consultant has the necessary skills of inquiry. These skills are crucial to the business as they enable the consultant to learn about the organization and&nbsp.achieve the goal of the project.&nbsp.

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