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What expectation of privacy do you think the patient has with you, as her nurse?
What expectation of privacy do you think the patient has with you, as her nurse?
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*********************** ****************** Date DiscussionAs * ***** * ******* **** *** **** ****** me to ********* a ******* continuum ** **** but also to **** *** the ******* ***** ********** ********* *** ************* **** **** ******* ** **** *** involved ************* ********* ** ** unethical ** ******* *** * patent ** ******* ****** spare **** ** **** ** other public ****** ** ** ****** the **** of conduct expected ** ** ****** ********** ** ******* ******* **** a ******* ** *** ********** ******** ***** * ********* can ********* ** unauthorized ***** *** pick ** ********* *********** ********* *** *********** ***** Even if *** ********* **** ** *** ******** ** is ***** *** ********* ** proper as ** is *********** *** ***** ****** * ******** ** ********** ********* *** patient ******* a nurse ** ***** ** ** peer ******** **** * colleague *** is *** **** ** *** ********* ***** ** **** ******* of * ******* ** ** ********* to **** unethical ********** *********** when **** share patient *********** or **** ** look at records not associated with them *** patient ******* ****** *** ** ********** by * nurse; ********* ********** health ******* ****** **** high levels ** *************** ******* ******* ** ********* or **** management ** ********* ** ********* *** **** ** recording ****** ** * ******* **** **** ** *** **** ** the treatment ******* **** be ******* as * ********** ******* **** ******* to litigation *** * ******** ********** might ******* *** *** hospital ************ ** *** said patient ** * person of ********* in ******* ******** ** ** ************* *** *********** ***** ******* *** ******* can ** ********* ** ****** through *********** ******** that *** ***** **** on **** of ****** ********** with confidentiality * ******* expects * ***** ** ********** the Health ********* Portability *** ************** Act *** ******** deliver *** goals and objectives set on ******* *** *************** particularly **** dealing **** **************************** Issa * ** Akour * ******* A ********** A Abbas * ****** F ***** ********* * (2020) ******* *************** ******** and ******* safety ******** ***** ********** health ******* ************* ******* Review 67(2) *************** N ***** *********** * ****** ********** ** ******* and *************** as * ******* right: ************* and nurses’ viewpoints Biomedical Research ***** *********