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Some critics argue that the five stereotypes of African Americans found in early cinema (the Coon, the Uncle Tom, the Mammy, the Tragic Mulatto, and

Some critics argue that the five stereotypes of African Americans found in early cinema (the Coon, the Uncle Tom, the Mammy, the Tragic Mulatto, and the Black Buck**) can still be found in contemporary Hollywood films. Can you think of recent examples of at least three of these stereotypes? [Paraphrased from question No. 1 on page 95 of the textbook]

**CoonUncle TomMammytragic mulatto [the "black buck" stereotype is so problematic that I could not find a website with an acceptable definition so I had to resort to Wikipedia: "According to popular stereotypes during the post-Reconstruction era, "Black Buck" was a black man (usually muscular or tall) who defies white will and is largely destructive to American society. He is usually hot-tempered, excessively violent, unintelligent, and sexually attracted to white women.[1] Most often, any attempt to restrain, reprimand, or re-educate the individual will fail, necessitating the individual's immediate execution (usually by lynching)."]

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