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3.7 Discussion: Choosing Innovations To Solve Crime Problems First, choose from the following types of crime problems to focus on in your answer. Whichever you choose is a type of crime that has seen

3.7 Discussion: Choosing Innovations To Solve Crime Problems 

First, choose from the following types of crime problems to focus on in your answer. Whichever you choose is a type of crime that has seen a 25% increase in the past 3 months citywide and has generated calls from the media and public for the APD to do something about this worsening issues.

  1. Option A: Violent crime (e.g. homicides, aggravated assaults and robberies)
  2. Option B: Property crimes (i.e. burglaries, larcenty thefts, motor vehicle thefts and car break ins)
  3. Option C: Disorder crimes (public drinking, loitering, noise complaints, disorderly conduct, vandalism, littering etc.)
  4. Choose one of the following innovative police tactics covered in module 3 as the MAIN focus of your response to your chosen crime problem.  Problem-oriented policing:
    1. Hot spots policing
    2. Broken windows policing
    3. Compstat
  5. Briefly describe the chosen response and argue why you think it’s the best fit for reducing your chosen crime problem.
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