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Requirement: 1,250 words, double spaced, font Times Roman 12 pt, NO PLAGIARISMMovie: Unforgiven by Clint Eastwood (1992)ONLY use attached readings and articles from Peer-reviewed Journals, to discuss

Requirement: 1,250 words, double spaced, font Times Roman 12 pt, NO PLAGIARISM

Movie: Unforgiven by Clint Eastwood (1992)

ONLY use attached readings and articles from Peer-reviewed Journals, to discuss the following question:

_ Unforgiven refers to the genre’s rules of spatial representation and features the genre-typical dichotomies of “law vs. justice” and “nature vs. civilization” that are linked to this representation in a reflected way.

_ Discuss the film and its portrayal of spatial representations, de-territorialization and re-territorialization of the filmic spaces and character identification, specific roles and positions

MAIN QUESTION to discuss => What does Eastwood, the auteur, accomplish with his exploration of space? How does he do that?

Follow this grading criteria:

-CONTENT: The writer includes sufficient material so that the audience gets a clear idea of the distinguishing features of the film. Detail is selective, enhancing a reader’s understanding, and supports central argument. Unfamiliar terms are made concrete, and necessary background information is provided.

-FORM: The writer includes an encouraging opening, establishing the film to be discussed and the thesis to be argued. The writer uses summary to make general points and identifies specific details to support any argument, opinion, or judgment. The ending is as engaging as the opening, concluding on a note of interest.

-TONE: The writer establishes a creditable tone through use of appropriate language level (avoiding colloquial language use) and providing a balanced viewpoint.

-LANGUAGE: The writing is clear, easy to follow, and well edited.

DUE in 12 HOURS 1,250 words critical essay on spatial representation in Unforgiven by Clint Eastwood (1992)

DUE by March 1, 2019, 7pm ET USA 

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