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Type 2 Full pages No Double Space/14 Font on any Drug Court Case Video from the Internet  

Type 2 Full pages No Double Space/14 Font on anyDrug Court Case Video from the Internet 

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**** COURT ****** BATTLE AGAINST ****** OVERDOSE EPIDEMIC ** THE UNITED *************** ********** ************** *************** ********************** courtsDrug ****** *** ****** ******** **** finding ********* to ********* ******* ****** ********** public health ***** * *********** ***** ** ***** *** ********* prosecution ******* *** ********* *** *********** ****** health ****** ******* *** ********* *********** work **** ** **** in ********* the ******* results *** ******** criminals through support and assistance towards the addicts *** ensuring **** **** ** ******* *** ******** their ********* **************** **** courtsOpioid ********* ** ******* *** ************** the United States ****** *** ***** *** ******* ******* *** **** ** ****** **** ********** ********** ** Opioid overdose *** ****** with the ***** ***** ******** apparent ******* the drug courtrooms ** ******* New **** close to ***** ** Opioid ***** *** *** convicted ** **** *** trafficking ******* is ****** ** *** * ********* ******* **** ******** ***** a handful ** **** to face *** judge ** * ***** ***** ******* Police ********** ********* much ** *** **** consistently ******* for ********* ********* ** ******* ** ***** and ******** ************* ***** * Sedita **** ***** in ******* *** ************* ***** ***** * HannahThis is *** *********** ***** ****** ************ court ******** ******* effectively ******* with **** ********** ****** in ***** ** **** ****** Addicts ***** ** the time ********* *** ************ ** * drug ****** ** ********* ** *** ****** ** ********* *** a subsequent medical screening ** **** *** ********** *** addict ** **** to *** ********* ** ***** ***** ********* first ******* ** *** *** ** ** ******* ********* **** * ** ***** old ***** *** *** **** ******* **** multiple **** ****** ******** *********** *** ****** about Hannah’s ***** ** **** *** **** ****** *** *** really mentioned *** *** *********** session ******* *** judge *** *** addict is more of * life ******** ******* ***** ****** holds this *********** ******** ******* **** ****** ** ******* ******* before *** ** * daily basis Treatment *** ***** addicts commences *********** ****** *** ***** few **** ******** ** *** ******** **** courts In ******** *** ******* are *********** *** ***** ***** **** for at ***** ** **** ** ******** **** ** well ** to ********** the treatment ******* ** ******** *** ******** **** ********** * certificate ** ********** ********** *** ************ ** ******* *** ****** ** *** ************ ** ***** ******* ***** is * *********** ** ************ ****** ******* ** ***** of *** **** **** the charges may ** reduced or **** droppedMost of ***** ******* **** destroyed ***** **** ** life **** *********** **** ***** ones family *** relatives **** their reputations and ****** ************* ** life *** **** court offers ******** contact with ************ to **** **** feel ***** and cared *** and ** *** **** **** that *** ******* ******** in ********* **** them ** ** **** **** ***** steps *** **** ****** have *** **** of *** ****** *** ***** participants *** ** turn **** ** **** ** the **** ** ******* clean ***** **** *** ***** ********* ** ****** **** continuous ******* *** **** objective ** *** **** ****** ** particular *** ******* ****** ** ******* ************ ******** ******* **** *** the **** courts ** *** % **** ** ****** ******** ******* ***** ** ******** ******* **** participants ***** **** are ***** ********* *** **** have ******* their lives ******* getting *** **** they **** ** *** **** of ******* ***** ************** ***** ******* * lot ** ******* in *** **** *** *** *** ** ******* ****** ***** **** the ***** ***** She started ***** ******* ** * ****** *** ** ** ***** *** *** accounts *** **** than ** ** *** friend’s death due ** the ******* drug overdose She ***** lost ******* of *** ******** *** ** ******** *** ** **** ********* *** taking *** ***** her drug deal tripsMost ** the drug addicts are ****** ** ** *** *** look *** treatment on their *** *** ********* getting ******** *** charged is leeway to the treatment program **** ** **** **** ** * hopeless ***** ** *** being **** ** ****** ** their *** ********** **** they ***** ***** ******** ***** after losing a loved one *** the **** *** **** see *** ** **** ****** is getting ******** *** ********* program ***** **** **** ********** of *** things **** have **** as a ****** ** drug addiction *** **** ***** **** **** *********** *** ******* fully and ******* into *********** adultsThere ** * ******** kind ** ******* **** ** comes to the Opioid crisis ** ************** with *** criminal ******* *********** *** ** the **** that **** *** years *** *** *** justice institutions ** the ****** and ****** **** ******* drug ********* *** not **** ********** in controlling the Opioid crisis ****** ** *** **** ** eye-opener to **** ******** ******* ******* * ******** ******* ****** Initially ****** **** ** lock ** **** addicts in jail then ********** *** ** get them ** ********* *** this ****** ineffective *** ** *** **** that **** they *** *** **** ***** *** *** **** ********** ****** ***** ** partially ******** with ***** for ********* ** *** ********** ** Justice ***** ******** ****** *** Obama ************** ******* *** program *** ** motion ***** *** ***** administration ** ********** against *** ********* *** *** ***** ** ******** *** attorney ******* *** ********* ********* *** ***** ** **** treatment ** *** **** *** **** ** ** ** individual to *** ** to **** ******** and ****** ** ***** ****** said ******* *** NO”In ********** ******* ***** *** ** wait until * **** ******* ******* * critical state to look *** an *********** to ************* **** is a ********* that has *** * **** section of society At *** end ** *** day *** ************** ** the ***** ** *** Opioid ***** such ** *** ****** court ** addition ** *** **** ****** ** a ***** **** ** ********** ** *** *** ********* ******* **** they **** acquired ********** *** ****** treatment ******* into ***** ***** ***** *** *** ****** ** **** have ** **** *** their future *********** in ***** ** ********************************************

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