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In this assignment I would like for these two articles “essay” be written without using the book. I would like your essay to be written from your point of view and with no help from the book.Find two

  1. In this assignment I would like for these two articles “essay” be written without using the book. I would like your essay to be written from your point of view and with no help from the book.
  2. Find two articles which you will write an essay on both articles: one that supports your argument and one that does not; the articles must relate to Human Resource Management.  There is no right or wrong answer, this is based on your opinion and own knowledge. At the end of your essay on the reference page, when you site each article, in addition to the citation, you must also include a web link or URL so that I can access the article online. The articles must be either a peer reviewed/scholarly article or an article found in a journal/magazine that is a credible source, such as the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times; Wikipedia will not be accepted. Use the Library E-­‐research to find these articles.
  3. Write an essay 800-1000 words, APA format. Please note I am looking for Quality on the response/essay not Quantity on the numbers of words.
  4. Improper APA format will be penalized
  5. All assignments must clearly cite their references and follow the university’s policy on anti-plagiarism
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