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Professional Journal Article One Staying current on the newest educational research is one of the most important methods you can use to improve your content knowledge and make better instructional dec
Professional Journal Article One
Staying current on the newest educational research is one of the most important methods you can use to improve your content knowledge and make better instructional decisions. Research a PEER REVIEWED article that is pertinent to your professional growth as an educator.
The following are required as HEADERS in your assignment.
Two key points from the article
My opinion of the article
How I anticipate I will use the article in my classroom
How the article will impact my content knowledge to improve my teaching capacity
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************************** ******* Article ********** NameInstitutionDate Research a **** ******** ******* **** ** ********* ** **** ************ ****** ** an *********** ******* * ***** is titled **** ******* of ******** Education *** ******** ** ******** Achievement ** ********** ******* * Review of *** *********** *** ** *** published ** *** ******** ** ****** Health" ** **** *** ******* are ** *** SA **** and BN Nihiser *** ******* of this ******* ** ** ****** research on *** effects ** ******** ********* (PE) and ******** activity **** on ******** achievement ** ********** ****** ******** The ******* ******** ** studies **** *** ***** inclusion *********** ******* of *** review ****** **** ***** ** evidence **** PE *** ** *** ******* ******** achievement in elementary ****** ******** especially in *** areas of ******* *** **** *** ******* also ***** **** *** ******* of PE *** ** on ******** *********** were ******* **** ** and PA **** **** ** * ************* school-wide approach **** included ***** ******** such ** a ******* ****** environment ********* ********* *** family *** ********* engagement This ******* is important *** ********* ** ** ***** ** ******* ** provides ******** **** PE *** ** can ******* ******** achievement in elementary ****** ******** **** ** important information *** ********* to have when ****** ********* about ********** *** ************** key ****** **** *** article1 There ** ******** that ** *** ** *** improve academic *********** ** ********** ****** ********* *** ******* ** PE *** ** on academic *********** were ******* when PE and ** **** **** ** * ************* *********** ********** ******* of the ******** ***** **** ******* ** be *************** and *********** ** ******** ******** *********** *** educators ***** *** potential ******** of ** *** ** on ******** *********** I ***** this article ** * valuable ******** *** educators who are ******* *** ways ** improve ******* achievementHow * ********** * will *** *** article ** ** classroomI plan to use **** ******* ** * ******** **** ****** ********* ***** my ********** *** instruction * ***** ** **** ** helpful ** have this research ********* **** ******** ******* *** ************* the article will ****** ** ******* knowledge to ******* my ******** ************ ******* *** ****** ** ******** my ******* ********* ***** *** ********* benefits of ** *** ** ** ******** *********** * *** **** * ****** ************* ** *** ** *** ** can impact ******* learning **** ********* **** help ** ** make ****** ************* ********* ** ** classroomConclusionThis ******* ** * ******** resource *** ********* *** *** ******* *** ways ** improve ******* *********** *** ******* ******** ******** **** ** *** ** *** ******* ******** *********** ** ********** ****** ******** **** *********** is ********* *** educators ** have **** ****** ********* ***** ********** *** ***********