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If The outer Loop iterates once For Each Element in the I' array . The startscan Variable marks the position where I' the scan should begin . For (...

 Recursive and methodsRecursive productOfEvens(),,, Recursive Sum of Array Elements,,Recursive Selection Sort,,Recursive countDigitMatches(),,Recursive generatePattern()

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If The outer Loop iterates once For Each Element in theI' array . The startscan Variable marks the position whereI' the scan should begin .For ( startscan = O ; startscan (array . length - 1 1 ; startScant + !)If Assume the First element in the scannable areaIT is the smallest value .min Index = Startscan ;"min Value = array [ startscan ] ;I'd Scan the array , starting at the and Element inIf the scannable area . We are looking For the smallest*I'l value in the scannable area .`For lindex = startscan + 1 ; index < array . Length ; index + + |if (array [ index ! < minvalue !minValue = array [ index ] ;mini Index = index;`I'M Swap the Element with the smallest valueI'M with the First Element in the scannable area .array [ min Index ] = array [ startscan ] :`array [ startScan ! = minvalue ;"
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