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Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Solution of Global Warming within Pacific Northwest.A sufficient water supply is essential for energy production, agriculture, and ecosystems in the r
Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Solution of Global Warming within Pacific Northwest.
A sufficient water supply is essential for energy production, agriculture, and ecosystems in the region. . The better part of the area's water is contained naturally in winter snowpacks located in the high areas. The snowpack heats up and flows into rivers sometime in spring and summer when there is insufficient rainfall. Climate change is a threat to the natural storage, and significant influence will be on the timing of water availability in streams and rivers all year round.Increased winter temperatures are predicted to result into more precipitation as rainfall in place of snow. Consequently, there will be a decrease in snow accumulation. The currently available April 1st snowpack, which is evidence of natural water availability for the warm season is predicted to decline by a high of 40 % by the year 2040. The reduction in the level of snowpack and ultimately water will most likely lead to drought in the summer season. Higher temperatures are predicted to result into more precipitation falling as rainfall. Consequently, the winter storm will rise. The changes would lead to winter flood risks. .Changing river flows will strain water management and deepen current demand for water. Water uses in the Northwest currently include hydropower, agricultural irrigation, municipal uses, and protection of the environment. . An increase in temperatures and population results in demand and strain on water supply. A decrease in summer stream flows results into reduced supply in electricity.