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Based off the two previous case analysis' create a 3rd with these guidelines: Use this excel to create graphs/ tests that are needed and include the tests in the excel file. https://www.mediafire.com
Based off the two previous case analysis' create a 3rd with these guidelines: Use this excel to create graphs/ tests that are needed and include the tests in the excel file. https://www.mediafire.com
Based off the two previous case analysis' create a 3rd with these guidelines:
Use this excel to create graphs/ tests that are needed and include the tests in the excel file.
- Propose and test some meaningful hypotheses that will help Ms. Drout understand and explain the results.
- Include two-sample tests, ANOVA, and/or Chi-Square tests for independence as appropriate.
Write up your findings in a formal document and
- Draw final conclusions about the perceptions of the role of advertising in the reinforcement of gender stereotypes and the impact of empowerment advertising.
An important aspect of business analytics is good communication. Write up your answers to this case formally in a well-written report as if you were a consultant
Both Previous Case Analysis:
Follow the same format and both the word document and excel file with charts are needed.