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Select any middle-range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice. 1-Introduction 10 pts - Discuss the historical background of the mi
Select any middle-range nursing theory and do a PowerPoint presentation on ways in which the theory is applicable to your practice.
1-Introduction 10 pts
- Discuss the historical background of the middle range.
2- Analysis of the underpinning for the theory you select 25 pts
- Discuss the analysis of the underpinning for the middle range you selected. Theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support the formation /creation of theory.
3- Applications of the Theory 25 pts
- Explain how the middle range is used in practice.
4-Suggestion for additional research 25 pts
- Discuss the need for additional research
5- Conclusion 10 pts
- All resources correctly referenced