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I will pay for the following essay Critical annontated webliography. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Author also mentioned the gap of

I will pay for the following essay Critical annontated webliography. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Author also mentioned the gap of graduation rate and drop out rate between the aforementioned students that showed a large percentage of disparity. More importantly for the government, author noted, is the economic reason that has been associated with the American system of education that is said to be much inferior to those of its foreign competitors.

Thus, in conclusion, author still questions the reliability of the reform system to close the gap in the education curriculum with the aforementioned variables, He further wants to validate if such system could be a reliable indicator of the quality of education system as well as a predictor of the future of students.

Author saw the problem that led to the turning point of some schools that in spite of reform efforts many schools still under-perform and do not pass the standards set by the federal and state governments for education. She illustrated in her article that a combination of strategies are needed to be adopted to help the schools in the reform program. She outlined some of the measures that will help the schools in the turn- around of low performing schools. School reforms is one of the recovery projects supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

In identifying low performing schools, two criteria were used by the Department of Education. First is when the schools show a high proportion of students, about 20% or more failing in the reading or math levels of proficiency tests and second, when the school showed considerable gains in student achievement quickly.

Author noted that researches on the school turn-around were limited, and if any, the methodologies used were often found weak in determining causal validity. However, these limited scope of researches pointed to the problems encountered by the school reform programs and had recommended the need for a dramatic change in strong leadership, maintain consistent focus on improving

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