“We are focusing on simple, everyday processes that a majority of us encounter. In addition, we are not dealing with processes that would normally take an extended time (months or years) to complete (
Rhetorical Analysis Essay The link below is what the essay is supposed to be over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbihoXj0QwM
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.580057/full https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34459069/ using the website above 1. make a Preliminary Thesis statement: The specific argument tha
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1. Why do you think Calixta allowed the affair to happen, or was she “raped” or imposed upon by Alcee? In other words, to what extent is Calixta a victim or an engineer? Use textual references to answ
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WEEK 7 Week 7 Assignment - Professional Experience: Presentation Narration OutlineOverviewThe Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in
Hawaiian Culture Analysis Essay (3-4 pages + Works Cited Page) You are encouraged to use multiple critical theories, critiques, and connections when analyzing different parts and aspects of the Hawaii
Look at attachment
First Reformed (2017) by Paul schrader In a 1-2 page essay compare and contrast the characters Job from Book of Job and Reverend Toller from First Reformed? How are they alike, and how are they diff
Purpose and Audience analysis on this topic A.Overtime payment is a way to prevent qualified teachers from leaving. B. Educating students about their health as a mandatory service. C.How can parents
Jody Smith, a retired nurse with three adult children and numerous adult grandchildren, lives alone in a small rural area. Her income is limited. Two months ago, she fell and broke her left hip. After
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Hi Belina .. the answer you gave me last time was still incorrect can you please edit it again to be correct? This is the feedback that was given to me from your last edit: Presentation: You still
Grammar Questions
Grammar Questions
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Edit the following three paragraphs for AP Style. You are looking for errors and correcting them. All you need to submit is the corrected version of the paragraphs (in paragraph form) to “Lesson Quest
Sonny blues takes place in the 1950s. During the tough times of World War II and in the Harlem renaissance era. It plays an important role in segregation and the civil rights movements. The Important
Why is life precious?
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write a literary analysis on Pink Floyd The Wall. thesis: Pink builds his emotional wall as response to his fathers’ death, his mother’s overprotectiveness, and the social pressure to conform, only
Submit your 1-2 page character analysis essay. I have included the short story link. You must use textual evidence to support your responses. You must use MLA formatting. The rubric for the essay is l
Write a 5 page essay on the short story “Where are you going, where have you been” by Joyce Carol Oat using the formalist criticism approach. i have attached some notes on the short Story, 3 sources i
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For Journal #2, read the “Writing about Stories” handout in “Course Readings” and use that reading to discuss ONE of the “Elements of Fiction” that you find in Hurston’s story (“Sweat”) in “Course Rea
search for the image “Ozymadians” by Percy Shell and read the poem. Write a 150-200 word analysis based on the previous pages and information. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46565/ozymandias
Response Essay #1: For Monday, February 28, write an essay that responds to and/or uses and cites Jennifer Boylan’s essay on summer jobs. 2-3 pages double-spaced. This essay is an exercise in essay st
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I NEED TO HIGHLIGHT ALL THE VERBALS( gerund,infinitive,participle) IN PARAGRAPH THAT I MADE. this is the paragraph In my opinion, change is not something you can prevent from happening. Changes may be
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Hello, I have a persuasive speech (7-10mn) for my Presentation and debates class, Thank You
Personal statement for admission to study Bachelor's of Linguistics. 700 words
Write out your skills presentation that you were practicing in the breakout rooms, when you were talking about the skills you needed for the job you want after graduation.Discuss how networking has ch
I have used these services for myself in the past. I am now reaching out for help for my son. I am attaching the information that he needs.
Option 2: Analysis of a theme Length: 5 pages Sources: 3-4 Due: February 18th by 11:59 PM (via Canvas –no .pages files, please!) Article to read: The Yellow Wallpaperby Charlotte Perkins Gilman Ambi
Assess the emerging language and literacy skills of a preschool age child of your choice (ages 3-6) using the assessment tool assigned (located in Module 3- Child Assessment handouts). Determine the c
What did you watch/tour/experience? Include the title of event and type of cultural enrichment (such as play/symphony/museum/dance).Where did you find it? (specific website location, physical location
Please do a rough draft of a literary essay. No plagiarism Please include the following Claim/statementIntro, body, conclusionlist reasons ,examples, evidence to support your reasons.Include quotes
"Romantic Wedding Vows for Him 175 to 250 words."
first thing is read the article https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/17/well/move/as-workouts-intensify-a-harmful-side-effect-grows-more-common.html?mcubz=0 2nd annotate the article using this format UND
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You've seen some of the appeals, or ways that advertising tries to reach us and make us pay attention, or buy something. So, What are two of the appeals that work for you, and why? Which types of prod
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Write an e-mail to a government or school official in which you propose an effective solution to a problem in your community or school.
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"Romantic Wedding Vows for Him 175 to 250 words."
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can anyone do this?
Please review the YouTube video below. Write a one-page paper on what a microaggression is and your experience with a microaggression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjzWENcW6NQ (Links to an externa
Please review the YouTube video below. Write a one-page paper on what a microaggression is and your experience with a microaggression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjzWENcW6NQ (Links to an externa
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Part 1 The workload in healthcare is increasing and the quality of healthcare is deteriorating as a result. By having social assistive robots to help nurses with their tasks or by taking them over, so
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The extract that you are about to read is from Cotton Mather’s Wonders of the Invisible World. Cotton Mather, the court reporter at the Salem Witch Trials, transcribed the depositions of the accusers
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answer the questions. Here is the link to the movie: https://pinkfloydhyperbase.dk/film/the_wall.php
a bibliography on Syd Barret and Roger Waters. MLA format.
Is it possible to do this work?
Please see attached photos
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WEEK9 ENGLISH 315 The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is
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WEEK6 ENGLISH315 For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation you developed in Week 5. As discussed in Week 5, the PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organizatio
WEEK 5 ENGLISH 315 The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it i
ENGLISH 315 WEEK4 In this assignment, you will use the scenarios from our Week 2 assignment as the basis for a block business letter in which you communicate bad news to the recipient. Note that this