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Week Eight: A Puerto Rican Woman with Comorbid Addiction Psychopharmacological Approaches for the Treatment of Psychopathology Walden University Week Eight: A Puerto Rican Woman with Comorbid Addictio

Week Eight: A Puerto Rican Woman with Comorbid Addiction

Psychopharmacological Approaches for the Treatment of Psychopathology

Walden University

Week Eight: A Puerto Rican Woman with Comorbid Addiction

Psychopharmacological Approaches for the Treatment of Psychopathology

Walden University

Week Eight: A Puerto Rican Woman with Comorbid Addiction

Psychopharmacological Approaches for the Treatment of Psychopathology

Walden University

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********** ****** A ****** Rican Woman **** ******** **************** **************************** ********** *** *** Treatment ** ********************* ********************************************** ******* of this paper ** ** document ** decisions in the treatment of * Puerto ***** woman with ******** ******************* ***** ********** ****** * **** ******** ********* ***** *********** **** ** *** ********* *** ******* ******* that might ****** *** ********** *************** *** *************** ********* * **** also ******** any ******* aspects ** this case study These ********* **** ** ********* ** ** least ***** separate references **** ****** ******** *** high-level evidence           Mrs ***** ***** ** * *********** Puerto ***** female *** ******** ** the office ***** *** ********** *** ** alcohol *** ******** *** ***** ***** alcohol ** her ***** after her ********** ***** and has **** ******** **** ********** ********* ** *** off ***** **** **** ** ** ***** she *** ***** ******** ** **** *** *** ***** ***** ******* **** *** retirement ******* ** ***** her debts ******* *** *********** ********* ******** *** describes *** mood as *** *** does *** **** symptoms of ***** ********** ** ***** *********** ***************** *** *** three *********** ** ****** **** *** ********** IM Antabuse ** ** ******* ** *** ********** is ** *** *** the ******* ****** ******* Campral **** **** assist **** ********** ******** ** ******** *** *** a **** ******* ****** ********* *** ******* ** **** *********** three times a *** **** ** *** ******* is very desperate to **** *** medication as prescribed and overcome **** of the ******** from *** addictions ** is * difficult ******* * **** it ********* to **** ********** ***** * *** ***** ***** * *** is almost ********** ********** on days **** * **** I ** ******* ****** *** ** ********** * **** ** make **** it is *** **** effective ** the ***** so **** * can **** ** patient *** **** *********** available **** ***** ** **** * ******** *** *** have a problem **** needles ** * ** *** *** ** very **** **** * *** ******** out ** a ****** ** avoid ********* ******** **** cause ******* reactions ** *** ****** ** ******* creating ** ********* rather **** *** ********** *** ******* to drink Pathological gambling **** ** * ********** common and ***** ********* *********** ********* characterized by ********* urges to ****** ** ******* ******** behavior Although ****** *** financially *********** to individuals *** ******** ***** ********* ***** no formally approved ******************* interventions for this ************** ****** & Schreiber *************** ********** ** ************ ******** 2014) Although ***** ** not * ********** that *** **** ********* ************ for ********** ******** **** ********* ******** **** ******* *** ******** of addictive ******** **** have some ****** ** *** ***** ** ****** ********* * ** ***** to ****** ** down ******* *** Naltrexone *** *** ******* *********** *** ** taken orally ** **** ** are looking ** *** ** ***** ********* *********** ****** ** ********** *** ***** **** treatment *** ** ** **** ************* ****** ***** ********* *************** ********** ** pathological ******** ***** ******** **** classified ** ** *************** ******** ***** are **** ************* **** ********* ***** ***** ************ are ********* ** *** diagnostic criteria *** **** ********* ***** ******* symptoms of ********* *** *********** repeated ************ ******** ** *** back or ***** *** ********** ** ***** ***** of life functioningPG *** alsobeen *********** ** ** ******************** spectrum ******** as **** ** ** affective ******** *********** *********** ** PG **** mood disorders *** *** to *********** that it is ** ********* spectrum ************** ***** Kim ********** ********** ** ************ ******** ***** Several *********** **** **** studied ** ********** *** PG opioid antagonists ********* ******** ********** ******* *** mood ************ thisreflects *** ********* **** pathological gambling is *********** ** ********** is ********* ******** by *** Food *** Drug ************** for ******** ** Patients ****** ** informed ** *** off-label *** ** medications *** pathological gambling ** **** as *** ********* ***** *** *********** ********** ** a treatment(Grant & *** ********** Management ** Pathological Gambling ***** *************** Trials *** ************ Gambling-Double-Blind ****** ********* **** *** ********** (as **** ** * *** other medications) groupssignificantly improved compared with *** *********** ***** Adson & Shin 2001) Naltrexone is an ****** ******** ********** ******* alcohol dependence ********* *** ****** ******** antagonist ** ******* ******* *** ****** *********** by *********** ***** *********** ********** ********** ******* cravings)(Stahl ***** *********** is * ********* *********** (Glu-MM) *** an ******* ********** ********* Withdrawal of ******* ********* ******* administration can **** ** excessive ********* ******** and ********* GABA ********* *********** *** *** ** ************* ********** ** ******** these effects(Stahl ***** ******** doesn’t ******* ******** ** “irreversibly ******** ******** ************* *** ****** ******** ** the ************ metabolism ** alcohol” ****** ***** *** actions of ******** ***** undesirable ******** symptoms ******* ******** indicates **** ****** ******** antagonistsare ********** the first **** approach for PG *** *** * ****** ***** record **** in the ********* ** ******* misuse * ** choosing **************** ****** ***** Schreiber *************** ********** ** ************ ******** ***** *** ********* *** ** ******* ********** ******* ************* ******* ** the ***** ********* *** γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ********* ******** *** ****** ********** ****** *** ******* *** ********* ******** with ******* stimulation ******** *** intoxication ** well ** **** ******** ** ******* **************** ***** Therefore * ******* **** *********** ** * **** **** choice ** **** ***** * ** ******** ********** ******* it *** be ***** **** * ***** ** ******* ** ***** ***** a *********** *** ******* ************ results in the ******** ** inhibitions *** ******** contributes ** ****** **** ********* **** ** gambling ** is ******* that *** is ***** well **** AA *** Naltrexone I ***** **** ********** *** be * **** choice ** * **** more ********* ***** smoking than gambling * ******* *** ******* ***** ** address ** **** **** ** ******** ******* of *** profound ************ ** has created ** *** **** *********** ******** ********* ** ******** than that ** smoking ******** addiction ********* *** **** ***** ******** ** **** *** alcohol *********** ***** ** international ********** including *********** **** ******** ******* London ******** ********* ***** ***** ******** *** lead ** ****** ********** for the ************ **** *** ********* *** have a genetic component -- *** **** *** ******** ** ******** ******* *** ** ****** risk of ******** addiction ********** ** but we ***** don't **** *** exact ***** ** the ***** *********** study ****** ** the ** Medical Research ******* ***** **** two brain ***** ****** the insula *** ******* ********* *** ****** ****** **** people **** gambling ********* ********** ***************** ******* ****** 2017) * ******* **** ***** facts ***** gambling *** ** one ****** that the ******* ******* *** Naltrexone ***** may **** with ******** to some ****** ** well **** * ****** gets a reward ******* ******** ** *** brain ****** activated *** only does this **** **** but *** ********** **** ***** ** ** seek *** **** ********* ************* **** these ************ ********* ** **** ***** ** ******* includingfoodsocial ************ and ******************** ***** ** **** ** ****** **** physiology: *********** ** *** ***** and **** we get ******** *** **** **** * big ****** ** *** ********** ** ****** **** influences *** ********** **** ** **** ****** ** **** ******** ***** Psychologists ******** these ** schedules ** reinforcementIn ************ ************* the ****** ** delivered ***** **** ** *** ********* but *** ***** *** ********* Intermittent ************* ** *** strongest *** to ******** * ******** ***** ** ***************** 2002) I **** already ********* *** fact that ***** isn’t ** ******** ********** **** can ** ********** * ******** ********* treatment *** ** ** **** decision ***** the **** difficult and the biggest ******* ** **** **** ** thePG ******** ** **** ********* **** ******* ** the ****** ******* ** the intermittent ******** of ******* * ** sending ** ******* for *************** Three ** this ******** *** patient ********* meld well **** *** ********* * ***** *** to **** *** find ******* *** *** ***** to **** * ********* *** ** * **** *** *** *** *** **** *********** ** ******** ** **** ** ***** ********** The *********** anonymous ** ******* * ** **** ******** *** is ********* **************** ********* is being ******* **** Healthcare ************* *** ********* ** ******* smoking cessation **** ***** patient *** ****** ***** *** **** patches medications ****** ******** and ******* **** **** ****** **** **** ******** ********* *** ****** **** the ******* ********* ** *** first **** ** finding one that is * **** *** * ******* *** ** *** GA ******** *** * large part of *** ******* so *** *** **** ******** ** be ** the ****** ** course * **** ********* *** to ******** ** ****** themEthical *************************** ******* ******** ** alcohol **** addiction *** *** ****** ****** ********** ********* *** ***** ******* *** **************** *** may ** may *** ** ********* ** laws and ************ ****** ***** They ******* confidentiality ******** ******* *** **** ** **** respecting client self-determination *** ************* ******************* ********* ** ******* ***** *** ********** 2005) *** confidentiality *** ******** ******* *** often subject ** ************* prohibitions ** *********** **** ******* ********** ******* ***** ***** disclosure ** ***** parties and specify disclosure to *** ******* There are ***** certain ****** **** may be discussed **** *** ******* to ********* ********* ** *** ********** ************ **** ***** Alcohol ********* ******** ***** ********* ******** against ********** to **** with ******* *** ********** relapse ** even ******* ** *********** ******* ********* there are also ***** ***** *********** ******** *** ********* treatment ***** ** a ********** **** any ****** **** ********** **** * ******* *** ** actively ***** **** ********** **** ********* ** ***** **** feel ****** should be ******* ******* ** ********** the ********** *** ******** ** **** ******** ******* **** other ***** disorders *** *** discharged *** ******* ** ****** with the rules **** **** ******** to need ********* ** a ********* ******** **** ***** disease **** *** ******** ********* *** ********** manifestations of that ******* ***** attempting ** ******** ************* ********* ** Alcohol ***** and ********** ***** Even *** goals *** treatment *** ****** an issue ** self-determination *** ******* *** *** right ** ********* *** ****** of ********* ***** *** goal of ********* ** *** ******** ** abstinence whereas *** ******* *** believe *** **** ** controlled drinking ************* is very ******************* for PG and ********** Evidence ** ******** ********** ** *** ***** ** ********* ***** in ******** ** ******* ************ ********* *** ** vital When a ***** ******** profession *** developed a specific ************* ************** are ******* ****** *** knowledge that ********* **** ************* ***** ****** *** ** ********* ** *** treatment of specific ********* ******* a ****** ** someone **** ** ** ********* ***** ******* ******** certification ***** be * ***** ** time **** may ** a ******** **** ** *** ********* *** ***************** The **** ** alcohol ********** is ******* ** ********** over ******* *** ******** **** **** ******** ** *** ********* ** *** **** or stop ******************* excessive *** ********** ******* neurochemical ******* ** *** ***** *** *************** **** ****** *** glutamateare ********* ******** **** ******* *********** ******** *** intoxication ** well as **** ******** of ******* withdrawal Dopamine *** ****** systemsare ******** with reinforcement reward **** ******* ** ******* sustained use ** ******* *** ********* relapse ***** prolonged ********** in *** ********* *********** ******* *** ********** neurons ** *** ventral ********* area of *** ***** inducing *** ******* ** ******** in *** ******* ************* ** *** ***** that ******** ****** ******** *** *** assignment of ******** ** ********* ************* stimuli ********** ** ** agent **** ****** ****** receptors ************ *** ********* ******** The *** ** Naltrexone ****** a ********* ** ******** ****** ** *** ******* accumbensand * ********* ** ******* ****** *** ****** of environmental cues *** associated ******* ******* *** also ** ******* by ************ with *************** antagonists ********** ******** ********** ******** ********** *** been ***** ** ******** ******* *** ** ********** 2008) ***** *** ******* effective ********* ******* to *** ** *** ********* ** alcoholism ***** ********** target ******** impulses *********** **** the ******* and even ******** ******** ******** **** effects **** *** associated with *** *** ** ******* ******* groups *** ********** ******* *** ** ********* ******* ** ********** treatment of ********* ********** ******** ********* of addictions ********* as **** ** ******** is * ********* ******** getting ******* the ******* ****** *** ** **** of the **** ********* ** treatment *** a half-life ******* ******* eternity ** *** initial ******* of ********* *** *** augmented with therapy and ******* *** ****** *** * **** ****** ****** they will ****** ** ***** *********** behaviors *** problems ********* within the person Addiction has ***** ** *** environmental and ******** ************************* ********* *** ******** ** the ********** *** biggest contributor ** *** success ** **** ******* will be *** desperation to *** ****** ** her previous behavior ** ** *** ****** of *** ************ ** *** behavior *** ******* from groups family ******* ************* and clergy ** **** ** ********** therapy ******** **** provides *** ******** ******** Medication **** *** **** *** ******* *** it *** adjust the ***************** ********** and ************ ** ************************************* * * ****** ********** *** *** Management ** Alcohol ********** *** ******* Journal ** ******** 359(7) ******* doi:http://doiorg/101056/NEJMct0801733Ferster C * ***** **** ********* ** ************* Journal of *** ************ ******** of ******** ******* Retrieved from ********************************************************************* J E ***** *** * ****** Medication ********** ** ************ ******** Minnesota ******** ***** 44-48 ********* from https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-govezpwaldenulibraryorg/pmc/articles/PMC1857322/Grant J * ****** B * ***** ********* * * ****** Pharmacological treatments ** ************ ******** ******* Journal of ******** ************ ***** ******* ********* from ********************************************************************************* College ****** ***** ******* 3) ******** ********* ******** *** **** ***** ***** ** **** *** ******* ******** ******* Daily ********* from ************************************************************** * Grant * ***** D & **** * (2001) Double-blind naltrexone *** ******* ********** ***** ** *** ********* of ************ gambling **** Psychiatry ****** *************** ********* on ******* Abuse and ********** (2005 ****** ***** *** ******* ****** in *** ********* ** Alcohol *** Disorders ********* from ***** ****** **** ********* for the Prevention *** ********* of ******* *** ********** ******************************************************************************************* S * ****** Essential Psychopharmacology ******* Prescriber's ***** **** ed) ********* from *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

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