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Module 3 Assignment: Evaluating packaged curricula PLEASE USE THE TEMPLATE BELOW LINK TO TEMPLATE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3unyz4imbrvdbrl/WAL_MSEC_6106_Mod3_EvalPckgCurrPPTTemplate.pptx/file
Module 3 Assignment: Evaluating packaged curricula
LINK TO TEMPLATE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3unyz4imbrvdbrl/WAL_MSEC_6106_Mod3_EvalPckgCurrPPTTemplate.pptx/file
Consider the following scenario:Recently, your child development center has been informed that in order to get state funding, an early childhood packaged curriculum must be adopted. Your director is reviewing a variety of curricula and is asking lead staff to focus on specific curriculum. She has asked you, as the lead four-year-old teacher, to review sections of one that has been listed as “recommended” and critically consider whether it truly exemplifies developmentally appropriate practice. Does it offer opportunities for engaging and active learning experiences that relate directly to promoting healthy development and learning for the children in your center? Then, as a staff, you will get together to share your thinking and explore this challenge in depth. Your director adds a note of professional caution, underscoring that what you will be reviewing includes sales materials. She pointedly asks that you look closely at what the curriculum is really doing (and having teachers and children do) and not what it says that it does.
She asks that you compile your thinking into a PowerPoint presentation structured in 2 parts:
- Part 1: Evaluation
- Part 2: Recommendations
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To Prepare
Before you begin the Assignment, take time to carefully review:
- Kaplan’s introduction to their preschool curriculum: Learn Every DayLinks to an external site.. https://www.kaplanco.com/LearnEveryDay/#series Take time to closely review the many links available in each of the sections: “Introduction,” “About,” “Supplementary Kits,” “Professional Development,” “Learn Every Day Series,” and the “FAQs.”
- Kaplan’s sample handoutLinks to an external site., https://www.kaplanco.com/content/products/LED_Handout.pdf which includes introductory material about the curriculum and a sample unit: “Learn Every Day About Numbers.”
- The Head Start Curricula Evaluation Criteria InfographicLinks to an external site. https://cdn-media.waldenu.edu/2dett4d/Walden/EDUC/6106/HS/index.html sections: “Learning Goals for Children,” “Parent and Family Engagement,” “Learning Experiences and Interactions,” “Learning Environments and Routines,” “Cultural Responsiveness,” “Linguistic Responsiveness,” “Individualization for Children With Disabilities, Suspected Delays, and Other Special Needs,” and “Individualization Based on Interests, Strengths, and Needs.”
- The NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation Standards and Assessment Items Links to an external site., https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/accreditation/early-learning/standards_assessment_2019.pdf Standard 2: Curriculum, pp. 19–31.
To Complete this Assignment
Use the Evaluating Packaged Curricula PowerPoint Template Download Evaluating Packaged Curricula PowerPoint Templateand create slides that include the following bulleted talking points with a more detailed script for how you would narrate your evaluation in the “Notes” section of each slide.
Part 1: Evaluation
- Developmentally Appropriate PracticeEvaluate how and whether the activities are developmentally appropriate using the questions below to guide your thinking. Be sure to provide examples to substantiate your thinking (3–5 slides):
- Family EngagementUsing the questions below to guide your thinking, evaluate how and whether the curriculum and activities engage families in meaningful ways. Be sure to provide examples to substantiate your thinking (2–3 slides):
- Concluding ThoughtsSummarize (2–3 slides):
Part 2: Recommendations for Improvement
- Summarize your recommendations for improvement by responding to the questions and tasks below (3–4 slides):
- If your center adopts this curriculum, how would you infuse your children, your families, and yourself into this curriculum so it is yours as a community of learners?
- What are your suggestions for making this curriculum meaningful, relevant, and engaging for young children? Show how you would revise at least 2 of the activities as examples of your thinking.