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Research Analytical Essay at least 8 pages


*Eight to ten pages typed, double-spaced (eight full pages minimum, or automatic fail)

*Since this is a research paper, you need to be able to incorporate your own ARGUMENT about your selected issue with support, examples, statistics, and facts from the text and at least SIX OUTSIDE SOURCES MINIMUM.

*All sources must be from literary journals, articles, essays, books, or reputable websites (all of which can be online). 

*Only use quotes that directly support your paper.  Remember: each quote should equal ONE to THREE sentences of analysis and explanation. 

*Avoid long quotes (four or more lines), but if integrated, be sure to review MLA format for guidelines. 

*This is worth 200 points. You MUST submit a research paper (on time) to pass this class.  No exceptions.   

Possible Methods of Organization:

*Your background information may take at least a paragraph or two

*Your thesis and plan of development may take up a paragraph on its own—it generally will be longer than a sentence in a research paper and should contain three parts: the topic with position, the plan of development, and the commentary (the “so what”) about the position—this last sentence usually explains to the readers why they should care about the issue at hand and the list of reasons, effects, or elements.

*Generally, there is development of the problem, the effects of that problem, and then solution.

*Other times, there is development through the history of the situation, the new social/cultural norms or beliefs, and then the outcomes of this progress.

*The solution usually contains hypotheticals, which is really only appropriate at the end of the essay, to give hope J.  Hypotheticals should not be the basis of the essay.  The basis is research. 

General Topic: Choose from one of the general parts of the textbook, A World of Ideas.  There must be a clear connection to the topics studied in this class.  You cannot “recycle” one of your earlier essays.

I decided to choose the part “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. King. You must analyze a topic about “injustice” in our society and it must connect to “Letter from Birmingham Jail”.


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