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Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 5 Length: This assignment must not be longer than two pages. Instructions For this assignment, you will choose a topic for

Weight: 15% of your final course grade

Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 5

Length: This assignment must not be longer than two pages.


For this assignment, you will choose a topic for your Research Paper (Assignment 5) that is relevant to any of the units in this course (some topics are suggested below). You must then submit a proposal for the research paper by providing information about the following three elements:

  • Research question: The question you plan to answer. You can also re-state the question as a thesis, which is the position you plan to take on the topic
  • Supporting arguments: The main arguments you plan to use to support your thesis (you may use bullet points).
  • Sources: At least 5 sources that you intend to use in your paper. Three of your sources MUST be peer-reviewed academic sources (articles that are found in academic journals or scholarly books). Note that this is the MINIMUM number of sources at this stage of your research paper; you will need at least 7 sources for your Annotated Bibliography (Assignment 4) and final Research Paper (Assignment 5).

Note that Wikipedia and other “crowdsourced” websites are not considered appropriate sources for a scholarly paper. It is recommended that you submit your research essay outline by the time you complete Unit 5 to allow for tutor feedback prior to drafting your research paper (Assignment 5). Cite your sources in a consistent style format (e.g., MLA Style, APA Style, Chicago Manual of Style; use the most recent edition).

Suggested Topics

You may choose your own topic that relates to course themes or choose a topic from the following list:

  • What is the impact of neoliberalism on Indigenous women in Canada?
  • Do information and communication technologies (ICTs) represent a valid solution for reducing Canada’s growing “democratic deficit”?
  • Did the Canadian state’s response to the COVID-19 crisis constitute a triumph or failure of governance in Canada?
  • Is globalization as transformative as some analysts suggest? For whom? Discuss the negative impacts of globalization for Indigenous Peoples around the world.
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