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In this assignment, select three dates of importance to you from the Today in History of Psychology Calendar. Dates: April 3, June 20, September 2. U

In this assignment, select three dates of importance to you from the Today in History of Psychology Calendar.

Dates: April 3, June 20, September 2.

Using the attached worksheet, provide a summary of the event (minimum word count 150 words). Then identify and explain 3 examples of how each event influenced the current practice of psychology (each example minimum word count 150 words). You may consider using the following sites for your examples:

Association for Psychological Science

American Psychological Association

Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

* Please include a minimum of 4 academic resources. These sources should be cited in APA format.

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*************** 19 *********** ** Event(150 words)Long ****** most states ** US approved *** treatment ** ******* Americans ******* was a ***** *** *** taken ** ******** for ****** ** ************ ***** *** ****** *** ***** ******* ******** **** ** be admitted *** ****** ******* ** * ****** ******** ** *** United ****** ** the ***** ** ****** ************ ******** *** ******* ********* to ** ******** ** mental ************ *** **** could *** ** treated if **** were not ******** ************ in ******* ****** **** *********** *** caring for ********* ******** ******* *** ***** ***** **** ** ****** ************ ********* ** ***** **** **** ******* **** states at the period upheld *********** *** refused ** ****** separate facilities ** accommodate African ********* ***** ****** ******* ************ measures to **** ******* ********* ******* **** ********* ***** ********* **** ** **** their ****** *** "lunatic" behavior *** *** **** **** ******* Americans' access ** ****** ****** **** was ******* ***** ** ** **************** in ************** ***** ***** 1 Despite ********** ***** in ****** ********** *** ******* ********* ***** **** *** ******* ** that ******* Americans ******** ** ********** political ************** and economic ************** ** ********** ******* ********* are **** ****** **** ****** ** ****** **** ************ *** **** access ** **** **** ******* in *** nineteenth century *** ** still ***** on now ****** *** ********* ******** ** ****** **** elements ** psychology **** ******** care ** ******** ******* *** *** ***** * ******* today **** ******* was admitted ** *** Williamsburg ******** *** *** ****** ** began ******* ******** ** socio-cultural and political discrimination ** ****** ****** *** ** ****** **** *********** ** ********* ************** **** ** led ** events **** ****** ******* Americans' ****** health **** to **** *** **** ************** *** ******** ** **** ******** *********** ********** such ** ****** ********** and ************** of ****** ****** ** individuals ***** *** ******** of social *********** Racism contributed ** ******** * *********** *************** ** *********** in ********** and many other ******** of ********** ******* ** *** considered that ******* ********* were *** ****** **** they **** subjected ** ******* *** neglect ***** * ****** **** ******* **** ******* it *** ********** **** African ********* did *** **** *** **** ****** ******** ** white people ***** ********* was ******* *********** This scientific rationalization of ********* *********** *** ******* of ******* *** *********** ******* impediments to ******** for ******* ********* It leads ** *** **** that ******* ********* *** **** likely to ****** crimes *** should ** ********** rather **** ******* in * ****** hospital **** ********** ********* ******** *** even ***** attaining ******* *** *** ***** ** **** **** ******* Americans ******* discrimination ** *** ********* and healthcare **** into *** ********* ******* ***** ** al 2006)3 Admission ** ******* ********* ** ****** facilities had * ******** ********* as well ***** ** *** * **** ******* *** ******* Americans' mental ****** care it ********** led ** subtle ******** ********** **** ******** **** ***** ***** ****** **** ****** ***** ** ********* ******** *********** ** *** ********* ******* ******** *** the sterilization ** ******* *** **** ***** or *** other ****** ************ **** ** ******** **** **** *** **** to ****** ******** groups ** ****** *** sterilization ***** ** perceived ****** ************* ** ********* concerns These ******** laws ********* ** certain ************* into *** twenty-first ******* only ****** being altered ** ********** *** ****** ************* ******** ********* placement ** * mental *********** *** *** ********* ** this practice ** *** ****** ** a ****** ** ********** *************** ** ********** that ******** ******* Americans inferior ** ***** ***** ******** **** ** ** marginalized *** ************** ********* ** *** **** of ************************* ************* ** ********* *********** Bryan *** *** ** ******** ***** ************* who convened ** *** ********* to ******** *** National ******* ** ***** Psychologists ****** ***** was ********** known ** *** ************* ******* ** Psychologists to ********* ******* ********** ** ************* ** *** ****** ***** *** This ******** *** ********* of ***** ********* in *** National ******* Emergency Committee ***** ******* *** ECP *** all-male **** elected *** ********** exclusively male ************* to ********** ** the *** ***** *** *********** ************* ***** *** ***** contributions ** ********** **** was aggravated by ********** ******* **** spokespeople *** **** **** **** needed to ** patient *** ***** ***** **** ***** ** ******** into *** *** effort *** ***** a **** ***** *** ***** been ** **** to use ***** ************** Capshew ** ** 1986) Influence ** ********** * 150 ***** ***** * ******** *** ******** ** *** **** ******* the ********** ** ***** ** *** ********** ** ********** ***** ****** ******* discrimination ** women The *** *********** *** ************ on *** ******** ** ************* of female ****** ***** *** ******** ******* ** ***** ************** ************ *** formed ********* ** ******* ***** ************* before ******** an ****** ******* the action was *********** **** it *** late and **** *** ******** ** stay ********** *** *** The founding ** the NCWP ********* ************ ************** which **** likely **** **** **** psychologists ************* ** ******** *** ******* to ***** *** ********** ****** **** **** *********** **** ****** ************ would not *** on *** ********* and ** were ********* ** assisting in **** **** **** a ************ could *** ******** of *** NCWP *** also a ****** The ******** ** *** **** *** not prevent ***** **** ***** ****** **** *** traditional ******* **** ******** ********** ***** ******** clinical roles *** teaching ***** ****** *********** after *** *** **** attempts to challenge *** ******* break *** of ************* ****** ********** ***** **** stymied ** *** ************* ** an ************** ************* ** *** duty of the ******** ****** ******* ******* the ******* ** **** male psychologists who united ***** efforts ** *** *** many ***** ****** ** advance *************** ***** **** projects **** **** ** ******** were ************ ********* *** ********** ******** ***** **** psychologists ** the ****** ****** were ** * ***** ******** **** ****** the ******** ***** they **** still ******** from ********** Men had ******** **** the ******* ******* of **** further ******** the ************* ********** to ***** psychologists ** *** short run *** **** did more ** harm ***** **** ** ***** **** * ******* et ** 1986)3 The ********* ** NCWP ******* laid *** groundwork wave ** ******** in terms ** ********** ********* debating ******* *** ******* ************* to ********** These **** ******* *** *** instantly ****** change ** *** male-dominated discipline *** **** ****** future female ************* ********* * ******** ****** *** ***** *** *********** ***** talents ******** ** ***** **** ************** **** benefited women ** ******* **** ****** discrimination *** ****** the ********* ************* **** ** psychology *** that ******* ***** qualifications **** **** **** **** *** ******** less ******* **** their **** ************ The NWCP ********** the ********** field by making ** less ************** ****** ***** psychologists *** **** ****** toward psychologists ******* *** ********* ** *** NWCP *** ********* would ** ********* ** less supportive *********** to ********** pushing for ********* equality     Date:June 14 1864Summary ** ********* words)Alzheimer Alois *** born ** * ****** physician and histopathology became famous *** *********** *** syndrome that ****** ********** *** ******** ************ ** ageing adults ** *** the *********** for *** **** *********** disease ********* *** previously cared *** a ******* named ******* Deter *** ** the *** ** ** ***** ** ********** ********** memory ******** leading to *** ******** ******* paranoid *** ********** ***** ***** her ***** Alzheimer ******** some ** *** ***** ******** *** ********** ******** brain ********* ********** **** *** disease Because ***** was not ** much ********** for Alzheimer's ******* and Dementia **** Alzheimer ***** ******** it this *** the ********** *** the research His research **** ******* ***** *** ******* ***** ******** **** ******* ******** was ********** ********* *** *** ******* *** ***** ******** ** ** 2020)Influence ** Psychology(150 ***** each) 1 *** hunt *** *** cause ** *********** disease is ********* ******* ******** ********* ***** **** **** ******* in the ***** for a ***** *** a ********* ********* ************** ********** ***** **** ********* ** *** 1970s ** **** ******** mild Alzheimer's symptoms ** ******* acetylcholine ****** in *** ***** Memantine was **** developed to **** in *********** ******* ********* It operates by ********** *** ********* ****** **** ** ***** medications do *** **** *** ********* *** **** do ****** ** lessening many of its ******** Although not * cure these ***** *** ******* **** Alzheimer's ******* *** ***** ***** **** *** **** ** ***** **** ****** The development ** ***** *************** is **** * **** ** ************* the ********* *** *** ****** *********** ** **** ********* treatments ***** ************* ***** *** **** ********** ** ******* ** *********** ******** *** *** been ******* *** ** *** ***** ****** **** ******* *** ********* that *** beta-amyloid protein found ** *** ***** ******* of persons with **** syndrome *** *********** ******* *** ****** *** *********** ** *********** **** **** *** ******** ** **** **** ** was ********** **** ************ *** a required ********* ** ****** ******* ** the ***** 1990s ** *** recognized **** ********* **** ******** in *** ********* ** ******* ******* might cause an inflammatory ******** and the loss ** ***** cells These ********* ********* an ************ **** ** developing *********** ******* ******** ** al 2020)3 ******* ** **** Alzheimer's ******* was ********* and reinterpreted ** terms ** ******** detection *** ******* ******** *** *********** ** imaging technologies ******** **** *********** ******* ** a ************ process that ******* ***** ** ******* accumulation ****** **** * ******** condition of ******** *********** ******* *** ******** ****** **** ***** *** ******* ** ************ progressing to ************ ****** ****** ***** the ************ ************ is severely damaged **** ************** ** Alzheimer's ******* *** resulted ** ****** ***** ************** and intensified efforts ** **** and reverse the ****** ******* of persons ********* **** the ********* The outlook *** Alzheimer's ******* is ************ ******** *** **** ** *** **** *** *** ***** *** **** ******** ********** **** ******** **** *** ******** have **** ******* ** prevent and ***** the *********** ** *********** Alois ********* ******** *** framework *** our *************** ** **** ***** ******** as ******* ** *********** research *** not been conducted ** *** ***** ********************** Tony * ****** *********** ******* ****** ** ****** ****** **** for ******* Americans: * ****** ** ******* *** ****** ********* *** ******* ** Sociology & Social ******** *** ********* * & ***** ****** for ****** Care *** Geriatric ************ ***** November *** *** ******* of *********** ******* ********* ******** 15 **** from ****************************************************************************** J * & ****** * * ****** ***** ***** *** **** ** for ** answer”: ***** ************* *** ****** ******** ****** ***** *** ** ***** University ** Pennsylvania Retrieved ******** 15 **** from **************************************************

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