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using the PivotTable tool in Excel (Insert PivotTable), create a Frequency Distribution (counts) of losing teams which is sorted from most to least losses for the 50 year history of the game

Begin by opening the Superbowl dataset.

1.  Using the PivotTable tool in Excel (Insert PivotTable), create a Frequency Distribution (counts) of losing teams which is sorted from most to least losses for the 50 year history of the game.   

2.   Use PivotTable to create a Frequency Distribution of the losing teams’ points scored.  The table should be grouped into 5-point classes starting at 0 and the data should be expressed as % of total.

3.  Show the mean, standard deviation, and skewness of the data in the Winning Margin column of the spreadsheet.

4.  Use the Excel ‘vlookup’ function to display the winning team, losing team, and winning margin for the 1990 game.

5.  Use Excel’s graphing function to create a bar chart (Column) for the data in the frequency distribution of #2 above.   The chart should be titled “Loser’s Points Scored” and the vertical axis should be labeled “% of Total.”

Your solutions to the problems should be put together on a single spreadsheet separate from the dataset.  When you have completed the problems, print the spreadsheet showing the results.  Use at least 11-point type.  You should be able to fit everything on one page.

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