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The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Social Work prepares students for the social work profession. The curriculum is designed to provide the educational background necessary to enable students t

The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Social Work prepares students for the social workprofession. The curriculum is designed to provide the educational background necessary to enablestudents to pursue further social work education earning a bachelor's degree in Social Work, or thegraduate may stop with an associate degree and assist Licensed Social Workers. Students whograduate with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Social Work may work as social workassistants, depending on state criteria and requirements. The curriculum at EGCC for socialwork is similar to the first two years of institutions offering a Bachelor of Science or Artsdegree curriculum for social work in many colleges and/or universities. Social Workerstypically work with children, adults, families, correction facilities, probation departments,mental health facilities and many other social service-type agencies. One is not a social workerwith only an associate degree, but one may assist social workers who are involved inassessment, referral, initial screening, helping with case management, outreach, preventionservices and community programs or development. Some states allow people with an associatedegree to get registered in the state as social work assistants. Ohio allows for registered socialwork assistants.Program Goals or Outcomes: Understand the influence of culture, family, religion, social class and government onindividuals and society. Prepare students into an early introduction to generalist social work practice. Understand the influence of society and government on social work policy. Learn to respect the dignity of a person from all cultural backgrounds. Understand the historical development of the social work profession up to current times. To gain practical experience in a social service agency by completing 200 clock hours ofinternship work during the student’s last semester of coursework.Degree RequirementsStudents must complete 64 semester credits following the Social Work Program Grid. In order tograduate with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Social Work the student must receive aC or better in every course on the social work grid.211/16/2022 ANKSocial Work PracticumDuring the last term of their social work education, students are required to register for SWK209. This course will only be offered as a 16-week course during fall and spring or as a fullsummer course which is typically 8 weeks. Students will be required to complete academiccourse requirements of the SWK 209 course while simultaneously completing 200 practicumexperience hours. Students are responsible for setting up their own practicum experience. These200 practicum experience hours must be completed in a social service setting. All 200 hoursmust be completed under the same agency and under the same practicum supervisor. Sometimesdue to the needs of the practicum agency, physical location of hours may vary.While completing the 200 practicum experience hours the student must receive supervisionfrom an individual with a bachelor’s degree or higher in social work or a closely related field.Some related fields include psychology, sociology, counseling and education. Student whocurrently work in a social service setting may use their current employment as their practicumexperience if their agency consents and they have a supervisor that meets the requirements.Individuals using their employment must provide social services for the majority of theirworking hours. For example, although a bus driver may provide mentoring to students their jobis primarily to drive a bus during their working hours and this experience would not beacceptable as a practicum experience. Typical social service activities include assessments,referrals, screenings, direct client service, helping with case management, outreach, preventionservices and community programs or program development. Many students find successcontacting small grass root organization in their area. Many small organizations have the needfor unpaid assistance. Practicum experiences are permitted to be either paid or unpaid.The practicum supervisor is required to sign all forms related to the completion of hours. Aweekly report of completed hours will be turned in to the SWK 209 practicum instructor inCanvas each week with the signature of the practicum supervisor and the student intern’ssignature. The SWK 209 practicum instructor will turn in all the reports to the social workprogram chair at the end of the practicum. These will be kept on file in the Deans office.It is suggested that students start the background and drug check process and begin looking for apracticum experience prior to the term the practicum is scheduled.EGCC Social Work Background Check PolicyAs a component of the SWK 209 social work practicum course, all social work students musthave a current criminal background and finger-print check. A current criminal backgroundcheck is one that includes a finger-print report and that was completed no more than 2 yearsprior to beginning the SWK 209 practicum course. The background check must indicate that thestudent is not at risk to harm potential clients. Students must complete and turn in currentcriminal background check and finger-print check results to the instructor of the SWK 209course. Students who have been convicted of a felony offense shall not be permitted to enroll inthe practicum. Students with felony offenses must see an advisor to explore other majors or seeif they can complete a legal record expungement or the felony charges prior to taking thecourse. Misdemeanor offenses will be reviewed by EGCC administration.311/16/2022 ANKEGCC Social Work Drug Testing PolicyAs a part of the SWK 209 social work practicum course, all social work students must have a 9panel or more drug test completed in a lab or doctor’s office. A current drug test is one that wascompleted no more than 12 months prior to beginning the SWK 209 practicum course. The drugtest must indicate negative results. The Castlebranch drug testing service includes a MedicalReview Officer that will contact students with a “non-negative” test result to determine if thereis an explanation (prescription etc.). Students who have medical prescriptions must indicate thatat the time of testing. Students who are registered with EGCC as living in a state whererecreational marijuana is legal will be permitted to produce a positive result in that area only.Students who have state issued medical marijuana cards must also verify this with EGCC.Individual practicum placements may decide to limit candidates to only candidates with fullynegative results. Students must turn in drug testing results to the professor of the SWK 209course.EGCC Social Work Background Check and Drug Testing RationaleEastern Gateway Community College is committed to producing social workers prepared to belicensed. One practical consideration of social work is that state licensing boards have limitationsand restrictions about criminal histories that are not acceptable for a professional license. Whilethe EGCC social work department cannot decide what licensure boards will decide they can takenote of criminal backgrounds that might disqualify a student from obtaining a professionallicense.Students in the EGGC Social Work Program are expected to demonstrate the capacity to practicewith integrity and within the ethical guidelines outlined within the NASW Code of Ethics.Students and employees are often required by field placement sites or future employers toundergo a criminal background check, child and/or adult protective services check and initialbaseline and/or random drug screen tests, prior to engaging in field work or employment. Felonyconvictions and some serious misdemeanors may negatively impact a student’s forward progressand/or completion of her/his academic program as well as future professional licensure andfuture employment within the Social Work field.EGCC Social Work Background Check Procedure1. Scheduling and obtaining a criminal background check is the responsibility of the student andmust be complete prior to beginning the Field Practicum placement. Some social serviceagencies have specific procedures for obtaining a criminal background check that meets theirrequirements. When appropriate students should follow these procedures.2. Most students will obtain a criminal background check and fingerprint report through CastleBranch: Eastern Gateway Community College ( Students will set up anaccount in Castle Branch Students living in the state of Ohio use package GK86 (Background Check, Drug Test,Fingerprints for people living in Ohio) for a $101 package that includes a name based411/16/2022 ANKcriminal background test, a fingerprint criminal background check and a 10-panel drugtest. You will pay through the Castlebranch system and then be instructed where to getdrug testing and fingerprinting. Students living outside of the state of Ohio use GK86out (Background Out of StateFingerprints) for $67 fee for the name based criminal background check and fingerprintcheck. Additionally, students living outside of the state of Ohio use GK86dt for $34 for a10-panel drug test. You will pay through the Castlebranch system and then be instructedwhere to get drug testing and fingerprinting.4. Students must sign a release of information before an agency can receive the completedbackground check.5. Castlebranch criminal background checks can take up to two months to process.6. Students will complete a statement of criminal background for EGCC to have on file to attestthat students do not have a felony charge, while criminal background results are pending.7. Students are strongly recommended to let the practicum placement know if there is anypossible criminal activity that will be reported on the criminal background check. Thisnotification will help to ensure that an appropriate practicum placement is secured.8. Students retain access to the Castlebranch criminal background report and can provide accessto the information via the release of information.9. Students may get criminal background check from a service provider other than Castlebranchmust provide to SWK 209 professor in a timely manner.Please review the Social Work Policies document.

After reading the Social Work Policies document:

1. Do you see any barriers to continuing with the social work program based upon the Social Work Policies document?

2. Do you see any potential challenges to paying for and getting a background check and drug test?

3. Do you see any potential hardships in securing a practicum? 

4. Do you think you will have any hardships with:

  • Paying for a background test and drug test
  • Getting a background test and drug test
  • Passing a background test and drug test (no felony charges and negative drug test)
  • Securing and attending 200 hours or an in person practicum

5. How will you overcome the challenges above?)

6. Are there any other majors at EGCC other than social work that you are considering after reviewing the Social Work Policies?

The paper should be approximately one page and include high-quality writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar prior to submitting. 

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