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HOW DID KENNEDY’S ASSASSINATION CHANGE THE MEDIA? President John F Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November 1963. The assassination was strongly believed to be a conspiracy issue of which the media p


President John F Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November 1963. The assassination was strongly believed to be a conspiracy issue of which the media played significant role in bringing out these revelations. He was a young visionary president whose ambition for the people of America was evident but however he did not live to see his dream come true after he was shot during a public function.


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**** F ******* *** **** ** ***** ** at ****** where ** was ********** ****** ** ******** *** ********** **** **** *** ******* that *** inflicted ** ****** ** his **** The **** *** ***** ** *** ********** ****** *** ******* when President John * Kennedy *** **** leading ** the ************ ** ****** programme *** ************** ** this ************* ***** ** on *** ******* **** days ************* from any normal programs ** *** ******************* ** THE ASSASSINATION *** THE MEDIA:John * *********** ************* *** a ******** ****** for ***** *********** *** ****** ***** ******** ***** ** ******* Such * tragic ******** crated ******* *** ********* ** **** **** ***** bore **** coverage that ** ******** ***** ** present *** ***** **** presented ** ******* *** ** ***** ********** ***** ** utilized ** the ***** ** ***** **** time *********** ** **** ** ************* other ****** functions ** ***** ** the ***** todayThis *** * ******* ***** that ***** determine future ***** ******** **** would ** along **** convenience *********** ******* ** ***** ** ***** numbers of ****** as **** ** create ******** ****** ** the ******* both local and ************* ** largeINCREASED ********** AS * SOURCE ** ******** ************* ** ********* **** * ******* ********** impacted ** *** ***** ** expressing ** ** * ***** source ** *********** ***** **** **** **** was ****** by several ******** ********** ** *** dynamics ** ***** people **** *********** *** ********** ** *** media **** *** ** ****** ** terms of *** ******** ****** as well ** *** ******** ****** in *** role ** ******* *********** to *** ***** ******************** *************** ************* *** an eye ****** on *** *********** of the ***** on *** *********** **** ** going ****** the ***** The **** ******** that *** media took to ********* *** ******* ***** within ******* ******** * ******** point ** *** ******** ** media ****** on the ********* ** **** time information  · ***************** people could *** believe **** *** ***** ** ** avoiding ********** ****** This can *** be ********* by *** response of *** media ** *** ************* ** information adopted since the ************* ** President John F ******* ****** *** *** **** ** **** wrong ********** **** ****** ******* ***** *********** ***** be ******* ** a **** **** ***** with ******** ******** viewers ** **** a glimpse of *** ********* **** *** information;The ***** ******** ******** from *** ***** **** ******** * **** *** *********** ** order ** ******* insight ** the events *** ***** ****** **** **** ********* **** **** for information *** now **** *********** *** the **** ****** ** media ******* ** ********* **** has **** encompass new ************ **** internet *** social networks as ***************************** ** *** *********** ** *** **************** * journalist ** *** **** ***** **** ********** *** ***** ** **** ******** ****** *** ********* ** **** ****** ******* ** ************** ** observed that ********** journalism ****** to make ****** ********** when ** came ** the ********* of ****** ** *** creation ** * dignified ******* ** ***** that *** ******* ****** ** *** ***** ******** ********** moves ** order ** ***** fracas **** *** ****** which ***** ********* *** *********** ** ************************************ after *** assassination *** ***** was ********** *********** the police ** **** The ***** demanded * constant ************** ** *** ********* matters **** *** ****** ******* ********* ******** *********** ******* ********** ***** **** the ****** **** ***** in ** ***** demands and therefore ************ on **** ******* ********** ********** *********** *** **** ********** **** **** **** issue gives **** ** * ***** ******* *** *** **** ** *** ****** *********** after *** assassination *** ********* *** named Oswald *** *** apparently ********** ** *** ************ ** new *********** **** ****** *** thus ***** **** **** *** ********** ***** at *** ****** **** has *** to the ***** ******** ** relevant *********** such ** the ****** who *** responsible *** ************* issues *** crimes ********* bringing ***** ** *** truth **** ****** transpires ***** *** after ***** ****** * report ** Warren ********* **** ********* *********** ** *** ***** ********* *********** that *** ******* ** *** ****** ******* to ************ ********** ** *** ********** *********** ************** *** *** ********* ** ****** live ****** ** *** media ******** ** **** ******* ************ ***** **** *** ***** *** attest ** **** ********* ** the ***** ******** ***** *** ***** **** *** been **** to ********** *** need ** inform *** ****** ** **** ****** ****** them just as aware ** ***** *** *** ** the ***** ** the ***** **** *** also enabled the ************* ** the ****** ** ****** ****** *** other ******* that ******* them ****** ******** ** *************** ******** *** thus ********* ******** ** ********* live ****** ** *** spot ********** its relevance ** its ability ** **** *** **** ********** ***** ************* ***** Now * ****** can *********** *** *** hear **** ** going on around the ***** at *** ******* ** **** *** seat at any ***** ********** the ************** **************** ********* *** ***** *** ************* of ********* **** F Kennedy ***** force **** *** *** to *** ****** involvement of *** public *** ********* world ** ***** *********** ******* *** ***** ***** has been made * ******* ** *** use ** private ********* ***** ** *** ********* ***** coverage MEDIA ************* media *** since **** become an important factor ** the **** ** human beings Through **** ***** demand ** *** ******** required **** ** it *** ******** infinitely ** ***** *** needs ** *** ********** ***** ******** ****** *** internet *** ****** ***** ** *** new ***** ** *** ******* *** Media *** now **** increasingly **** ** an inevitable **** ** *** ***** of humans ** is **** ******* ***** that *********** and ************* have **** **** ** spread their agendas *** ***** ** masses without necessarily ****** to ***** ***** ***** in ******** meeting *** ****** ***** ** ******* to ******* ************** media ********* and internet **** **** ********* ** ***** use *** ***** ********** ** **** in ***** ** *** accurate *** ******** *********** ***** ** around *** ***** *********** ********* * ****** *** ******** ******** ** information ********** ***** and **** the *********** of ***** beings COVERAGE ** ********************* *** ************* of ********* **** * ******* in 1963 ******** to **** ***** at * time when ***** was ** important ****** ***** a *** **** ***** **** ******* * ******* ** ******* the much anticipated sports ***** ***** **** place **** *** **** confusion that arose as * ****** ** the ************* * crucial ******** **** ***** ********* **** ****** ************* *** ********** * ****** *** *** Media ******** **** ***** ** ***** ** *** ******* ******* ********* *** the then-rival American ******** ****** postponed *** ***** ******** to this **** Brown ***** of *** ********** Bengals *** * ******* **** ** thought ** *** right ** play the ****** ** said "You just ***** **** ***** ****** **** ******* **** *** **** to **** ** ** ** **** * ***** President Kennedy ***** have ******** that" ******* **** ******* ***** including Nebraska versus ******** **** ****** *** *** ***** ********* ********* *** * ***** ********** therefore that **** tragic ****** ******* ***** ******* *** accorded the respect **** **** ******** ****** *** create ******** *** ******** ** ******* **** ****** take ***** ** not *** thus media would ***** ** ******* to ****** on ****** ******* ** ******* ***** since **** *** come of *** and has *** uncriticized freedom ** their ********* ** *** ***** ************ of *** ********* *** media can **** ******* **** *** matters ***** ****** the world ****** ** see **** ***** ******** ****** **** ************ ways that ***** *** other ****** ******* *********************** media ******** ***** **** ******* ** ***** publicity ** *** ****** **** would attract attention ****** *** social economic and ********* ****** By ***** ********* ********* of the ************* incident there was * clear expression of ***** ****** in ******** ** ********* to ******* *** ******* **** touched ** *** ********** attention *** ************** ************** *** television ******** ** *********** ************* began ** would continue ** *** * ****** length ** time **** of the ******** **** ********** ******** on ******** 22 **** **** *** **** ***** ** ******* ***** **** This *** ****** *** continuous ******** ** ****** ******* ****** **** **** ****** **** ********* ** the ******* life Besides this *** ******** ** **** ****** *** ***** **** **** able ** ** ******* on a ********** ***** **** * *** hours ** **** **** ******* **** **** depend on *** relevance and the ********** of *** ****** ** ******** *** ********* *** shot ***** was * ********** **** coverage ** *** ***** ***** *** **** ** was officially ********* **** *** coverage continued *** ******* ******* ***** ** uninterrupted ****** of *** event This *** to *** **** *** ** ******* programming and *** *********** ** ********* ** 1963 ***** had been * ******* ****** ** ******** ** **** ***** was ***** television **** *** **** *********** *** **** ** came **** **** channels **** ** ******** ** ********** ** ***** ******** specials ** Kennedy *** *** assassination ******** in ******** 1988 ******* to *** *********** ** ***** ******* *********** their lives *** ***** making **** relevant **** ***** ******** ***** *** ****************************** *************** **** ****** *********** available ** who had ********* *** ***** ****** ****** **** **** ** **** *** * ******* The ***** was very much ******* of *** *** *** actually *** ** the ************* *** **** ******* determined to ******* *** **** ***** that **** ** **** ***** **** had *** ****** to **** into the matter *** ** **** as the police **** *** **** ******** **** *** ******** that ***** ****** *** ***** and lead to *** ********** ** the ********* involved Through speculation * ******* named Lee ****** ****** *** ******** ** connection ** *** murder of ******* ******* who *** believed ** ** ******** ******** in *** ******** ***** covered this development ** ****** thereby flocking *** Dallas Police ************ ***** Oswald *** **** in ******* **** mass ** *********** crowded ** a ******** ***** ******* *************** leading to *** ******* ** *** ***** ******* which *** strongly seen ** conspiracy ******* ** **** ******** ** the ************* ******** This *** ** *** ****** **** *** ***** *** interfering **** *** ************* ************** **** **** **** fresh ** the moment in ********* to *** assassination ** *** president ***** ***** hundreds ** ********* flocked ** *** ******* **** ** they had **** in ****** in ***** ** ***** the ************** parallel ********* ** ******** lead ** excitement ***** **** ***** *** ***** ***** ** **** ** cover and more ** uncover ******* of *** ************* ** ********* **** * ******* **** ***** **** * few **** ***** *** **** ******* ** Garrison’s ************** **** ******* ** *** **** *** the ***** ** *** **** into ************* ********* to ******* *** ***** ******* *** happenings that surrounded *** two incidents *** ***** *** **** tasked **** setting ** investigations ** *** Garrison ******** ************** ***** ***** **** *** that ****** *** **** released *** then ***** **** of natural ****** ** ******** ** ******* ***** ******** thus ***** be **** ******* ** revealing ****** and ******** ** to *** ******* ****** ********* *** relevant *********** Since **** *** ***** has **** instrumental ** *********** *** uncommon *** ****** ***** to bring out important revelations **** *** ********** ** *** *********** ** ******* **** ** ***** of their economies ********* and *** ****** ***** ** ***** ****** thereby ********* ********** ** ***** ****************** ** ******************* John * *********** impact ** ***** ******** *** ******* ** ******* *** *** ********* would ** ********* in ***** to facilitate *** ****** ******** and *** ************* ** *********** **** *** little *********** ** who *** committed the ***** *** relevant ****** authorities in ****** **** ** to * **** task ** *********** ******** *** ********** **** **** ***** **** ** *** ********** of *** suspects ** *** ********* the ******** ********** ** *** ***** *** ****** ** have ********** information ** all what *** ********* *** ***** flocked ** *** ****** jail ** ***** Oswald was ***** **** The ****** ******* ** * result ** this ************ ** *** ***** seeking to see ****** *** *** ** the ****** ************ by **** *** media ****** ** ****** to police *********** such ** not ****** ****** ********* ***** *** ***** *** as they ******* ** him asking ** ** had ****** ********* ******* to ***** ****** ********* *** ** * state ** ********* owing to *** **** **** ********** him It ******* ******* * ***** where *** ****** ***** not ******* *** ***** besides *************** ** those who ******* *** ****** ******* were ********** **** ********* ** not *** ***** also **** **** ******* at *** ****** **** ****** *** ***** transported ** *** **** on *** ******* ** ******** ** **** **** **** ***** ** ***** **** it ******** *** **** **** ** **** **** *** police ************ ******** ** *** not ********** ** do ** ** ********** ******* *********** live Ruby ****** *** * *** *** **** ****** **** ***** ******* a major *** *********** in *** ************* *** *** ***** an event **** the ***** had * ***** **** in causingThe ****** ********** *** ******* ** ********* ******* ** November ** 1963 which was ***** ** investigate *** ************* ** ********* ******* **** *** Warren Report ***** *** published ** ********* ** 1964 it ******** ****** **** *** ***** held **** ************** for *** problems **** ******** *********** ************* *** fact **** * **** level ********** ************* ***** *** ***** guilty ** ******** a ******* ********* ** *** police ************ ** **** ** ** *** *** ** ********** ******* ***** ****** ***** **** **** was ****** *** **** ***** ******* ***** ***** ** ******** and ********** ********** *** ****** ********** came ** the ********** **** *** ***** *** ******* *********** *** *** mishappenings **** followed the ********************** following **** ******* ** *** ********** **** ******** the ************* ** * ****** ** *** ****** Commission report then *** ***** was bound ** **** ********** *********** ** ***** ****** ** *** ********* ** *********** Media ******** has ***** **** ******* ** ** ********* profession ***** identification ***** and *************** *** *** ***** drivers of *** ****** spirit ** ************* information ******* the ************ *********** incident pertaining **** assassination *** ** coverage on ******** ****** **** ***** **** **** ************* ** unintentionally ****** from *** ****** The ******** ** ************ ************* *** shown on ********** *** ***** * ******* on June ** **** ******** ****** JFK *********** The **** ** *** *********** Besides **** In *** *** special ******* of ************ ********* were *********** ** *** *** witnesses *** **** *********** explained *** ******** had bribed **** ** them **** things **** money *** ***** ******* **** jail **** **** this ****** it *** ***** out **** *** ** ************ *** ********* *** his ************* **** discounted *** the witnesses agreed **** indeed they *** **** ****** ***** *** * fact **** *** ***** to **** *** ** *** public as **** as authorities ********* ****** it *** a ***** hazard that *** ***** ****** a great **** in its ********** ******* shedding ***** on the ********** exposes *** common **** *** been ******* *** ********* ***** participation ** *** **** *** truth and ******* *** all This ***** *** ******* ***** ** the ****** of ****** ills **** as corruption and bribery immorality *** other social **** **** ***** ****** *** society at ********* ****** by *** media **** ******** ** the *********** ** ********* ******* ***** ***** had a *********** impact ** the role ** *** ***** in the ****** for ***** and *** **** ** override ********* **** *** ***** ** **** *** public *** of the *************************** ******** ** *** ***** of *** Assassins: My ************* *** *********** ** the Murder ** ********* Kennedy **** York: Sheridan Square 1988)Alan Brinkley **** F ******* **** ***** ***** Holt *** ** 2012)Edward *** ******* *** ************* Chronicles: Inquest *********** *** Legend **** ***** Carroll ***** Graf 1992)John William *** ***** in ******* **** York: ******* ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** * *** ***** ** America: * History *********** **** Publishing Horizons 1989)Barbara Zelizer ******** *** Body (The University ** ******* ****** ***** *******

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