.Choose one of the following topics for an essay developed by comparison and contrast using three points of analysis. The topic you decide on should be something you care about so that the examples
Shakespeare: Is love a stabilizing or destabilizing force? How does love impact those experiencing the emotion? How does love impact people around
Paper #2 Topics Instructions: You will compare and contrast 2 films. You may switch out a film if it is not listed in the topics below with another...
The purpose of this assignment is to learn about information literacy by exploring the concept of peer review. You may be familiar with peer review
I need a seven-page essay on leadership in your community. The title of the essay should be "Ask not what your community can do for you but what can you do for your community"?It has to express the im
Which is the best option for correcting the fragment: Whether ARRO accepts our offer or not. - Hinging upon whether ARRO accepts our offer or not.
Track the major argument of the following, outline it, and then respond to it briefly by thinking of an example from your own experience, a point of
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Thesis Statement In The Wife Of Bath's Tale the author Geoffrey Chaucer shows a contrast between being noble/ rich vs poor/peasant in consideration
ory descriptions of consonants in this file, what would you expect the difference between [t] and an [s] to look like in static palatography pictures?...
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Question: Identify the part of speech or the form of a part of speech in the underlined portion of each sentence. The yellow house down the street...
Do my home work
I need help on the questions based on the reading Chief Seattle's "Letter to President Pierce, 1855" and Abraham Lincoln's "The Gettysburg Address."
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Having familiarized yourself with the Argument from Literature assignment guidelines, choose a short story from Part Two of the textbook you would
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Pandora is the first woman, the gift of Zeus to man. An "evil" gift, it would appear, since we know He is upset at Prometheus for having given the gift of fire to human beings without asking Him first
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Compare one work, author, or character from a work to another we have studied in this same module or previously in the course.
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Review the Essay 2 Guidelines in the Assignments Overview page under the Start Here tab. Then, after reviewing feedback from your classmates in the Writer’s Workshop and revising and editing your wo
Purpose:Critical analysis is a vital part of learning. The goal of this assignment is to help you practice your skills in reading mainstream media articles and being able to critically evaluate it as
Using the research completed in Lesson 8, together with the techniques developed in Lessons 9 and 10, complete a PowerPoint presentation geared...
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Original work please!!Now, your job is to develop your own position on Wikipedia by entering the critical conversation with an argumentative essay of your own.To complete this assignment, compose an e
Our memories and experiences—our personal contexts—are not just mysterious, invisiblenebulas floating somewhere in our brains. In fact, life writing theory tells us that what weremember is irrevoc
This is My Topic:What is your great idea or passion?I’m passionate about animals, especially ones that are going extinct such as the rhino. The primary danger to rhinos is poaching. Rhino horn is
evaluate the role of the Classical tradition (Greek and/or Roman values and characters) in Dante the pilgrim's journey through Hell to salvation.
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I need help on the following paragraph below from Common Sense by Thomas Paine. "Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET...
In one well-developed paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details, explain how the information in the historical fiction piece "Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radioactivity" deepens your
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In this discussion, you need to think about the role narratives play in your current or future job. Think about a time where you needed (or will need) to describe a sequence of events or tell a story
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I REALLY need help with questions based on the following readings William Cronon's "The Trouble with Wilderness" and David Foster Wallace's "Consider...
20 Most Common Grammar ErrorsWrong WordComma After Introductory ElementDocumentation Common ErrorPronoun ReferenceSpellingQuotation ErrorUnnecessary CommaCapitalizationMissing WordFaulty Sentence Stru
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Your third writing assignment (WA #3) in WRTG 391 will be a six-source essay, or an expanded synthesis. This essay will lead you to your final essay (WA #4), a multiple-source synthesis essay, also kn
This discussion task is designed to help you learn how to analyze research studies on your own topic for WA #3.To complete this task, you will read over the following two articles:Dante E. Mancini,
Question: The question is:
Consider Douglass's speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" What logic does he use to make his point?
In this discussion, you will practice responding to quotes. You can interact with a quote by imagining that you are in conversation with the author. Imagine the author is speaking the quote to you. Y
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Discuss how the poems " A Drunkard" by Elizabeth Bishop and "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath might "speak to one another" or "with/against" one another. Your...
Near the end of "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Harriet Jacobs writes: "The bill of sale!" Those words struck me like a blow. So I was sold...
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Essay Three: Academic Exposition Essay Assignment Sheet Your Task:
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Which is correct? Which of the following correctly uses APA format to in-text cite?
We have learned this week about deductive reasoning, including what it takes for an argument to be valid .
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Do social media enhance or hinder interpersonal relationships?
Which of the following options uses parentheses correctly?
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Bursting Air?" Does she use the word "bombs" literally or figuratively? What are some specific examples of "bombs" that she talks about in the essay?...
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Why School Vouchers Can Help Inner-City Children1. Compare Schmoke’s method of arguing his thesis with the Anti- Defamation League’s method. Is one method more effective than the other? Why or w
What is the speaker saying and what does this show about the speaker and/ or the character being referred to in the quote?
Basic Grammar Questions! Poppins, Mac's dog, [barks/bark] at other dogs often. The two auditors [has given/have given] agreeing opinions on the audit...
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Topic: Work And FamilyResearch Questions: What are three family-friendly measures companies can use to make workers more productive and happy?..Review the Body Paragraphs Sample Assignment to give
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For this discussion board, please answer the following questions over "The Swimmer" in paragraph format. Be sure to include evidence from the story in the form of quotes or paraphrases in your answe
Two key perspectives in environmental ethics are anthropocentrism, meaning human-centered, and ecocentrism (or biocentrism), meaning nature-centered,...
Which of the positions described above best represents your own and why? What constitutes freedom for non-human animals, specifically?
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The formal report fulfills the purpose of the assignment, to compare two career choices and recommend one to a client. The report fulfills the
For this assignment you will rewrite “Barn Burning” with contemporary twist in that it is set sometime during the late 20 through the 21st century ending in the late 90s. You may change the names,