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Introduction It is important to remember that practice leads to growth and enhances and preserves our skills. Determined, passionate practice leads...


It is important to remember that practice leads to growth and enhances and preserves our skills. Determined, passionate practice leads to becoming an expert in any given task. The three-step writing process is an easy-to-follow guide for writing routine and persuasive messages, and it is ideal to use when you have to deliver a negative message as well. This process is set up for any form of communication—verbal presentation, online presentation, letter writing, proposals, memos, and more. Practicing the three-step writing process will not only help your communications to be error-free and professional, but it will eventually provide you with the skills for being an expert in your business communication style.

practice part of the planning phase of the three-step writing process—determining your audience and their needs. You will conduct research on the Internet to locate three different companies and find their annual reports, Facebook pages, and blog sites. You will then answer questions pertaining to the companies' target audiences. imagine you are an employee for each company and are responsible for completing these tasks. It is your duty to research the audience before submitting a message. Note that the message a company sends in their annual report will speak to a different audience than the audience for their Facebook page. Likewise, the audience that reads a company's blog site might be different than the audiences for the Facebook page or annual report.


Search the Internet for an annual report, Facebook page, and blog site for three different businesses. For each type of business communication, identify the following:

  • Who is the audience?
  • What is the audience's general attitude toward the subject?
  • What is the purpose of the message and what does the audience need to know?
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