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Short Paper: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior Instructions Read the resource article titled: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations by Ronald R. Sims. Research and find another article th

Short Paper: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior


Read the resource article titled: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations by Ronald R. Sims. Research and find another article that discusses a code of ethics (use a scholarly resource). Answer the following questions:

Outline the existing code of ethics for your organization. How would you change the code of ethics for your organization? Describe the possible challenges you may face if you are a leader.

What leadership traits do you see in your organization's management levels (lower, mid, upper)?

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***** ********* ** ******* *************** NameInstitution’s ********** Name *** ****************** NameDateMy ************ *** a set ** behavioral ***** **** **** ** implemented ** the ********* ** ****** *** ****** ** *** corporation *** ********* in *** *** ******** ******** *** ******* ********* transactions *** ******* ******* codes allow ********* ** ** ************ ** **** *********** doing *** ***** ***** The ************ *** ******* ******** ****** **** ******* translate ** *** the ********** ************ **** customers ********* *** ********* are ******* *** ** *** ************ (Singh & Prasad ***** The values implemented ** *** organization include ******** ******* *** ******* in *** ************ ********** ** the ********* *** ************ also has ******** ********** ** offer support to ******** ****** and ******** principles such ** continuous *********** customer satisfaction business ************* *** ********* ************** *** *** environmentally friendly use ** ******* *********** change the **** ** ****** for the ************ * ***** ***** ** ********* *** sample code ** ****** **** corporations ** *** same ***** ****** *** **** *** information that applies ** *** ******** ****** ***** Prasad 2017) I would **** ******* ***** *********** related ** *** ************ including *** specific policies *** employees ******* as **** ** ***** *********** and the **************** ******* ********* *** *** *** *********** gathered ** * ***** **** ******** *** ****** code of ****** * would **** ******** the ethical dilemmas **** ****** **** *** ************ *** *** competitors *** ******** ******* *** arising ****** ** *** corporation’s **** ** ethics ****** ***** Prasad ********** *** various ********** ******* **** **** ** ****** effectiveness by ********** the ******** ****** ** ******** *** ************* in *** ********* **** ** decision ****** ************** ********* thinking **** ********** *** ******* ** to speed with *** ***** ** *** *********** ******* ** ** 2014) * ****** *** **** **** other challenges such as leading * team ********* ****** ********** ********* guiding ****** ******* a **** *** ******** stakeholders *** ************ *** ******* ********** ****** ********* *** *** organization’s ********** levels **** that ***** in ***** ********** levels ******** **** ****** of self-confidence *** determination ***** *** **** in ****** and ***** ********** ****** ******* integrity sociability *** ************ (Gentry et ** ************************* * * ****** R * ******** * * & **** * (2014) *** ********** ******* face ****** *** ****** **** ******* **** *************** for ******** ********** ***** ***** Retrieved ******** ********* C ***** ****** * (2017) **** ** ****** in ** *************************** ******* of Application or ********** ** *********** ***** **************

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