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Need an argumentative essay on Hitler and Germany. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.During the World War II, the young scientist served in British intelligence. As soon as the war ended, he w

Need an argumentative essay on Hitler and Germany. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

During the World War II, the young scientist served in British intelligence. As soon as the war ended, he was delegated to Berlin. It was Trevor-Roper, who was appointed as the head of the British commission, investigating the circumstances of the death of Hitler. As the result of this work, he published a range of the authoritative studies of the Nazi Germany,

among which was Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944. According to Trevor-Roper’s edition, Hitler covered a range of questions and issues that, to his opinion, were crucial for the Nazi Germany, its supremacy in the world, and justification of the regime. The current essay will discuss one of these topics: the status of religion, particularly Christianity, according to Nazi leader and Nazi regime.

Christianity was in the deep conflict with the racist ideology of Nazism. It is clearly illustrated by the religious beliefs of Hitler. He was born in the Catholic family, but idealized antiquity. The leader of Nazi rejected the Christian religion for the following reasons: Christianity protected the weak and downtrodden. Christianity had Jewish roots. forces people to bend by the sound of church bells. the first Christians were sick, exhausted, and desperate people (Trevor-Roper 78). the Christian dogma of forgiveness of sin, resurrection, and salvation seemed utterly absurd to the Nazi. Christian compassion was unworthy and harmful to the ideology of the strength of spirit (Trevor-Roper 397). the Christian idea of love to the neighbor was not relevant for Nazi ideology, because it paralyzed man. the Christian idea of equality protected the racially inferior and weak people that were unwanted in Nazi opinion. Initially, the Nazi party program contained a grain of Christian ideas. However, Christian commandments could not get along in one party program with strict racist principles. Soon, the religious values had been completely suppressed by the revived Nordic values and the idea of super-human.


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